Star Trek vs Warhammer 40k

Is that your type of a threat? That won't scare me, there many more forums I can go to.
Great.. You mean there's more like you out there?..

Oh man.

Anyway, everyone knows that a baby only has 1 hp. And an AC of 6? Get real.
I feel kinda stupid, but at least somewhat cool, knowing that I can't tell what all those stats are. LOL

But Im not affraid to ask... can ya list what those are for me?
Great.. You mean there's more like you out there?..

You mean people who know what they're talking about and not talking out of their ass 24/7? Then yes there are.

Edit: Oh and Trekkies are the trademark nerds. There is nothing that can compete with Trek in the nerd department.
You mean people who know what they're talking about and not talking out of their ass 24/7? Then yes there are.

Edit: Oh and Trekkies are the trademark nerds. There is nothing that can compete with Trek in the nerd department.

Ricrery, grow up you child.
You mean people who know what they're talking about and not talking out of their ass 24/7? Then yes there are.

Edit: Oh and Trekkies are the trademark nerds. There is nothing that can compete with Trek in the nerd department.

if your not talking out of your ass than why are your ass cheeks waving in the wind?
I feel kinda stupid, but at least somewhat cool, knowing that I can't tell what all those stats are. LOL

But Im not affraid to ask... can ya list what those are for me?

strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and the one on the bottom you can't see is charisma.
strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and the one on the bottom you can't see is charisma.

Thanks. Constitution is the one I can never remember. Imagine a trek fan not remembering that word.

There was one RPG trait rating for dwarfs that was real high and involved their resistance to sicknesses and poisons and stuff. would that be the same or is there another ?

Sorry for that offtopic discussion. Now back to whatever we were talking about... I think it was comic characters and base delta zero or some shit... no, wait. It was everything vs Star Trek, THATS it. Yes, rice pudding thought he'd spend his free time trying to argue everything he thinks can beat Star Trek.

Problem is, even if he is right... he made a complete ass of himself. So even if we agree with you, kid... we really don't like your company.
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For you or me? I don't need to and you should do it all by yourself. Oh and did you figure out where the *search* button is yet?

Ricrery, I dont need 100,000 sources to tell me that you are an immature little child.

Ricrery, also, your opinion doesn't matter, because when it comes down to it, a dozen members and 3 admins agree in my assessment in you, and none of them believe what nonsense you are spouting.
My my, so a dozen members and 3 admins talk ignorantly now? Base Delta Zero requires 1 ship, one command, and 5 minutes through sheer firepower to render a planet uninhabitable for centuries+, compare that to 80 ships that require chain reaction attacks to render a planet uninhabitable, so I've already proven to you how ST stands no chance against SW. The end, no more ignorance from you today I hope!
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My my, so a dozen members and 3 admins talk ignorantly now?

HEY! That's one admin talking ignorantly, I'll have you know - Bells - not three. Got it? Only Bells is the ignorant admin here. Ok?! Fine then.

Also I think you said some members were being ignorant. Grow up, you members!
My my, so a dozen members and 3 admins talk ignorantly now? Base Delta Zero requires 1 ship, one command, and 5 minutes through sheer firepower to render a planet uninhabitable for centuries+, compare that to 80 ships that require chain reaction attacks to render a planet uninhabitable, so I've already proven to you how ST stands no chance against SW. The end, no more ignorance from you today I hope!

So what your telling me is that you have a star ship, a physcial starship which can vaporize this planet.

Jesus you are such a geek ricr, get a life you childish fool.
So what your telling me is that you have a star ship, a physcial starship which can vaporize this planet.

Jesus you are such a geek ricr, get a life you childish fool.

Look guys! The Trekkie talks about life! Apparently the Trekkie doesn't he is a trademark geek with a trademark life! Enjoy fanboyism fanboy!
Look guys! The Trekkie talks about life! Apparently the Trekkie doesn't he is a trademark geek with a trademark life! Enjoy fanboyism fanboy!

Ricr, the only way you can say "Look guys!" is when you already have everyone on your side, which is not the case because everyone agrees with my assessment of you which is as an insolant little brat that only wants us to kiss his ass.

Ricr, stop acting superior, as a little pre pubescant boy probably still in middle or even lower school you have got no right to antagonize the members of this forum.

Ricr, anyways your the one pulling crap out of his ass and making up figures that are far to impossibly large, I actually did look up on wookiepedia and after about a dozen different searches it failed to give me any sort of number of how powerful a turbolaser is.
Heh heh, I just thought, as big a geek as you are, you probably havent even gotten to first base with a girl thats actually attractive.
It denoted the most severe of several levels of destruction that could be directed against a center of resistance, and involved laying waste to an entire planet by orbital bombardment, reducing the upper crust of a planet to molten slag or in extreme cases going so far as to atomize the planet's top-soil.

A Base Delta Zero fleet bombardment was regarded as one of the most devastating operations that the Imperial military was capable of, and unlike other Imperial military codes, the designation was not subject to change, so that there was never any confusion when it was issued. Due to its effects, BDZs were considered a last resort.

And the Death Star having a bigger hole in RotJ? Are you smoking crack or something it was UNDER CONSTRUCTION and that hole would have been closed.

Turbolasers are lasers? YOU ARE ON CRACK. It is stated turbolasers are a fucking name damn it. They fucking shoot plasma! Besides your pathetic shitty ships do 100 gigawatts and ISD's do 1.2 teratons per turbolaser. Hey retard, did you ever hear of the word google? An ISD can destroy a planet in less than ten minutes. The DS would destroy your pathetic Federation.

This whole thing screams
to me.
And just to drive this point home, out of 20 posts on the entire sciforums all you post is on scifi section.