Evidence that God is real

You may understand the detail more, but we all have to, by necessity understand the laws of physics, which are necessary for us to understand.
You don't.
(You make basic errors, such as in your misrepresentations of Darwinian evolution)

But: if you continued to explore what the world as "an effect of God" must mean, you would end up losing the Abrahamic deity and finding yourself atheist.

You won't, of course - that was just a phrase designed to avoid the accountability of a God projected from human creativity - but that refusal has effects: you live in bad faith from then on.

Which possibly brings us closer to an explanation for the nature of the posting by overt Abrahamic theists on science forums.
Who said theism is a propensity?
You did. You started an entire thread on that basis.
Man is incapable of writing scripture, which is why there has been no new scriptures written, period.
Scientology. Mormonism. The various revisions of the Bible.
We have beer recipes older than the Quran.
All the scriptures were new when first written by the men who first wrote them - most of them within the last three thousand years. The Great Pyramid was an ancient relic of a bygone day, a ruin without its casing, when the Bhagavad Gita was written.
There's nothing difficult about what I said.
Of course not. It's perfectly ordinary misrepresentations and bad faith dodges and elementary mistakes by an overt Abrahamic theist on a science forum.
The difficulty is in your (including their) behavior - your insistence on it, posting it on science forums, employing it as a basis for attacking science as a human endeavor and scientists personally for engaging in it.
2000 years of acting all serious about it makes no difference whatsoever. I'll believe in leprachauns and Jesus when I see one.
There is a big difference between being familiar with 2000 years of history and 20 minutes of browsing on an atheist hate site.
So, if I pray that a loved one, lying in coma in a hospital bed didn't die or be brain dead but that's what pretty much happens, it's because God "stuffed" me?
According to the article, its more a case of being stuffed by one's own shortcomings. Or to say it another way, one who can't be stuffed, gets stuffed.

Do you have any actual feelings and knowledge to know that the stupid article you posted would breed nothing but contempt?
Ask a contemptuous question, get a contemptuous answer. In many cases, attitude is practically everything.

And why are you answering a question I posed to, Jan Ardena?
Given that it so happened that we gave similar answers (although technically my answer came from google), its not clear why that alone is grounds for your contempt.
And there was me expecting you to quip that there was then nothing left to respond to. ;)
I generally don't claim to know anything, at least not absolutely. A few mathematical notions, and matters of definition, or logic, perhaps. But not much else. I have mild confidence in some things, driven by experience, though. But at best these experiences can merely confirm an understanding/model of reality, not necessarily reality itself. There are some subjective notions that I can claim knowledge of but only on the grounds that I am also the sole arbiter of the "truth" of the matter. As soon as the arbiter of "truth" is in part external, knowledge slips from absolute into degrees of confidence. And degrees of confidence allow for being wrong, for it not being as thought.
Or "truth" takes on a more localised application, such as in a shared subjectivity, where "knowledge" is thus similarly confined, as removed from actual knowledge as far as the collective subjective "truth" is from anything objective.

See, no mention of "faith". Doh! :)
So if you hear a morning weather forecast for rain later in the afternoon, do you take an umbrella?
I might well do, yes.
Then no brownie points.

When you drive a car at reasonably fast speeds, do you constantly take evasive action towards oncoming traffic or drive relatively at ease, under the assumption that oncoming traffic will remain the painted lanes?
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Whether you see it like that or not doesn't stop it being true,

Let's go with this. How do you know that theism isn't true, even if we have a propensity to see patterns?
How do you know the observation of pattern-seeking being true, falls under one of the pattern seeking that isn't true?

Jan. And just because you don't see it like that doesn't mean others have to try again.

Prove that theism isn't true?

Oh, apologies. There was me thinking that you were the one claiming that belief in God is a natural tendency?

Nice try. I was the one claiming that belief in God is natural. It's not a behaviour. Try again.

Why on earth won't you provide the simple clarification that I'm looking for, Jan?

The clarification is already there. Get over it and move on.

Okay, then if it helps you, omit the word "necessarily"... to wit: a propensity to hold certain types of belief does not mean those beliefs are true.

Do you think theism is a behaviour?

Well, that may be a belief you hold, but what evidence do you have for it?

There are no new scriptures.
There are no current book that compare.

It's a relatively simple question, Jan. Why won't you answer? Is it because you are beginning to recognise that your trail of "evidence" is circular, perhaps? And that your arguments all rely on question-begging? If not, what is it that's stopping you from answering?

you said...

It has everything to do with this thread.
If you believe scriptures to be evidence of God,
I am trying to see on what basis you draw the line between one collection of written records and another.

On the same basis I don't regard this discussion as scriptural evidence of God.

Then no brownie points.

When you drive a car at reasonably fast speeds, do you constantly take evasive action towards oncoming traffic or drive relatively at ease, under the assumption that oncoming traffic will remain the painted lanes?
Perhaps you want to move the goalposts back to where they were? I thought we were talking about knowledge. I certainly don't know that it's going to rain or not when I opt to take a brolly with me. I assess the likelihood and act accordingly, so that if it does I am prepared and if it doesn't then no great shakes. Similarly when I drive I have reasonable confidence in the ability of other drivers. But I do not know that they will behave.
So, when you feel like putting the goalposts back, let me know.
Let's go with this. How do you know that theism isn't true, even if we have a propensity to see patterns?
How do you know the observation of pattern-seeking being true, falls under one of the pattern seeking that isn't true?
I don't, Jan. I have never claimed God to not exist, nor do I hold the belief that God does not exist. I am simply asserting that just because we have a propensity to believe something does not make those beliefs true. or are you trying to assert that because others can't disprove it then it must be true?
Prove that theism isn't true?
I don't need to. This is about what evidence you are putting forward for God being real (or Is), not whether I can disprove your belief. I have no intention of disproving it, and don't even think it possible to disprove that which I consider to be outside the remit of probability and falsifiability. One a personal level I need justification to hold beliefs, not to dismiss beliefs I don't hold.
Nice try. I was the one claiming that belief in God is natural. It's not a behaviour. Try again.
??? So what if it's not a behaviour? It's not a cream bun either. Do you dismiss arguments on other non sequiturs?
Yes, you were the one claiming the belief in God is natural - i.e. that one has a tendency toward belief in God. And I am saying that propensity toward a belief is no evidence of the truth of the belief.
The clarification is already there. Get over it and move on.
You have provided none, deliberately so. I am struggling to understand why, beyond your overall unpleasant demeanour in these forums.
Do you think theism is a behaviour?
There are no new scriptures.
There are no current book that compare.
What does age have to do with it? Are you arguing from antiquity?
And on what grounds are you comparing?
you said...

It has everything to do with this thread.
If you believe scriptures to be evidence of God,
I am trying to see on what basis you draw the line between one collection of written records and another.

On the same basis I don't regard this discussion as scriptural evidence of God.
Which is...?
Plus how does this tally with your "everything is evidence of God"? Or are you now going to clarify that what you said didn't mean this?
Perhaps you want to move the goalposts back to where they were? I thought we were talking about knowledge.
We are.
The goal posts haven't moved.
In all scenarios the knowledge is qualified by action.
(If you didnt have a platform to connect the voice on the radio to rainfall, the action of bringing an umbrella wouldn't manifest, or painted lines in regard to cars, etc)
IOW you couldn't talk about acting in a certain way unless you already had recourse to knowledge.
We can look at behaviour in response to knowledge, regardless whether it does result in rain or a car crash or whatever.

I certainly don't know that it's going to rain or not when I opt to take a brolly with me. I assess the likelihood and act accordingly, so that if it does I am prepared and if it doesn't then no great shakes.
The point is that you have (or alternatively, don't have) faith in the weather forecast as determined by your taking (or not taking) the umbrella (assuming its not part of your plan for the day to get drenched). The one and only variable for assessment (at least as given in that scenario) is the weather broadcast.

This is an example of a sort of faith that is characterized by a specific acceptance or rejection of an act.

Similarly when I drive I have reasonable confidence in the ability of other drivers. But I do not know that they will behave.
So, when you feel like putting the goalposts back, let me know.
The car example was slightly different. That is trust (specifically, in other drivers), which you can argue is a more solid form of faith ... unless the painted lines have elaborate forcefield powers or something. Assuming you are not in throes of some PTSD issue, you are not individually assessing the level of confidence you have of each vehicle you pass, straining to see the antics of each and every person behind the steering wheel as they zip past you in a blur.

This is a sort of faith that is characterized by a constant reliance on things, or something that goes on in the background. As such, the specific act here is some sort of abnormal suspension of normal action ... ordinarily two cars wouldn't approach each other at 100mph unless they had very clear ideas on which sides they were passing each other .... what to speak of hundreds of thousands of cars doing it at every moment of every day. If this knowledge (and subsequent trust) was not intact, things would look radically different.

We know that, despite having so many plans for the days, weeks and years ahead, at any moment we can die. Every time we go to bed at night, it may be our last. Do you set your alarm to get an early start in the morning?
We are.
The goal posts haven't moved.
Well, I can't see them. Maybe you've just covered them up?
In all scenarios the knowledge is qualified by action.
(If you didnt have a platform to connect the voice on the radio to rainfall, the action of bringing an umbrella wouldn't manifest, or painted lines in regard to cars, etc)
IOW you couldn't talk about acting in a certain way unless you already had recourse to knowledge.
We can look at behaviour in response to knowledge, regardless whether it does result in rain or a car crash or whatever.
So what knowledge do you think I am displaying in this scenario, just so I am clear in what you are trying to say?
The point is that you have (or alternatively, don't have) faith in the weather forecast as determined by your taking (or not taking) the umbrella (assuming its not part of your plan for the day to get drenched). The one and only variable for assessment (at least as given in that scenario) is the weather broadcast.
Confidence, not faith. Faith is complete confidence, whereas mere confidence is rather more of a sliding scale. Brownie points duly restored.
Yes, I have some confidence, but I don't walk out of my house with the brolly open, and I don't know that it is going to rain. So what knowledge do you think I am displaying here. I'm not saying there isn't any on show, I'd just like you to clarify, please. And importantly where you see "faith"... those Brownie points are important to me!
This is an example of a sort of faith that is characterized by a specific acceptance or rejection of an act.
Maybe you have a different understanding of faith than I do. To me faith is complete confidence. How do you view it?
The car example was slightly different. That is trust (specifically, in other drivers), which you can argue is a more solid form of faith ... unless the painted lines have elaborate forcefield powers or something. Assuming you are not in throes of some PTSD issue, you are not individually assessing the level of confidence you have of each vehicle you pass, straining to see the antics of each and every person behind the steering wheel as they zip past you in a blur.

This is a sort of faith that is characterized by a constant reliance on things, or something that goes on in the background. As such, the specific act here is some sort of abnormal suspension of normal action ... ordinarily two cars wouldn't approach each other at 100mph unless they had very clear ideas on which sides they were passing each other .... what to speak of hundreds of thousands of cars doing it at every moment of every day. If this knowledge (and subsequent trust) was not intact, things would look radically different.
There is certainly a higher level of confidence than in the weather forecast, but I still can't claim to know that any specific driver won't, for whatever reason, crash into me. If we all knew this then there wouldn't be such things as accidents, which happen precisely because there are times when the belief that another driver won't crash into you is false. To me that ability for a belief not to be true means that I can not know, at least until the event has passed. To me knowledge seems to require certainty. (Although I obviously don't know that with certainty. ;))
We know that, despite having so many plans for the days, weeks and years ahead, at any moment we can die. Every time we go to bed at night, it may be our last. Do you set your alarm to get an early start in the morning?
I don't, Jan. I have never claimed God to not exist, nor do I hold the belief that God does not exist. I am simply asserting that just because we have a propensity to believe something does not make those beliefs true. or are you trying to assert that because others can't disprove it then it must be true?

Gods existence isn't in question for me, it is in question for you, which forms a part of your atheism.
Just because you believe that we have a propensity to believe something does not make it true, has no bearing, whatsoever, on my theism.
What others can and can't do, is of concern to me, regarding my theism. So try again.

I don't need to. This is about what evidence you are putting forward for God being real (or Is), not whether I can disprove your belief. I have no intention of disproving it, and don't even think it possible to disprove that which I consider to be outside the remit of probability and falsifiability. One a personal level I need justification to hold beliefs, not to dismiss beliefs I don't hold.

Then you're not in a position to question my theism as whether it is true or not, meaning the idea you have that people have a propensity to believe something that may not be true, is a condition of your worldview, which means it pertains to your atheism alone.

So what if it's not a behaviour? It's not a cream bun either.

Nor is it a propensity.

Yes, you were the one claiming the belief in God is natural - i.e. that one has a tendency toward belief in God.

No. One does not have a tendency to eat for the purpose of living. One eats whether one has a tendency or not. One may have a tendency to eat junk food, or healthy food. But one must eat as a course of nature, less one will not survive.
Belief in God is natural, whether we have a tendency, or not, to pursue that belief.
To not believe in God is either contrived, or based in ignorance.

And I am saying that propensity toward a belief is no evidence of the truth of the belief.

And I'm saying you're wrong. Read above.

You have provided none, deliberately so. I am struggling to understand why, beyond your overall unpleasant demeanour in these forums.

What part of ''everything'' is merely an emanation of God'' is unclear to you?


No it's not irrelevant. If one has a propensity toward belief, then one adopts a behavior depicting belief.
If belief in God is natural, then it matters not how one acts, one will naturally believe.
So how is belief in God untrue?

What does age have to do with it? Are you arguing from antiquity?
And on what grounds are you comparing?

Who said anything about ''age''?
There are no other publications we call scriptures abound.
If man had inspired the scriptures, man would update, and or change them.
No one can step outside of scriptures and come up with anything new.
More than likely mans writing is based on scriptures, or some aspect of scriptures.

Which is...?

The same basis I don't regard this discussion as scriptural evidence of God.
Are you blind?

Plus how does this tally with your "everything is evidence of God"? Or are you now going to clarify that what you said didn't mean this?

This is your game Sarkus.
You need me to say that, because you think it gives you an advantage. So you lie.
Shame on you.

Gods existence isn't in question for me, it is in question for you, which forms a part of your atheism.
Just because you believe that we have a propensity to believe something does not make it true, has no bearing, whatsoever, on my theism.
So you believe the propensity to hold metaphysical beliefs is evidence that God is real?
What others can and can't do, is of concern to me, regarding my theism. So try again.
What is it that they do that is of concern to you?
Then you're not in a position to question my theism as whether it is true or not, meaning the idea you have that people have a propensity to believe something that may not be true, is a condition of your worldview, which means it pertains to your atheism alone.
You seem to be suggesting here, as you have in the past, that theism is a wholly subjective issue. Is this what you are saying here?
Secondly, I'm not questioning whether "your" theism is true or not, merely what evidence you have that God is real. As per the OP, and JamesR's subsequent clarification on the matter, this thread is for you to put forth what you (or other theists) consider to be evidence of God. Others, theists and atheists alike, are then free to question whether they consider it evidence, and also question why you (or other theists) do consider it evidence. That way we can perhaps better understand one another.
Or you can simply dismiss any question, which begs the question of why you are bothering to post here in the first place.
Nor is it a propensity.
So where it says, even in the extract you originally posted: “A slew of cognitive traits predisposes us to faith,” and given that a synonym of predisposition is propensity, you're still arguing semantics?
Belief in God is natural, whether we have a tendency, or not, to pursue that belief.
Where is your evidence for this? You keep asserting it. You had a 112-page thread on the matter and still you couldn't demonstrate where it spoke of belief in God being natural. Throughout that thread you seem to have misunderstood what the article was saying, and you have simply latched onto this notion that belief in God is natural. And now you simply repeat it as a mantra.
So is your belief that "belief in God is natural" your main evidence that God is real?
To not believe in God is either contrived, or based in ignorance.
So you believe.
And I'm saying you're wrong. Read above.
So you think propensity toward a belief is evidence of the truth of the belief???
What part of ''everything'' is merely an emanation of God'' is unclear to you?
I am simply asking you to clarify, Jan. Why is it so difficult?
No it's not irrelevant. If one has a propensity toward belief, then one adopts a behavior depicting belief.
If belief in God is natural, then it matters not how one acts, one will naturally believe.
So how is belief in God untrue?
I wouldn't know, Jan. Any more than I don't know how many of the beliefs people have are untrue. The question at hand, however, is not what evidence there is that belief in God is untrue, but what evidence you have that God is real.
Are you presenting "belief in God is natural" as (part of) your evidence that God is real?
Who said anything about ''age''?
When you say "no new scriptures" and "no current books" you are bringing the age of the scriptures into the discussion. So to answer your question: you did.
There are no other publications we call scriptures abound.
If man had inspired the scriptures, man would update, and or change them.
Lord of the Rings hasn't been updated, or changed.
No one can step outside of scriptures and come up with anything new.
Anything new with regard to what?
More than likely mans writing is based on scriptures, or some aspect of scriptures.
What are you referring to by "mans writings [sic]" exactly? And where is your evidence for this assertion?
The same basis I don't regard this discussion as scriptural evidence of God.
Are you blind?
:rolleyes: So rather than explain yourself you answer a question for clarification with exactly what clarification was sought for. Do you ever wonder why people consider you a troll?
This is your game Sarkus.
You need me to say that, because you think it gives you an advantage. So you lie.
Shame on you.
I'm playing no game, Jan. I am trying to understand what you say, yet you run around like a blue-arsed fly trying to avoid having to clarify anything. Then, when you post something that seems clearly inconsistent, you accuse me of lying. Just a pity you have no wherewithall to actually engage with honesty and decency.

Go back under your bridge, Troll Jan.
Well, I can't see them. Maybe you've just covered them up?
So what knowledge do you think I am displaying in this scenario, just so I am clear in what you are trying to say?
The knowledge is that the weather report does (or does not) correlate to weather. If that knowledge wasn't there, under normal circumstances, given that scenario, there would be no question of considering taking the umbrella.

Confidence, not faith. Faith is complete confidence, whereas mere confidence is rather more of a sliding scale. Brownie points duly restored.
No, faith correlates to action. There may be various degrees of confidence, but the faith one is placing in a certain thing is necessarily singular, one way or another: it either is or it isn't. At the end of the day, you either have faith or no faith in the weather report, as characterized by either taking the umbrella or not taking the umbrella. There is no halfway or sliding scale since you cannot partially take the umbrella. There is no middle ground.

Yes, I have some confidence, but I don't walk out of my house with the brolly open, and I don't know that it is going to rain. So what knowledge do you think I am displaying here.
Knowledge that the weather report is or is not reliable in regard to weather.

I'm not saying there isn't any on show, I'd just like you to clarify, please. And importantly where you see "faith"... those Brownie points are important to me!
Just to be clear, in that example faith either manifests in a yes or a no, as characterized by the decision to take or not take the umbrella. If you have faith, you take the umbrella. If you don't, you leave it behind. All sorts of ideas can come and go before or even after making that decision to act, but once you act, you have determined your faith (at least you have determined it, at that moment).

Maybe you have a different understanding of faith than I do. To me faith is complete confidence. How do you view it?
In case you haven't worked it out yet, I am in the process of describing three different nuanced approaches to defining faith, as characterized by action. People (especially atheists!) commonly talk of faith in a singular sense when they are often mixing and matching things to suit the current form of their arguments.

To go back to the umbrella eg, the "completeness" of the confidence in the weather report begins and ends at the point of taking or not taking the umbrella. That is the point it is defined as an "act of faith" (in this case, in relation to the weather report).

There is certainly a higher level of confidence than in the weather forecast, but I still can't claim to know that any specific driver won't, for whatever reason, crash into me.
The point is that you trust that they won't, unless there is some untoward behaviour (at which point you would instantly disregard whatever protection painted lines, etc offered).
IOW the knowledge here is a certain prearranged agreement on traffic signs, road paint etc. The consequent action is adopting a "standard behaviour". Unlike the umbrella scenario, which culminates to a momentous yes/no, this sort of faith is stronger, and runs as a perennial flow in the background (and delivers an instant erraticness if it is broken or wavers in any way).
Just to be clear, the act of knowledge is not "knowing other cars won't crash into me", but rather acting for all intents and purposes like they won't (the specific act being flying through a green light at an intersection or quickly passing oncoming traffic on a narrow road).
Even though this faith is stronger, it tends to develop at a painstakingly slow rate (think of a person taking their first driving lesson) and if it is severely undermined can potentially be damaged irreparably. There is some space in this definition to introduce a spectrum (unlike the example with the umbrella)

If we all knew this then there wouldn't be such things as accidents,
The very fact they are termed "accidents", suggest there is a standard of knowledge already at the fore. IOW calling them an "accident" is to identify the precise point the knowledge is transgressed.

which happen precisely because there are times when the belief that another driver won't crash into you is false.
At which point, our trust is broken.

To me that ability for a belief not to be true means that I can not know, at least until the event has passed. To me knowledge seems to require certainty. (Although I obviously don't know that with certainty. ;))
You can sit back in your armchair and get all cerebral about it, but the field of activity demands an instant response.
If you do have faith in the weather report, you do take an umbrella.
If you don't trust an oncoming car doing donuts on the wet road, you adopt evasive action and don't rely on the road markings, etc to grant you safe passage.

It may or may not rain.
You may or may not be involved in a traffic incident.
But that is neither here nor there when faith demands a follow up action.

Then you sleep in and you miss your flight or get fired.
Sometime later, you have another similar development on your calendar. Science has, as yet, not discovered immortality (or even a means to avoid missing a flight or getting fired), so once again you ruminate on the inherent impermanence of life as you contemplate setting or not setting your alarm. What do you do?
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Let's go with this. How do you know that theism isn't true, even if we have a propensity to see patterns?

You've just shown us a good example of a delusion. You don't actually see God, you see some "patterns".

I see patterns at the Kentucky Derby, Leprechauns are riding Unicorns in the race.

Prove that theism isn't true?

You're already doing an excellent job of that without anyone's help.

Nice try. I was the one claiming that belief in God is natural. It's not a behaviour. Try again.

Ignorance is natural, too. As is using our vivid imaginations.

There are no new scriptures.
There are no current book that compare.

True, I find Aesops Fables and Grimms Fairy Tales far better books for describing moral behavior, for example.
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Gods existence isn't in question for me . . .
Just because you believe that we have a propensity to believe something does not make it true
An excellent point. Similarly, just because you think God's existence isn't in question doesn't make it true.

Indeed, since you are unable to question it, you can't really form an unbiased, rational opinion about it. For you God just is, with no reason, rationality or questioning. And that's fine. But with an attitude like that, you are not going to make any progress on a science forum.