What if God calls it quits?

I can't see how my post contravenes this statement

so the desire for an effect (say, a burning match stick) that is understood to manifest through a cause (say, striking a matchbox with the said match stick) is a logical fallacy?
Where have I indicated that? I am merely saying that you are looking at unequal "cause" and "effect" - and in doing so arrive at your illogical conclusions - because you are cherrypicking the elements of the "cause" and the elements of the "effect" that suit your sophistry.
It doesn't work, LG. Either you know it doesn't and are thus being dishonest, or you actually don't know the underlying principles that you're discussing.

so for a person desiring to learn something from attending a lecture (an effect), it is not a requirement that the person giving the lecture also attends (a cause)?
Again - cherrypicking to suit your argument.:rolleyes:

You are being simplistic in your interpretation and in doing so reaching the illogical conclusion you are. The cause can not be any more or any less than the effect in anything other than subjective interpretation of their value - which in itself is but part of the grand cause / effect chain.

the quality of knowledge and the quality of omnipotency necessitates expanding potency and expanding knowledge - if an entity knows the extent
of their potency, their potency no longer becomes omnnipotent
So basically you want your cake and eat it?
And you are also not countering the claim that this Entity is inferior to one whose knowledge is already infinite.

for one subscribing to atheistic ideals, perhaps ...
Last time I looked a non sequitur is a non sequitur regardless of what you may think of the person who claimed it. Your counter argument to the claim of it being a non sequitur is an ad hom.

If you don't think it is a non sequitur - please explain why not rather than answer it with some glib comment that merely implies you have no answer.
Ok let's try again
see number 2

Saw it. It doesn't answer the question.

we experience disappointment but god doesn't

Did 'God' tell you that?

emotion is necessary for our thinking/willing/feeling - if god also possesses similar (although much greater) capacities for thinking/willing/feeling (like say we will to organize the kitchen and god wills to organize the universe) the need for emotion arises

Why would 'God' have emotion?
M*W: No god can call it "quits," because no god called the "starts." That's a delusion of ignorant humans.
Thanks. That really contributed to the conversation MW. way to be.

Anyways, if God called it quits, chances are pretty good everything would be thrown into chaos. the natural order of things would either be halted or disbanded all together.

The effect would be dramatic in any matter but it could be a slow change or a fast one. does god call it quits and stop controlling things like the movement of the earth? Or does he just let those things dictate themselves and just stop caring all together, waiting for all of us to die natural deaths? Who knows.
Thanks. That really contributed to the conversation MW. way to be.

Anyways, if God called it quits, chances are pretty good everything would be thrown into chaos. the natural order of things would either be halted or disbanded all together.

The effect would be dramatic in any matter but it could be a slow change or a fast one. does god call it quits and stop controlling things like the movement of the earth? Or does he just let those things dictate themselves and just stop caring all together, waiting for all of us to die natural deaths? Who knows.

What makes you say "chances are pretty good"?
Falso alarm, folks.

I just saw God over at Walmart. He decided to stick around for a while to take advantage of the new lower prices. 6 pack of paper towells reduced from 2.99 to 2.94. :)

What a great guy? All that power and all he comes up with is a world of plastic tasting tomatoes and Paris Hilton. :bugeye:

If there is a god judging this god he'd have those typical comments on his report card:

-needs constant attention.
-not performing up to his ability
-anger management issues

-aptitude test and performance to date indicate he's well suited to pursue a career in sheet metal work or windsheid repair.
in other words, "God" is QQ.

That's what this shit is about.

Simply, how can god call it quits? What exists for him to quit with? I don't understand. Can somebody enlighten me please.

I believe this is incorrect.
Are you somehow emplying the defination of god that I mentioned presented & presented by QQ?

If so, the arguement is one of the most interesting things in my existance.
Nothing exists? Somehow, I don't smell this.
If i said i have direct perception God and heaven DONt exist, how would you propose to determine if I was lying?

see how your views coincide scripture

BG 4.9: One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna.

BG 8.16: From the highest planet in the material world down to the lowest, all are places of misery wherein repeated birth and death take place. But one who attains to My abode, O son of Kuntī, never takes birth again.

BG 8.21: That which the Vedāntists describe as unmanifest and infallible, that which is known as the supreme destination, that place from which, having attained it, one never returns — that is My supreme abode.

BG 18.56: Though engaged in all kinds of activities, My pure devotee, under My protection, reaches the eternal and imperishable abode by My grace.

SB 3.4.12: O honest one, your present life is the last and the supermost because in this term of life you have been awarded My ultimate favor. Now you can go to My transcendental abode, Vaikuṇṭha, by leaving this universe of conditioned living entities. Your visit to Me in this lonely place because of your pure and unflinching devotional service is a great boon for you.

etc etc ....

the next question would be if there is some particular reason why your views do not coincide with scripture .....

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
I can't see how my post contravenes this statement


so the desire for an effect (say, a burning match stick) that is understood to manifest through a cause (say, striking a matchbox with the said match stick) is a logical fallacy?

Where have I indicated that? I am merely saying that you are looking at unequal "cause" and "effect" -
cause and effect should be equal?

so for a person desiring to learn something from attending a lecture (an effect), it is not a requirement that the person giving the lecture also attends (a cause)?

Again - cherrypicking to suit your argument.

You are being simplistic in your interpretation and in doing so reaching the illogical conclusion you are. The cause can not be any more or any less than the effect in anything other than subjective interpretation of their value - which in itself is but part of the grand cause / effect chain.
truly bizzare!!

still it remains that one can make yogurt out of milk but one cannot make milk out of yogurt

the quality of knowledge and the quality of omnipotency necessitates expanding potency and expanding knowledge - if an entity knows the extent
of their potency, their potency no longer becomes omnnipotent

So basically you want your cake and eat it?
And you are also not countering the claim that this Entity is inferior to one whose knowledge is already infinite.

I can only assume you didn't read what I posted before you responded

for one subscribing to atheistic ideals, perhaps ...

Last time I looked a non sequitur is a non sequitur regardless of what you may think of the person who claimed it. Your counter argument to the claim of it being a non sequitur is an ad hom.

If you don't think it is a non sequitur - please explain why not rather than answer it with some glib comment that merely implies you have no answer.

perhaps I would have something to respond to if you could tell us why it is a non sequitur (since as far as I can tell at the moment, the only reason it doesn't make sense is because it disturbs your atheistic ideals)
Crunchy Cat
Originally Posted by lightgigantic
Ok let's try again
see number 2

Saw it. It doesn't answer the question.
if emotion is an effect of our consciousness, and if our consciousness is an effect of god, then god, as the cause of all causes must have recourse to these things also

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
we experience disappointment but god doesn't

Did 'God' tell you that?
what to speak of god experiencing disappointment

even those who are properly situated under his shelter don't experience it

SB 4.30.20: Always engaging in the activities of devotional service, devotees feel ever-increasingly fresh and new in all their activities. The all-knower, the Supersoul within the heart of the devotee, makes everything increasingly fresh. This is known as the Brahman position by the advocates of the Absolute Truth. In such a liberated stage [brahma-bhūta], one is never bewildered. Nor does one lament or become unnecessarily jubilant. This is due to the brahma-bhūta situation.

is it possible for disappointment to exist outside the medium of duality?

Originally Posted by lightgigantic
emotion is necessary for our thinking/willing/feeling - if god also possesses similar (although much greater) capacities for thinking/willing/feeling (like say we will to organize the kitchen and god wills to organize the universe) the need for emotion arises

Why would 'God' have emotion?
explained above - if you can elaborate on how one can be conscious and exert an influence without displaying emotion, please do so ...
well if the supreme designer and controller of the universe just throws up his arms and leaves, common sense dictates, we'd be pretty screwed.

Not unless he designed the material universe in such a way that it'd work fine without him. And no one here (or anywhere) knows if that's what he did.

And besides, common sense tends to bend with god. The big guy works in mysterious ways and all that.
see how your views coincide scripture

the next question would be if there is some particular reason why your views do not coincide with scripture .....

Is that supposed to show me God and heaven exist ? :confused:
That is not even near evidence-like...
Not unless he designed the material universe in such a way that it'd work fine without him. And no one here (or anywhere) knows if that's what he did.

And besides, common sense tends to bend with god. The big guy works in mysterious ways and all that.

BG 7.7: O conqueror of wealth, there is no truth superior to Me. Everything rests upon Me, as pearls are strung on a thread.

if you take away the thread from a string of pearls, what will happen?

I believe this is incorrect.
Are you somehow emplying the defination of god that I mentioned presented & presented by QQ?

If so, the arguement is one of the most interesting things in my existance.
Nothing exists? Somehow, I don't smell this.

Well you asked "What exists for him to quit with?". I mean, what about everything ?