Elvis Sibilia's Philochrony theory of everything

This is why I like Roger Antonsen (mathematician) who advises examining somethings from as many different perspectives as possible, because the more you learn about a thing the greater the understanding of that thing and allowing for better communicating the properties of that thing.
This is why I like Roger Antonsen (mathematician) who advises examining somethings from as many different perspectives as possible, because the more you learn about a thing the greater the understanding of that thing and allowing for better communicating the properties of that thing.

Very true.
I think that this last point of view on time is the most accurate that I have been able to expose: becoming, duration and time.

Magnitivism is the doctrine that opposes Presentism in relation to the existence of time.

1) Why is magnitive time objective?
It is objective because the intervals are real. The beginning and end of phenomena are real.

2) Why is it imperceptible?
It is imperceptible because we do not perceive the intervals or duration (start-end). If we walk for an hour we have seen the passage of an hour (becoming), but we do not perceive the hour in an instant in its entirety. This is the quality least understood by readers. In a day we see the sequential changes that the rotation of the Earth generates (becoming), but we do not see the duration of a day.

3) Why is it measurable?
We measure time by counting the intervals of natural periodic phenomena (day and year) and artificial ones (clocks). This measure is expressed and accumulated with the units of time.

The tripartite principle of thought.

Just as matter manifests itself in three states: solid, liquid, and gaseous, time also manifests itself in three forms: becoming, duration, and chronometry. Becoming is the flow of time that goes from the past to the future passing through the present. It is perceptible. Duration is the interval between two sequential moments. It is subperceptible because we see the moments separately, one before and the other after. Chronometry is the measure of time. It is intelligible. These three time states coexist in a clock. Also in the parallelochron the three states of time are represented.

Other examples of the tripartite principle of thought are: God, with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in religion. The conscious, the subconscious and the unconscious in Psychology. In state government we have three branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. In philosophy, knowledge has three forms: concept, judgment, and reasoning.
Other examples of the tripartite principle of thought are: God, with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit in religion. The conscious, the subconscious and the unconscious in Psychology. In state government we have three branches: Executive, Legislative and Judicial. In philosophy, knowledge has three forms: concept, judgment, and reasoning.
And the universe itself is a fractal construct.

Fractal cosmology
In physical cosmology, fractal cosmology is a set of minority cosmological theories which state that the distribution of matter in the Universe, or the structure of the universe itself, is a fractal across a wide range of scales (see also: multifractal system). More generally, it relates to the usage or appearance of fractals in the study of the universe and matter. A central issue in this field is the fractal dimension of the universe or of matter distribution within it, when measured at very large or very small scales.

I really like the most recent theory of Causal Dynamical Triangulation (CDT)


figure 1. The two fundamental building blocks of CDT are four-simplices with flat, Minkowskian interior. They are spanned by spacelike edges, which lie entirely within spatial slices of constant time t, and timelike edges, which interpolate between adjacent slices of integer time. A building block of type (m, n) has m of its vertices in slice t, and n in slice t + 1

Causal Dynamical Triangulations and the Quest for Quantum Gravity
April 2010; Authors: J. Ambjorn, J. Jurkiewicz, R. Loll

Quantum Gravity by Causal Dynamical Triangulation has over the last few years emerged as a serious contender for a nonperturbative description of the theory. It is a nonperturbative implementation of the sum-over-histories, which relies on few ingredients and initial assumptions, has few free parameters and - crucially - is amenable to numerical simulations.
It is the only approach to have demonstrated that a classical universe can be generated dynamically from Planckian quantum fluctuations. At the same time, it allows for the explicit evaluation of expectation values of invariants characterizing the highly nonclassical, short-distance behaviour of spacetime.
As an added bonus, we have learned important lessons on which aspects of spacetime need to be fixed a priori as part of the background structure and which can be expected to emerge dynamically. Comment: To appear in "Foundations of Space and Time", Cambridge Univ. Press, eds. G. Ellis, J. Murugan, A Weltman

The tripartite principle of thought or TPT consists in looking for the three elements, forms or states in which beings and objects are composed.
From the post #364 I bring the following examples of the TPT:
1- In Philochrony the three states of time: becoming, duration and chronometry.
2- The three states of matter: solid, liquid and gaseous, in Natural Sciences.
3- God with his three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in Religion.
4- In Psychology, with the conscious, the subconscious and the unconscious, as states of mind.
5- In Politics, the State presents three powers: Executive, legislative and judicial.
6- In Philosophy knowledge has three forms: concept, judgment and reasoning.
Other new examples are:
7- The space is composed of three dimensions: horizontal, vertical and transverse.
8- In Physics, sound is composed of three qualities: tone, intensity and timbre.
9- By the way, three are the hands of a clock: hour hand, minute hand and second hand.
10- The past, present and future are the three stages of time.

Of the three states of time: becoming, duration and chronometry, only becoming is physical. Becoming is the continuous and irreversible succession of changes that go from the past to the future through the present. The becoming is perceptible.
Here the word metaphysics is taken in its literal meaning: beyond physics, not in its philosophical sense: the study of being.
For this reason duration (subperceptible) and chronometry (intelligible) are metaphysical. Duration is the interval between two sequential moments.
Due to its nature, time is magnitive. Magnitive and metaphysics of time are synonymous terms.
Physics can explain becoming: changes and movement, but it cannot explain duration or chronometry. The Metaphysics of time explains its three states.

Clock and Calendar are metaphysical tools because in them we do not perceive the duration but only obtain a measure of it.
In general, Philochrony is the metaphysics of time.
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1- In Philochrony the three states of time: becoming, duration and chronometry.
2- The three states of matter: solid, liquid and gaseous, in Natural Sciences.
3- God with his three persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in Religion.
4- In Psychology, with the conscious, the subconscious and the unconscious, as states of mind.
5- In Politics, the State presents three powers: Executive, legislative and judicial.
6- In Philosophy knowledge has three forms: concept, judgment and reasoning.
Other new examples are:
7- The space is composed of three dimensions: horizontal, vertical and transverse.
8- In Physics, sound is composed of three qualities: tone, intensity and timbre.
9- By the way, three are the hands of a clock: hour hand, minute hand and second hand.
10- The past, present and future are the three stages of time.

Just a thought. I would like to hear your comment on this.

Another principle of the Universe.

11. In Geometry of spacetime : the Triangle,



The simplest fractal is the Triangle


A fractal is a never-ending pattern. Fractals are infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across different scales. They are created by repeating a simple process over and over in an ongoing feedback loop. Driven by recursion, fractals are images of dynamic systems – the pictures of Chaos.
Geometrically, they exist in between our familiar dimensions. Fractal patterns are extremely familiar, since nature is full of fractals. For instance: trees, rivers, coastlines, mountains, clouds, seashells, hurricanes, etc. Abstract fractals – such as the Mandelbrot Set – can be generated by a computer calculating a simple equation over and over.

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For some people, time is an illusion, it does not exist. For others, time is the fourth dimension of space. The truth is that the nature of time is not an illusion or a dimension of space. The dimensions of space are traversed in two directions, time only flows in one direction: from the past to the future through the present.
For Philochrony time is the continuous succession of irreversible changes that occur in an interval (duration). Chronometry is the possibility of repeating the intervals. In this sense, chronometry is synonymous with periodic. In this definition the three states of time are present.
Although it is obvious I must say that in an hour the minute hand of the clock makes a complete turn of the dial of this device. The movement of the hands is the becoming, the hour is the duration and the repetition of the hour is the chronometry. The hand clock is the best material representation of time.
The nature of time is tripartite: becoming (perceptible), duration (subperceptible) and chronometry (intelligible). The nature of light is a duality: wave-particle.
The true nature of time contradicts the ideas and theories put forward so far.
Time is measured with a position in space, but it does not mean that space-time exists. The hour is a certain position of a point on Earth in relation to the rotational motion. The date is the position of the Earth in relation to its translational motion.

The qualities of time are its three states: becoming, duration and chronometry. These qualities make time a phenomenon like any other in nature. What makes time enigmatic is that it measures itself and cannot be controlled. The duration of non-periodic phenomena refers to the time for their measurement. Some examples of non-periodic phenomena are: the fall of rain, the life of a person, a song, a movie, an earthquake, etc.

Time exists in all periodic phenomena such as Earth movements and clocks. There is a video on Youtube (in Spanish) that is titled: Time does not exist and I show you it in 11 minutes. It is a contradiction to pretend demonstrate that time does not exist in a certain period of time.
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For a long time I have been reading and hearing that time is an elusive concept, that is, it cannot be grasped or apprehended. But with Philochrony the concept of time has ceased to be elusive to become a manageable concept.

The ideas of magnitive time (Post 243), the parallelochron (Post 348) and the three states of time (Post 364) have made it possible to apprehend the concept of time. With these ideas we freeze the concept of time and we can analyze it thoroughly.

Although it is paradoxical, time explained by Philochrony is out of time
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The river is the dimension of time. But this dimension is an illusion caused by becoming and duration.

"An illusion is the perception or misinterpretation of a real external stimulus. For example, seeing something that looked like an animal but when we see it well there is only vegetation, or interpreting a shadow in a dark street as if it were a person." From: Wikipedia

For Isaac Newton "time is like a river in which everything happens". For Albert Einstein "the distinction between past, present and future is only a persistent stubborn illusion". Both Newton and Einstein referred to the River, but without identifying it as the dimension of time but as time itself.
The past and the future are illusions as Einstein thought, only the present is real. The River is represented in the parallelochron.

Although the River is an illusion it gives us information about the difference between the past and the future. Aristotle thought that time depended on a consciousness that records it. Philochrony, with the River, unifies the ideas of Aristotle, Newton and Einstein about time.

In conclusion, we must differentiate between the objective and real time (present) and its subjective dimension, River (past and future).
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The river is the dimension of time. But this dimension is an illusion caused by becoming and duration.

"An illusion is the perception or misinterpretation of a real external stimulus. For example, seeing something that looked like an animal but when we see it well there is only vegetation, or interpreting a shadow in a dark street as if it were a person." From: Wikipedia

For Isaac Newton "time is like a river in which everything happens". For Albert Einstein "the distinction between past, present and future is only a persistent stubborn illusion". Both Newton and Einstein referred to the River, but without identifying it as the dimension of time but as time itself.
The past and the future are illusions as Einstein thought, only the present is real. The River is represented in the parallelochron.

Although the River is an illusion it gives us information about the difference between the past and the future. Aristotle thought that time depended on a consciousness that records it. Philochrony, with the River, unifies the ideas of Aristotle, Newton and Einstein about time.

In conclusion, we must differentiate between the objective and real time (present) and its subjective dimension, River (past and future).
Lots of metaphor, maybe a bit of philosophy, but no scientific content here.
Lots of metaphor, maybe a bit of philosophy, but no scientific content here.

The metaphor is Newton's father of Mechanics, Gravity and Optics. To consider the River as illusion is not Philosophy, but Psychology. Illusions are phenomena of perception that can be studied in a psychology laboratory. The River is the line that links the past with the future. Neither the past (what has happened) nor the future (expectations) can be denied.
We all experience this illusion that is reinforced when we look at old photos or when we listen to a song that reminds us of some experience from the past.

Perhaps the name River would not be correct for the dimension of time, but I chose it thinking of Isaac Newton who said: "time is like a river in which everything happens". That's a metaphor.