My theory 1 step at a time

After my snowflake test, I made a bigger test, moving more particles around. It isn't a perfect test, it has lots of the physics missing from it, I didn't add negative mass for example, but I was again surprised that I got something. In one of my tests I got a green ball spinning around a red ball in an orbit without any orbit code. But I posted this example ....

So be patient for the real thing... Teaser...
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Computer simulations...

A simulation is supposed to model the real world in some way. Your videos do no such thing.

Post ONE piece of your analysis of something so we can take a look.

Bose Einstein condensate experiments

Interesting. This is a field I know quite a lot about. Please outline your work with Bose Einstein condensates for me.

All I said was I haven't finished my final program which creates the universe from scratch.

Only got 19 lines of code, and looking for that last one to complete the picture?

My next simulation is animated, so you can watch the universe begin, and watch it create whatever it creates.

What is it supposed to simulate? If it's supposed to simulate the universe, it should produce the universe. Right?

The whole universe in a computer with the drawback of not being able to run it on most computers to see an entire Galaxy.

Do you own a supercomputer?
The program is old... and since then, I have figured out how to build the entire universe from it. :D

OK, then maybe I am wrong, I didn't realize you were that far along. I have seen computer simulation of 2 movng masses interacting in space only influenced by there own gravity. Even this limited case results in a tremendous number of lines of code. But that is the easy part, for the simulation to be more than a video game there has to be a set of equations that govern the different aspect of the energy and mass interactions.

Could you write out couple of your equations from the large number of equations that must be necessary to govern all of the different interactions in your simulation?
I write them myself. I'm a programmer.

How do you include all the experiments etc if, by your own admission you haven't read any physics. Most experimental write ups in papers require an undergrad physics capability at least.

You cannot simultaneously say you have included this and that while saying you deliberately didn't learn this or that.

As yet you have failed to show any of your simulations have anything to do with reality. Thinking about things in your head isn't enough. Scientists think about their work but you disagree with them so obviously it isn't error proof.

I do wonder if you are just a long term troll. Your claims are so exaggerated and so utterly without justification that you either are a troll or you have something wrong with you. No rational person would make the claims you have and believe in them on absolutely nothing. Or maybe i expect too much from humanity and its not unheard of for average Joe on the street to have such ridiculously flawed and delusional beliefs. That would explain religion...
OK, then maybe I am wrong, I didn't realize you were that far along. I have seen computer simulation of 2 movng masses interacting in space only influenced by there own gravity. Even this limited case results in a tremendous number of lines of code. But that is the easy part, for the simulation to be more than a video game there has to be a set of equations that govern the different aspect of the energy and mass interactions.

Could you write out couple of your equations from the large number of equations that must be necessary to govern all of the different interactions in your simulation?

All I use are the particle membranes which break the zero rule, and that's all. So the equation is 1 + -1 = 0. 1 is the membrane. So when a zero particle touches a zero particle the zero rule is broken. The universe resets back to zero by scaling the particles down so that they don't touch, but the scale now creates a new set of physics, that the particles can fit inside another particle, so then the universe corrects this back to zero, and yet another new set of physics happens. The particles start to bunch into units that create zero, and you get the kissing problem. This then tries to reset back to zero, and you get spin. The spin creates a spin scale cog, and this creates Gravity, and Magnetism. So just by checking the membranes you get all the physics you need.
I would like to ask , Is there any theory ; which can be considered as " theory of everything " ?
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I would like to ask , Is there any theory ; which can be considered as " theory of everything " ?

The universe is everything, so copy it. Really it's getting something complex from as little as possible. It's like 'The Game Of Life' but infinitely better.
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The universe is everything,

or , Everything is part of the Universe .

so copy it.

How to copy it ? ... or... You mean to say " code it " . I think , it is more important to comprehend it .

Really it's getting something complex from as little as possible. It's like 'The Game Of Life' but infinitely better.

Newton's Laws , Einstein's theories only simplified certain complexities of our Universe . I think further simplification is necessary .
or , Everything is part of the Universe .

How to copy it ? ... or... You mean to say " code it " . I think , it is more important to comprehend it .

Newton's Laws , Einstein's theories only simplified certain complexities of our Universe . I think further simplification is necessary .

Well if you saw that my snowflake program was not specifically written to build a snowflake, then take a look at snowflake code, which is specifically written to create a snowflake. You would see that the mathematical version is far more complex. Complex things are often a misinterpretation of a simple thing. I ignore Newton, I ignore Einstein, I build the universe the same as the snowflake. You just allow particles to travel to the area of least resistance. That's all. I would be willing to argue my case against every major genius in history, like a game of University Challenge, and I would still win. I would win against 6 billion people.. I'm a bit clever. :D
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Well if you saw that my snowflake program was not specifically written to build a snowflake, then take a look at snowflake code, which is specifically written to create a snowflake. You would see that the mathematical version is far more complex. Complex things are often a misinterpretation of a simple thing. I ignore Newton, I ignore Einstein, I build the universe the same as the snowflake. You just allow particles to travel to the area of least resistance. That's all. I would be willing to argue my case against every major genius in history, like a game of University Challenge, and I would still win. I would win against 6 billion people.. I'm a bit clever. :D
So only 1 billion more people are cleverer than you. Is that what you are saying? For at the last count there was 7 billion on Earth.
Well if you saw that my snowflake program was not specifically written to build a snowflake, then take a look at snowflake code, which is specifically written to create a snowflake. You would see that the mathematical version is far more complex. Complex things are often a misinterpretation of a simple thing. I ignore Newton, I ignore Einstein, I build the universe the same as the snowflake. You just allow particles to travel to the area of least resistance. That's all. I would be willing to argue my case against every major genius in history, like a game of University Challenge, and I would still win. I would win against 6 billion people.. I'm a bit clever. :D

You can claim anything . Unless you get acceptance of your claims ; they have no meaning .