Action Notes v.1.HS

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Thread: "If Spontaneous Human Combustion is a 'myth'why do we keep seeing NEWS articles on it? "

Action: Closed and moved to Cesspool.

Public warning issued to LeBlanc for starting yet another thread on on this subject in Human Science after the notes in this thread and the fact that two other such threads already exist and were moved to Pseudoscience.
Thread: "Did you know that during the Full Moon there are 50% more murders? "

Action: Closed and moved to Cesspool.

Side Note: Requests were made to LeBlanc to cite his sources for his claims and for the direct quote he copied and pasted in his OP and that failure to do so would result in the thread being closed and moved to the Cesspool. He refused and then failed to provide the information upon further request.

Mod Note stated in the thread:

Mod Note

Since LeBlanc has failed to provide any links to assert his claims, nor has he provided any links for what he apparently quoted directly in his OP, this thread will now close and be Cesspooled.

LeBlanc, please consider this your public warning from me that if you wish to quote or copy from other sources or make claims, you will need to be able to cite your sources. Failure to do so is a breach of this site's rules. If you continue to do so, then further moderator action will be taken against you.
Thread: "Please help with my science fair project "

Action: Moved to Cesspool.

Note: First thread with exact same link to a survey site which currently has no survey to fill out was deleted. This thread, which has been moved to the Cesspool also has a link which does not work at present.

Please keep in mind that this site is not and should not be used as a tool to finish one's homework.
Thread: 'Women reaches equality to man after..... '

Action: Moved to Cesspool

Note: One would have hoped that we had moved past the point where male and female superiority was a thing of the past. It seems we have not.
Thread: '6 Legged Baby '

Action: Moved to Health and fitness

Note: Please take note of the description under Human Science "psychology, cognition, sociology, anthropology, archaeology"..
Thread: 'human response machine'

Action: Moved to Cesspool[/QUOTE]

Notes: Wow was the only thing that could be said at this one..
Women with 2 vaginas: 1 in a million - Moved

Thread: Women with 2 vaginas: 1 in a million

Action: Closed and moved to Cesspool.

Note: This topic is quite an interesting one and if someone wishes to start another one and leave out the puerile innuendo and leave out the vagina jokes, that would be fine.
Last edited:
Edited gmilam and Sibilia's posts in Humanistic Behaviorism" to remove photo of member, which had been posted without clear and open public consent from said member.

Appropriate warning was issued.
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