Film/Movie Recommendations

Just watched Hot tube time machine, and it was surprizingly good, specially if you are old enough to remember the 80s... Very similar movie to the Hangover....

Did you see "Frequently Asked Questions About Time Travel"? Much better.
i watched "date night". it was cute, light-hearted entertainment. and as an added bonus, mark wahlberg's running around in pajama pants and no shirt throughout the movie. nice.

"zip your face!"


"when he says zip your face, he really means your vagina."

that's some funny shit right thar.
The Secretary


A romantic comedy about a d/S relationship [small d, big S!]

Pederstrian satire but I always laugh so much while watching this movie!
Best movie i have watched in a long time is "Ruthless People". Watched it the other night for the first time and it was very funny. Five thumbs up.
If you like really bad movies, you'll enjoy Little Shop of Horrors.

Its easily one of the worst movies I've seen - I laughed so much!
The Secretary


A romantic comedy about a d/S relationship [small d, big S!]

Pederstrian satire but I always laugh so much while watching this movie!

If you liked Secretary, you may enjoy Cronenburg's Crash. This is the one about eroticized car wrecks from 1996, and not the super fucking lame racebaiting one that came out in 2004. Anyway it also stars David Spader in a freaky alt-sex role, and I suspect that this (and his performance in Sex, Lies and Videotape) had a lot to do with him getting cast in Secretary.
I've seen Crash and yes, I liked it. It took me a while to figure out what was going on though. You mean James Spader and yes, he and Jeremy Irons are made-for-erotica with those eyes and lips. I also liked Damage (Louis Malle) and Old Boy (Chan-wook Park)- both of those are in that difficult to classify genre.
I've seen Crash and yes, I liked it. It took me a while to figure out what was going on though.

Well, then you're only Sex, Lies and Videotape away from the David Spader alternative sexuality trifecta!

Also there are rumors of a Hollywood remake of Oldboy starring Will Smith and directed by Stephen Spielberg. I'm torn on whether that or the Hollywood remakes of the Stieg Larsen movies are worse ideas... speaking of which, anyone who hasn't watched the (Swedish!) movie of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo should do so immediately (advice does not apply to people who dislike movies with more than 2 graphic rape sequences in the first hour).

Also, don't forget the other freaky Jeremy Irons erotic movies: Lolita and Dead Ringers. And isn't there another one where he has an affair with a girl who turns out to be his long-lost daughter? Or am I mixing him up with someone else... also, turns out that he starred in a Cronenburg film as well: M. Butterfly, so that closes the circle of references...
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Strangely enough, I didn't like SLV. I saw it a long time ago, though, so I should probably revisit it.

edit: I just realised, you're mixing David Spade with James Spader. :D

James Spader is HOT, David Spade is just irritating.
edit: I just realised, you're mixing David Spade with James Spader. :D

Whoops LOL...

James Spader is HOT, David Spade is just irritating.

Somewhat agree. I've long asserted that they should have buried his career with Chris Farley, where it belongs. But it turns out that his stand-up is actually really good (not that he does much of it).
Not a ver good movie though James Spader is a good actor.:)

I have to disagree, but then I'm pretty charitable when it comes to Soderburg. I watched the director's commentary for Schizopolis, if that tells you anything (although, the commentary is actually more informative and funny than the film itself).

He was in a movie with Rob Lowe but cant remember the name and it was awesome.:)

Bad Influence, I presume? I'm sure I saw that years ago, but can barely recall it now...
I have to disagree, but then I'm pretty charitable when it comes to Soderburg. I watched the director's commentary for Schizopolis, if that tells you anything (although, the commentary is actually more informative and funny than the film itself).

I forgot he directed that.

Bad Influence, I presume? I'm sure I saw that years ago, but can barely recall it now...

Bad Influence, yes. It is hard to come by a truly bad 80s film though.

I was just talking with some friends about this movie where one character is running from a mob in Manhattan. Of course it was a case of mistaken identity.
Also there are rumors of a Hollywood remake of Oldboy starring Will Smith and directed by Stephen Spielberg.

A hollywood blockbuster on
graphic incest!!!
starring Will Smith! That will be something to watch!

I'm torn on whether that or the Hollywood remakes of the Stieg Larsen movies are worse ideas... speaking of which, anyone who hasn't watched the (Swedish!) movie of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo should do so immediately (advice does not apply to people who dislike movies with more than 2 graphic rape sequences in the first hour).

I haven't seen the Swedish movie, is it anything like The Pillow Book?

Also, don't forget the other freaky Jeremy Irons erotic movies: Lolita and Dead Ringers.

I haven't seen Lolita but Dead Ringer didn't make the grade for me.

And isn't there another one where he has an affair with a girl who turns out to be his long-lost daughter?

That sounds more like
Old Boy

Or am I mixing him up with someone else... also, turns out that he starred in a Cronenburg film as well: M. Butterfly, so that closes the circle of references...

Haven't seen M. Butterfly either.

One of the most powerful films I have seen with unsimulated sex is In the Realm of the Senses - the sex was so matter of fact that it was asexual without any erotic component. Two other movies I want to watch are The Human Centipede and Audition
I haven't seen the Swedish movie, is it anything like The Pillow Book?

Haven't seen that one, but it doesn't sound like it from the Wikipedia synopsis... It's more cerebral-historical-murder-mystery-meets-exploitation-film....

That sounds more like
Old Boy

Yeah no... this was more of a straight romance drama with a gross twist. IIRC it starts out with them both in a plane crash... if anyone knows what movie I'm thinking of please tell me, cause now it's bugging me...

Two other movies I want to watch are The Human Centipede and Audition

Jesus man... I've been meaning to watch the former since it's become a hilarious internet meme (although it's supposed to be both bad and gross). Audition is supposed to be crazy violent too isn't it? I've had that one and Martyrs (and both version of Funny Games) on my Netflix for a while, but haven't gotten up the urge to watch them. I think I'm going to spend my accumulated stomach for gnarly movies on Irreversible next, and then reevaluate from there... but the lady doesn't really go for ultraviolent stuff (Stieg Larsen excepted) so I only have so much opportunity to watch these types of movies nowadays...

Also be sure to check out Ichi the Killer if you haven't seen that one yet... Probably my favorite Japanese ultraviolence.