Raising Children Without the Concept of Sin

You, along with every independent human will be judge by divine law. Period.

Haven't we already been judged by divine law? Didn't Adam and Eve take care of that for us? Aren't we all cursed by God, evil sinners who will eventually die?
Jan Ardena:

Divine law is any law that is understood as deriving from a transcendent source, such as the will of God or gods, in contrast to man-made law. Divine laws are typically regarded as superior to man-made laws,] sometimes due to an understanding that their source has resources beyond human knowledge and human reason. They are accorded greater authority, and cannot be changed by human authorities.
Sure, but how does anybody know what this "divine law" is?

Is it because it's in your favorite "scriptures", all of which were written down by human beings?

How do you know that whatever "laws" are in your scriptures come from God?

As a secondary question, how do you pick and choose among the scriptural laws you follow? Obviously, there are many scriptural laws that you think don't apply to you, like the one saying that you ought to be putting homosexual people to death. How do you decide?

Also, on that topic, you seem to think that the putting-the-gays-to-death law was appropriate for the Old Testament Israelites. Would you like to explain why that law was appropriate for that time and place?

They reflect the mind of God, the divine source.
Yes, hypothetically. But how can mere mortals know about God's divine commandments?

I guess that, along with Adam and Eve, you also believe that God personally handed the Ten Commandments to Moses. Correct?

I don't see the point of going down this road.
It seems to me that your fear of divine judgement is central to your belief in divine law. Perhaps this is a blind spot for you.

Divine laws are for the spiritual benefit of the soul.
Including the ones that say to kill the gays?

All transgressions of God are the original sin.
Your view appears to differ from the general understanding of that term.

You hold that every sin is original sin, do you? Why tack on the word "original", then?

It's not a problem that is facing humanity. It is a spiritual problem that faces humans. Humanity merely reflects that.
Humanity is the collection of human beings. I'm not sure why you feel a need to split hairs here.

Like what?
Well, for example, consider Buddhism. There, the main "problem" is dukkha and the endless cycle of reincarnation. The "solution" that Buddhism offers is the Eightfold Path.

"Sin" is not a central concept in Buddhism.

Everybody knows God.
Yeah, via the magical God sense you claim we all have. Right.

For some reason the Israelites thought they were like any ordinary human being.
In fact, according to the bible, they were God's chosen people. They were a holy people, who knew better than to act the way they did.
Do you believe that the Israelites are God's chosen people and are therefore not "ordinary human beings"?

You say they have "great power". How is this evidenced, according to you?
The Bible is the conscience only for those who choose to abide by it.
Not really, because all who claim to abide by it pick and choose what it is, exactly, that they abide by. The bible is always read selectively, even by the fundamentalists. They never seem particularly concerned about mixing clothes of different cloths, or eating shellfish, or whatever. They don't tend to get concerned about money lending. But when it comes to bigotry against homosexuals, a lot of them are all for that.

Point is, their consciences operate largely independently of what their holy book actually says.
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Point is, their consciences operate largely independently of what their holy book actually says.
Yes and no. It's clear that there are some societal taboos that would not exist if Christianity was not a thing, and based at least some of its social/ethical stances on its holy book. Homophobia, for instance, would probably not be an institutionalized form of bigotry in the West were it not for certain interpretations of the Book of Leviticus and the Pauline epistles.
It's clear that there are some societal taboos that would not exist if Christianity was not a thing

Not so sure that would be correct

Since the holy book was written by men those defects were present in those people

All they did when they wrote them down was blame god for the rules

To much being a coward, so blame Sky Daddy

"Look it's not me who says it's bad it's the boss in the sky"

Not so sure that would be correct

Since the holy book was written by men those defects were present in those people

All they did when they wrote them down was blame god for the rules
Just because they were taboos at the time of writing does not mean that they would be now.
Society's views change over time.
The argument would be that religion refuses to change its views as easily, and thus taboos are held as such for longer as a result.
Just because they were taboos at the time of writing does not mean that they would be now.
Society's views change over time.
The argument would be that religion refuses to change its views as easily, and thus taboos are held as such for longer as a result.

True but I was going by...

It's clear that there are some societal taboos that would not exist

in particular...

It's clear

I contend it is far from clear

Yes and no. It's clear that there are some societal taboos that would not exist if Christianity was not a thing, and based at least some of its social/ethical stances on its holy book
More central here, it's reasonably likely that the concept of "sin" as we know it would not exist in our society without the roots in Abrahamic monotheism.
How do you know that whatever "laws" are in your scriptures come from God


As a secondary question, how do you pick and choose among the scriptural laws you follow? Obviously, there are many scriptural laws that you think don't apply to you, like the one saying that you ought to be putting homosexual people to death. How do you decide?

Why would I “pick and choose”? Is that what you did as godless Christian.

The law regarding homisex activity, is just one among many other sinful activities. The bible states that the wages of sin is death. When Adam and Eve sinned, they were put to death.

In the case of the Israelites,?they fell from their superior, lofty position of being divine/holy, to performing all kinds of sinful activity. Not just homosexual activity,
Why do you only focus on that one?

Also, on that topic, you seem to think that the putting-the-gays-to-death law was appropriate for the Old Testament Israelites. Would you like to explain why that law was appropriate for that time and place?

Because of the law. The wages of sin is death, and the gift of God is eternal life.

Yes, hypothetically. But how can mere mortals know about God's divine commandments?

Different topic.
You need to start a “ Does God Exist” thread, because that is what you trying to turn this thread into.

I guess that, along with Adam and Eve, you also believe that God personally handed the Ten Commandments to Moses. Correct?

I believe in God (Theist), that’s my position.
I take it you don’t believe in God (atheist). Correct?

Including the ones that say to kill the gays?

I’m not aware of that one.
Can you quote it?

Your view appears to differ from the general understanding of that term.

In what way?

You hold that every sin is original sin, do you? Why tack on the word"original", then?

The original sin is the beginning of sinful activity.

Humanity is the collection of human beings. I'm not sure why you feel a need to split hairs here.

It’s not “splitting hairs” from my perspective.

Well, for example, consider Buddhism.


There, the main "problem" is dukkha and the endless cycle of reincarnation.

In what way are they a “main problem”?

The "solution" that Buddhism offers is the Eightfold Path.
"Sin" is not a central concept in Buddhism.

Do you believe that the Israelites are God's chosen people and are therefore not "ordinary human beings"?

You say they have "great power". How is this evidenced, according to you?

It doesn’t matter how it is evidenced according to me. That is what is on the table, if we’re going to have a discussion about whether or not sin is a mere concept, and whether we should raise our children with the alleged concept.

Haven't we already been judged by divine law? Didn't Adam and Eve take care of that for us? Aren't we all cursed by God, evil sinners who will eventually die?

The wages of sin is death.

If I remember correctly, the serpent was cursed, and the ground was cursed.

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Your point applies only to those those who willingly abide by the Bible.

How do?

That would mean that people who don’t have access to a bible, or have never come into contact with the bible have no conscience. No means comprehension of God.

But that’s not what we see. Everybody knows God, whether or not they accept God.

More central here, it's reasonably likely that the concept of "sin" as we know it would not exist in our society without the roots in Abrahamic monotheism.

exploiting a human behavioral emotion to gain power & control over individuals and groups

part 1
sin(insert word that sounds kinda catchy)

it appears there are roughly 3 types of behavior
1 passive acceptance
2 pro-active control
3 re-active attempted assertion of control

"sin" merely exploits the human natural desire to fit in with the other humans in the group

most religions use all 3 of these mixed together to deliver power and control to an idea or symbology

regardless of the religion, the concept of the behavior may be found in all human group interactive behaviors. more so pronounced in behavioral intellectual and ideological control of groups.

the main difference being the assertion of ownership of spirituality of another person by asserting a set of behaviors to form actions(including thought)

maybe theologians might wish to debate "who belongs to spirituality"
it is hard for most to differentiate between material connectivity and intellectual theory and freedom of thought.
this drives a need to physicalise ideas(bang a rock with the stick to see what it sounds like).


note the pro-active actions to remove previous culture and history etc to seek to install an intellectual thought(ideology)...

the stick will always need to be banged on the rock at least once or many times during the life of the human to assert known variables of the physical realm.

to see ideas like sin be used(created crafted and interpreted) to encumber the intellectual development of the species is annoying. but then many things are annoying. some less so, some more so.
Jan Ardena:

It's irrelevant to you whether your "divine laws" really come from God? Okay then.

Why would I “pick and choose”?
Do you eat shellfish or wear clothes of mixed cloths? They are abominations, you know.

Is that what you did as godless Christian.
Godless Christian? What? When I was a Christian my God was the same as yours.

The law regarding homisex activity, is just one among many other sinful activities. The bible states that the wages of sin is death. When Adam and Eve sinned, they were put to death.
Didn't they have children who went on to populate the world?

In the case of the Israelites,?they fell from their superior, lofty position of being divine/holy, to performing all kinds of sinful activity. Not just homosexual activity,
Why do you only focus on that one?
I don't. I just gave one example.

Because of the law. The wages of sin is death, and the gift of God is eternal life.
Why does that law no longer apply, according to you? Or does it still apply, for you?

Different topic.
You need to start a “ Does God Exist” thread, because that is what you trying to turn this thread into.
I already have one of those running. You and other theists couldn't come up with any evidence for God's existence, so I've moved on to other topics. It's still there, though, if you ever come up with any evidence.

I believe in God (Theist), that’s my position.
I take it you don’t believe in God (atheist). Correct?
Why didn't you answer the question I asked you? Why repeat this mantra of yours? Nobody disputes that you believe in God, or that I don't. Why do you feel the need to keep proclaiming this, as if it is News? Is it just an avoidance tactic?

I’m not aware of that one.
Can you quote it?
Sure. Consider Leviticus 20:13, for example: "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."

Do you advocate putting men who have sex with men to death, Jan Ardena? If not, why not?

If you're going to tell me that this particular part of the bible only applied to a particular time and place, make sure you explain how you came to the conclusion that it is no longer part of God's divine law.

In what way?
Original sin is typically taken to describe the inherent tendency to evil in human beings, supposedly inherited down the generations as a result of Adam's disobeying God and eating an apple.

The original sin is the beginning of sinful activity.
i.e. Adam eating that apple.

It’s not “splitting hairs” from my perspective.
If that was really the case, you'd be able to explain why. But you didn't offer anything, did you?

In what way are they a “main problem”?
Sorry, I won't teach you the basics of Buddhism in this thread. Try wikipedia for starters, if you're interested.

It doesn’t matter how it is evidenced according to me.
Evidence just isn't a very big thing with you, is it? I guess all that magical knowing makes evidence irrelevant.

That is what is on the table, if we’re going to have a discussion about whether or not sin is a mere concept, and whether we should raise our children with the alleged concept.
How so?
Jan Ardena:
It's irrelevant to you whether your "divine laws" really come from God?

No. You line of questioning is irrelevant.

Do you eat shellfish or wear clothes of mixed cloths? They are abominations, you know.

I don’t eat shellfish, and I wear bin bags.

Godless Christian? What? When I was a Christian my God was the same as yours.

Atheists deny God.
You were never a theist.
Prove me wrong by explaining who and what God was, in relation to you.

Didn't they have children who went on to populate the world?

Where are they now?

I don't. I just gave one example.

Yes you do.

Why does that law no longer apply, according to you? Or does it still apply, for you?

We all die don’t we?

I already have one of those running. You and other theists couldn't come up with any evidence for God's existence, so I've moved on to other topics. It's still there, though, if you ever come up with any evidence.

There is evidence that should satisfy any atheist, but they just keep on denying it, then make out no one has given any.

They seem to think they do not have to explain their denial, but theist should explain their belief. So I remind them that there are two positions, not just one.

Sure. Consider Leviticus 20:13, for example: "If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them."

Can you point to the verse where it mentions “killing gays”?

Do you advocate putting men who have sex with men to death, Jan Ardena? If not, why not?

Every scripture advocates no killing.
In the bible it specifically states “Thou shalt not kill”

If you're going to tell me that this particular part of the bible only applied to a particular time and place, make sure you explain how you came to the conclusion that it is no longer part of God's divine law.


Deuteronomy 7:6 For thou art an holy people unto the Lord thy God: the Lord thy God hath chosen thee to be a special people unto himself, above all people that are upon the face of the earth.

Those punishiments were specifically for those spiritually advanced people. Not for ordinary ones. That would be like ignoring the hungry cries of a toddler because he hasn’t got the Gaul to go out, find a means of income, so he can fend for himself.

It is still the law (the wages of sin is death...)
We are all put to death because we sin.

Original sin is typically taken to describe the inherent tendency to evil in human beings, supposedly inherited down the generations as a result of Adam's disobeying God and eating an apple.

Adam disobeyed God, the original sin.
Well done! There’s hope for you yet.

i.e. Adam eating that apple.


If that was really the case, you'd be able to explain why. But you didn't offer anything, did you?

I have done, but your atheism prevents you from comprehension.

Sorry, I won't teach you the basics of Buddhism in this thread.

Because you can’t.

I already know about Buddhism. But more importantly, I know about the Buddha.

Evidence just isn't a very big thing with you, is it? I guess all that magical knowing makes evidence irrelevant.

You describe yourself well, here.
Dog types turning magically into whales, come to mind.

How so, what?

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That would mean that people who don’t have access to a bible, or have never come into contact with the bible have no conscience. No means comprehension of God.
No it doesn't. It means having a conscience is independent of the Bible, despite your insistence otherwise.

Everybody knows God, whether or not they accept God.
As everybody knows UFOS. Knowing of a thing does not make it real.