The psychology of atheists and theists

Arguing for majority subjectivity as the means of setting the objective bar doesn't seem to raise the bar very high.
But it may.
Could one not have confidence that a majority may well produce the goods.
In any event its all to do with how you choose to look at stuff.
Does your morality (or just in some part) exist outside of your brain?
More to the point, does the "morality in your brain" (which is certainly a bizarre manner to term it) develop and manifest independent of external influence?
But it may.
Could one not have confidence that a majority may well produce the goods.
In any event its all to do with how you choose to look at stuff.
Then you are left open to the prospect of an abhorrent society powering on quite nicely under the jurisdiction of an equally abhorrent Super Ego.
More to the point, does the "morality in your brain" (which is certainly a bizarre manner to term it) develop and manifest independent of external influence?
Of course not.

But, if say, you believed the Adam and Eve thing as total truth, this exchange is pointless.
I've got no idea what you are talking about.
Jan said the question was irrelevant when confronted with it. However: "I've got no idea what you are talking about" is rightfully my line. As you and Jan will not take a stance of "yes" or "no" on the matter...

Do you believe the bible is the word of God and stuff?


Does Jan?


I mean, the two of you might hold hands at the Creationist Museum every Sunday after church for all I know.
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Jan said the question was irrelevant when confronted with it. However: "I've got no idea what you are talking about" is rightfully my line. As you and Jan will not take a stance of "yes" or "no" on the matter...

Do you believe the bible is the word of God and stuff?


Does Jan?


I mean, the two of you might hold hands at the Creationist Museum every Sunday after church for all I know.
You could probably save yourself from firing unnecessary synapses by dealing with individuals, as, well, individuals. I realize it's a bit difficult, being a card carrying atheist and all, that it's sometimes a bit difficult to look at things outside of conglomerates of us and them, but that is the price one has to pay if one wants to be relevant.
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I thought democracy embraces the priciple of being guided by the majority.
As a detail, the founders of modern-day democracy also went to some lengths expressing how it would only function adequately under a moral population.
As a detail, the founders of modern-day democracy also went to some lengths expressing how it would only function adequately under a moral population.
Well they would say that and so they should to remind folk of the responsibilty a democracy demands of its citizens.
It does seem however folk seem to like to believe they have a code or set of morals be they atheist or theist in my view.
Folk fundamentally believe they are right and that their morals are virtuos and I feel most try and live to whatever code they follow.
Better than who or what exactly?
Your abhorrent society. Your words, you define it.
Or are you once again blurring the distinction between God, religion, religious institutions and people who identify as religious?
No, you are trying to deflect the question, as usual.
I wonder how on earth you view the phenomenon of mass shootings in the US as a problem caused by religious adherence.
It just makes it look like you are drawing the shortest route to a strawman at the expense of logic.
No, no, that is a totally fabricated and false statement. Here are my words;
Are you suggesting that God is doing a better job in keeping an abhorrent society in check?
Nothing about religious adherence.
Be a man and apologize.
I would agree that we are conditioned by the social contexts we appear in. I think its strange, once again at the apparent expense of logic for railroading an express route to a strawman, that one would think that our current state of affairs is determined solely and wholly from theistic issues.
Blah, blah.
Well, to ignore the example of communism, you will have to do better than saying something better than "Yay! No God!", everytime someone kills a couple (or a couple million) people.
What exactly are you saying here? That I condone mass killings if committed for reasons other than religion?
Show me where I cited a religiously based murder or war without reference to actual history. Stop your baseless and cheap innuendos. It does your cause for "truth in God" no favor.
You are clearly entering a place where the busses don't run.......o_O
And there's the pinch .... simply saying "there is no God" does not empower the deconstruction of greed, lust, wrath, etc, which are the very things that empower a willful ignorance of action and subsequent reaction.
I don't seek empowerment. Religions do. They were established to wield power over the "sheeple".

And, IMO, declaring that God does not exist is logically a much firmer ground than declaring,
"God IS". Wow..he IS? Well, then that solves the problem.......doesn't it?.....:?
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... and the good news is, it is also yours.
I abhor violence. If you also abhor violence we have a good thing in common, you as theist and I as atheist.
On the contrary, it's your major stumbling block whenever you attempt to discuss these issues.
No, no, the major stumbling block is that you have no evidence for your god when discussing these matters. It is you who is speculating and having to resort to deflection and obfuscation in order to try and intimidate "sheeple" into accepting god as their lord and saviour, unprovable entity.
I don't need evidence or deflection, with me lack of evidence of a god is sufficient to prove my case.
Moreover, recent scientific explanations of "origins" do not require the existence of a god.
I'll stick with science in these matters......:)
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I abhor violence. If you also abhor violence we have a good thing in common, you as theist and I as atheist. No, no, the major stumbling block is that you have no evidence for your god, when discussing these matters. It is you who is speculating on the existence of an unprovable entity.
I don't need evidence, with me lack of evidence of a god is sufficient to prove my case.

Moreover, recent scientific explanations of "origins" do not require the existence of a god.
I'll stick with science in these matters......:)
Not sure how any of this relates to your ideas of religion and society, much less how your ideas of religion and society are coherent.
You could probably save yourself from firing unnecessary synapses by dealing with individuals, as, well, individuals. I realize it's a bit difficult, being a card carrying atheist and all, that it's sometimes a bit difficult to look at things outside of conglomerates of us and them, but that is the price one has to pay if one wants to be relevant.
But I'm not a "card carrying atheist" --I'm one of the people that has given you (and Jan) some of the least responses.

I did, however, give you a straight forward answer and you did not return the favor.
Not sure how any of this relates to your ideas of religion and society, much less how your ideas of religion and society are coherent.
If you get right down to it, you're really not sure of anything, including religion and society and your defense is almost wholly incoherent.
But I'm not a "card carrying atheist" --I'm one of the people that has given you (and Jan) some of the least responses.

I did, however, give you a straight forward answer and you did not return the favor.
Don't hold your breath......:mad:
It does seem however folk seem to like to believe they have a code or set of morals be they atheist or theist in my view.
Folk fundamentally believe they are right and that their morals are virtuos and I feel most try and live to whatever code they follow.
LOL, there is even "honor amongst thieves", supposedly.......:)