My time is done here .

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Indeed , to your first statement .
Your one liner attempts at trying to sound wise as per usual, is making you look quite ignorant. You asked me the same question, yet lacked the intestinal fortitude as usual, to answer my accurate reply thus.....
The same logic that applies when one asks the question, where did magnetism/electricity come form? Or where did god come from.
The answer is we don't know the exact processes of the BB, but educated speculation tells us from a fluctuation in the quantum foam....the quantum foam being nothing and as close to nothing as we can get.
I'm reasonably sure Billvon will go along with that.
Your one liner attempts at trying to sound wise as per usual, is making you look quite ignorant. You asked me the same question, yet lacked the intestinal fortitude as usual, to answer my accurate reply thus.....

I'm reasonably sure Billvon will go along with that.

Oh well

Your still full of BS .

This is the butty paddy old boy ;

paddoboy said:

The same logic that applies when one asks the question, where did magnetism/electricity come from? Or where did god come from.
The answer is we don't know the exact processes of the BB, but educated speculation tells us from a fluctuation in the quantum foam....the quantum foam being nothing and as close to nothing as we can get.

Have you thought further on your conclusion ?
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Oh well

Your still full of BS .
Bullshit only in the eyes of a lonely individual making so many forlorn attempts to appear wise: :p
I can definitely tell you the best way to do that river: Shut your mouth, learn, and stop trolling.:p

Explain it pad . ( highlighted ) . From post #100 .

First explain this " sub-atomic spacetime turbulence .

river I'm not jumping through your hoops. I would be far more anxious to explain your own nonsensical claims before crossing over to real educated scientific speculative issues. Let's see what you The question is to you . pad . In my above quote .

Explain pad , what this " sub-atomic spacetime turbulence " is .

How does spacetime cause a turbulence in the sub-atomic ?
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Explain it pad . ( highlighted ) . From post #100 .

First explain this " sub-atomic spacetime turbulence .

Explain pad , what this " sub-atomic spacetime turbulence " is .

How does spacetime cause a turbulence in the sub-atomic ?
river, you are a ignorant troll, I know that, you know that, the moderators know that, and the forum knows that.
Sadly, this is all you are capable of doing.

PS:I'll leave you to your trolling now river, as if this keeps going, you will be again banned/moderated, and I don't want to be the cause of that. take it easy river.
river, you are a ignorant troll, I know that, you know that, the moderators know that, and the forum knows that.
Sadly, this is all you are capable of doing.

PS:I'll leave you to your trolling now river, as if this keeps going, you will be again banned/moderated, and I don't want to be the cause of that. take it easy river.

river said:

Explain it pad . ( highlighted ) . From post #100 .

First explain this " sub-atomic spacetime turbulence .

Explain pad , what this " sub-atomic spacetime turbulence " is .

How does spacetime cause a turbulence in the sub-atomic ?

In the end pad , you will have to explain them .
Those that have investigated the Electric Universe

I looked at it and found it both socking and electrifying.

The last time I looked they were about to show the Sun was electric via a scientific model so do you know how that went?

My impression was they were onto something or at least on something but they seemed like nice chaps but it seemed way too advanced for me so what do you think do they have the Electric Sun sorted or was it a dud.

I looked at it and found it both socking and electrifying.

The last time I looked they were about to show the Sun was electric via a scientific model so do you know how that went?

My impression was they were onto something or at least on something but they seemed like nice chaps but it seemed way too advanced for me so what do you think do they have the Electric Sun sorted or was it a dud.


They have it sorted out .
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