Elvis Sibilia's Philochrony theory of everything

Mod Hat — Check, check. Is this thing on?

What, exactly, do they expect?

Don't make me pull this thread over.

Three posts deleted as off-topic.

(Update: Make that four.)

Maybe it shows a lack of an indulgence in this thread for me to ask but, can you go more in depth on what this means? :leaf:B-)

I meant that the future exists potentially in the present. For example, a seed is a potential tree, a child is a potential adult, and a piece of wood is a potential chair.
Does it do anything better than existing scientific theories? Does it fix any errors or gaps in knowledge in existing theories? Not that I've seen so far.

Is it falsifiable? If not, it's probably not science. What is a test we could do to check whether it is false?

Before magnitive time this was ineffable. We only knew him by his measurements. Time was only a magnitude. Magnitive time is an objective but subperceptible magnitude. In magnitive time we know time in all its aspects.
In the becoming-duration duality, time is related to change, not to space. Space is static, time is dynamic. Space and time are related in speed: s = d/t. Einstein multiplied the speed of light by the distance to say that time is a dimension of space. Spacetime is a mathematical structure invented by Albert Einstein. Einstein had to spatialize time to develop his theory of a four-dimensional space.
Space is static, time is dynamic.
AFAIK space is not static, but it is durable. Might that be a better identifier?
And while time may be called dynamic it is not causal.
Therefore, can we identify time as being dependent on the dynamics of the associated action ?
The faster the action the slower the time. The slower the action the faster the time.
At SOL time stands still, at complete Stasis time passes infinitely fast?
AFAIK space is not static, but it is durable. Might that be a better identifier?
And while time may be called dynamic it is not causal.
Therefore, can we identify time as being dependent on the dynamics of the associated action ?
The faster the action the slower the time. The slower the action the faster the time.
At SOL time stands still, at complete Stasis time passes infinitely fast?

As I understand it, Space is the place or void that contains bodies. Space is not matter. Objects move in space. Space is characterized by having an extension in three dimensions. A point in space serves as a reference to a movement.
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As I understand it, Space is the place or void that contains bodies.
I don't believe that is quite correct. Einstein did not speak of space as a timeless void, he spoke of an object that inflated after the BB and the beginning of "spacetime". This unfolding object is full of stuff.
I believe that Bohm spoke of a separate underlying timeless, dimensionless, permittive condition, a true void that accommodates this expanding spacetime object.

And I like this new interpretation of an "unfolding spacetime fabric" proposed by Renate Loll, et al.
To avoid cluttering your thread I have opened a new thread in Alternative Theories. "Causal Dynamical Triangulation"

The past and the future are real because they point the direction of the time flow. The present is the vertical line that crosses time.
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In hand clocks we see time pass, occur, happen, elapse or become. This is the continuous succession of irreversible changes that go from the past to the future through the present. That is the first nature (N1) of time.

The second nature (N2) of time is duration, intervals, or periodic events. Duration is the interval between two sequential moments, one of which occurs before (start) and the other after (end).

In the hand clock, an interval is completed when the minute hand passes twice through the same point on the clock face. This is a periodic event. But this second nature of time is sub-perceptible because we only see one event at a time: the beginning and the end.

The movements of the Earth are the N1 of time and the day (24 hours) is the N2.
This is the enigma of revealed time, two natures: becoming and duration, which confirms the becoming-duration duality.
In summary, time is the length (N2)) flowing (N1) of phenomena Time is defined as the duration of things subject to change that determine the periods and eras.
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The enchanted chain

This title is a metaphor to refer to the relationship between becoming, duration and time. The first link, becoming, are changes in reality. This is a property of the universe. The second link is the duration, which are the intervals between two sequential moments. The third link is time or measure of duration. Duration is measured based on periodic phenomena. If the second link were missing, it would be eternity and time would not exist.

Albert Einstein tried to add a fourth link to the enchanted chain: space-time. But space-time doesn't exist physically, it's just a mathematical structure. It's hypothetical.

1) A moment is a point in time without duration. It's like a photograph.
2) Periodic phenomena are those that are repeated indefinitely and with the same duration.
Magnitive time theory

A theory is the organized set of ideas that explain a phenomenon, deduced from observation, experience or logical reasoning. There are theories of evolution, relativity, the Big Bang, chaos, color, quantum, etc.
Time is based on the duration, which is the interval between two sequential moments, one beginning and the other ending.
The theory of magnitive time arises when I realize that between the start and the end of an interval there is a certain amount of duration.
According to this theory the magnitive time is:
1) Magnitive of course.
2) It is based on the becoming-duration duality
3) It is represented by the parallelochron
The magnitive time is measurable (amount of duration), objective (it does not need a consciousness to measure it as Aristotle believed) and subperceptible (we do not see an interval in its entirety, but first we see the beginning and then we see the end and with the help of the measurement the brain relates these two moments and integrates the magnitude of the interval.
In Philochrony we have developed the theory of magnitive time. The magnitive concept was devised on September 16, 2017 and is derived from the word magnitude.
Now we have the theory of magnitive time and Philochrony as a science.
There is no theory here.

No predictions are made. Nothing is checkable against observation. This is contentless nonsense.

The magnitive time theory predicts
1) something that is known to everyone, everything that exists has a potential end.
2) at any point in the universe, time passes even if there is no observer.
3) time always flows from the past to the future or from the beginning to the end, never the other way around.
4) Therefore time travel will never be possible.
The magnitive time theory predicts
1) something that is known to everyone, everything that exists has a potential end.
2) at any point in the universe, time passes even if there is no observer.
3) time always flows from the past to the future or from the beginning to the end, never the other way around.
4) Therefore time travel will never be possible.
How will you test these predictions? Even in principle?
The objective, the subjective and the magnitive

These terms refer to how the subject perceives reality.
Objective is derived from object. The object is tangible and perceptible. An objective person bases his ideas on reality and truth. Subjective is derived from subject. So subjective is the opinion of the subject. Ideal. Magnitive is derived from magnitude. Magnitude is a physical quantity. The magnitive is the magnitude that increases continuously and is not perceived but is subperceptible. Time is the only magnitive magnitude. Because it is a physical and measurable magnitude, time is objective. By faith we believe in things we do not see. By extended experience (duration) we accept the existence of time. An interval is the distance or separation between two points in space or two moments in time.
The time interval is represented by: Start (lowest value) < ----------- > end (highest value). The subjective conception of time affirms that it does not exist, is an illusion, or is a priori. If time were subjective it would not have changed or becoming. It wouldn't have duration.

Magnitive time is defined as the duration of things subject to change bounded by a beginning and an end.
Length and time intervals

Previous note:
These are reflections on space and time to come to interesting conclusions.
Both length and time are made up of intervals. An interval is the distance or separation between two points in space (length) or between two sequential moments in becoming (time).
Length is measured in all three directions of space. Time (1) is the separation between two sequential moments in becoming, one of which is the beginning and the other the end. Between the beginning and the end there are sequential changes. Time is measured in only one direction, from the past to the future. These are mathematical definitions because they describe physical magnitudes or quantities. Time intervals are periodic and for this reason are known (subperceptibly) to the observer.

The idea that time flows is not a metaphor, it is a reality. Time flows (passes) second by second, minute by minute.

In conclusion:
Time (2) is the periodic becoming that we use to measure the duration of things. Date is the length of the year. The time is the length of the day. Age is the length of a person's life. Time is made up of natural (day and year) and artificial (clocks) periodic intervals.
(1) and (2) are definitions of time from two different approaches.
- Date is the duration of the year.
- The time is the duration of the day.
- Age is the duration of a person's life.
10 questions about time

These questions are answered by Philochrony.
1- What is time?
Time is the periodic process that we use to measure the duration of things.
2- Does time exist?
Yes, time exists because it is a measurable quantity and affects all of reality.
3- Can we perceive time?
No, we only perceive changes or becoming. The intervals are subperceptible.
4- Is time the fourth dimension of space?
No, time is not a dimension of space. Spacetime is a mathematical trick devised by Albert Einstein. Einstein reasoned by solving for time in the equation S= d/t.
5- Can we travel in time?
Not because neither the past nor the future exist. Time travel is only possible in science fiction.
6- What is time made up of?
Time is made up of natural or artificial periodic intervals.
7- What is magnitive time?
Magnitive time is objective, subperceptible and measurable.
8- What is magnitivism?
Magnitivism is the theory that describes magnitive time. Magnitive comes from magnitude and the suffix ive.
9- What is the parallelochron?
The parallelochron is the diagram that represents the direction of time and that of all events and phenomena.
10- What is Philochrony?
Philochrony is the science that describes the nature of time and demonstrates its existence
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