My time is done here .

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What's interesting about these papers .
They are all reputable, recognised scientific papers.

Is a start .

Watch the movies. ( Not long )
Ahh Safire project...let's see.....
In an interdisciplinary science like the Electric Universe, you could say we have no peers, so peer review is not available.
—Wallace Thornhill [1]
SAFIRE Project[edit]
The International Science Foundation (a front group of EU supporters who falsely claim to neither support nor oppose[20] the Electric Universe hypothesis) says that they provided $2,200,000 USD to fund a laboratory experiment to test the EU claims regarding the nature of the Sun.[21] There is no independent analysis of their work and no publications about SAFIRE found on Google Scholar. The SAFIRE Project is housed in Mississauga, Ontario, and is documented in videos [22] from the EU2016 conference. They say that their intent is to compare the results of this experiment to the results of NASA's Solar Probe Plus mission[23], and thereby demonstrate whether the EU solar model has any grounding in reality.[

My impression was they were onto something or at least on something but they seemed like nice chaps but it seemed way too advanced for me so what do you think do they have the Electric Sun sorted or was it a dud.
They have it sorted out .
Hi Alex...As I have shown, and as anyone who wants to research, river is telling porky pies. They have sorted SWA out, and nothing looks like changing.
It's no better then his anti gravity nonsensical claims, or the even more nonsensical claims of Atomic wars on Mars between alien species.:D
All good for a hearty belly laugh!
Hi Alex...As I have shown, and as anyone who wants to research, river is telling porky pies. They
Enough rope Paddo, enough rope.
I hope they come up with the goods but from what I can tell they probably need more funding..Goto Patreon and help.

Explain it pad . ( highlighted ) . From post #100 .

First explain this " sub-atomic spacetime turbulence .

Explain pad , what this " sub-atomic spacetime turbulence " is .

How does spacetime cause a turbulence in the sub-atomic ?


Reported, for yet more of your persistent trolling of science.

Those that have investigated the Electric Universe ....or Plasma Universe . Get the big picture .
Every cosmologist out there understands the influence of electromagnetics on cosmology, and understands the nature of plasma. They do get "the big picture." You, I fear, do not.

I thought you said your time here was done. But here you are, still.

Not much of a goodbye thread, is it?

I think your time in this thread is done.

No more pretend goodbyes, okay?
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