Does reincarnation exist?

Death is synonymous with nothing. Can you just say death is not the end of the physical self and that your conciousness in not a spirit now free.
Human death is synonymous with the end of "physical self" and end of "conscious self-awareness".
IOW, total and irreversible oblivion. What remains is your "memory" in the ones you leave behind.
Human death is synonymous with the end of "physical self" and end of "conscious self-awareness".
IOW, total and irreversible oblivion. What remains is your "memory" in the ones you leave behind.
That's about the size of it, and why some need the mythical fuzzy warmth of an eternal life after death. Zilch, zero're dead you're dead!!!
But not the end of the self .
More nonsense................................Unless of course you have some extraordinary evidence, supporting that rather pretentious mythical concept.
That is the question . We do know the self exists .
No , you don't . Your "self" is a "brain in a vat" (Descartes) and your self awareness is just a "controlled hallucination", controlled by your personal physical "survival strategy" (Anil Seth)

It is only when our controlled hallucinations agree, that we call that reality.
Not everybody agrees on the same reality you think you know!
Human death is synonymous with the end of "physical self" and end of "conscious self-awareness".
IOW, total and irreversible oblivion. What remains is your "memory" in the ones you leave behind.

I pray your wrong. I wish you could see the wisdom of believing.
I pray your wrong. I wish you could see the wisdom of believing.
You are free to indulge your controlled hallucination, if that makes you happy while alive.
When you're dead none of it matters anymore.
I am perfectly content with the knowledge there is no after-life. I try to live fully and responsibly while I am alive.
Yes I get your point.
The op talks of a soul finding a new body perhaps that should be the place to start. I don't think there is any evidence for a soul other than that there is nothing I can contribute.
I can provide strong evidence for reincarnation in AI, just download the hard drive.......:)
I try to live fully and responsibly while I am alive.
but you can not even define who you are..
It is not good enough to simply say "I think there for I am." with out actually explaining the "I" bit.

So what exactly are we questioning as being reincarnated?
but you can not even define who you are..
It is not good enough to simply say "I think there for I am." with out actually explaining the "I" bit.
I may not know exactly who I am , but I know that I can suffer pain and hunger, the emotions that are essential in living organisms and their maintenance of homeostasis. I know that I am alive.
So what exactly are we questioning as being reincarnated?
There's the rub. Can I suffer pain and hunger in the afterlife?
As Anil Seth explains; "You don't have to be intelligent to suffer pain, but you probably have to be alive"

But of course that's the lure of the afterlife where there is only joy and satisfaction forever and ever and if you wish you can descend and occupy another person and feel pain and hunger again.....:rolleyes:

but you can not even define who you are..

I may not know exactly who I am , but I know that I can suffer pain and hunger, the emotions that are essential in living organisms and their maintenance of homeostasis. I know that I am alive.

Intellect , is also Essential in Living Organisms . Intellect is alive .

As in , All Life forms .
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I may not know exactly who I am , but I know that I can suffer pain and hunger, the emotions that are essential in living organisms and their maintenance of homeostasis. I know that I am alive. There's the rub. Can I suffer pain and hunger in the afterlife?
As Anil Seth explains; "You don't have to be intelligent to suffer pain, but you probably have to be alive"

But of course that's the lure of the afterlife where there is only joy and satisfaction forever and ever and if you wish you can descend and occupy another person and feel pain and hunger again.....:rolleyes:
wellll! The whole point of reincarnation and the cessation of it is that there is no after life, only another life. The reason the Buddhist have for seeking an end to Samsara is to end the suffering of countless reincarnated lives.

In case you are not aware the concept of reincarnation is not a Western religious one. It is in fact an Eastern philosophical one.
Saṃsāra (Sanskrit, Pali; also samsara) in Buddhism is the beginningless cycle of repeated birth, mundane existence and dying again. Samsara is considered to be dukkha, unsatisfactory and painful, perpetuated by desire and avidya (ignorance), and the resulting karma.

So I am not too sure what you are talking about....
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In essence reincarnation is the perpetuation of a duality. The Buddhist seeks ultimately to transcend the duality ( Yin and Yang) and achieve a non-dualistic state.(no reincarnation ( life death)- end Samsara)
It's actually quite fascinating to research if you could be bothered...
In essence reincarnation is the perpetuation of a duality. The Buddhist seeks ultimately to transcend the duality ( Yin and Yang) and achieve a non-dualistic state.(no reincarnation ( life death)- end Samsara)
It's actually quite fascinating to research if you could be bothered...
If I needed to pick a mythical religion to be true, that would probably be it. We had a buddhist family renting a house not far from us at one time.....Beautiful people....and even forgave me after one of my reunions, walking up the street at midnight, singing "I'd like to knock her off............the Harbour Bridge" Oh I'd like to knock her off, I'd like to knock her off, I'd like to knock her off the Harbour Bridge!!! :D
The whole point of reincarnation and the cessation of it is that there is no after life, only another life.
That is not a logical argument.
The whole point of reincarnation is that you continue in some form. If you become another living thing it is not you anymore.

Carlin said it best ; Life began a few billion years ago and continues rolling along, rolling along".

Are we reincarnations of early bacteria or is it only people who reincarnate? Actually it is more likely that we reincarnate in the form of bacteria or a rose bush. What then is the point of reincarnation? To learn how not to suffer? There are people who do not feel pain and are constantly at risk of serious injury. You cannot change the rules of Nature. Survival instinct reigns supreme for all living things.

Hence the many models of an after-life. No one wants to die, but we do. That's a fact. And our bodies are recycled into simpler forms of life, that's a fact. If you wish to call that reincarnation that's fine by me.

But I wont look at my cat and say "I just know it's my dead uncle reincarnated in that cat".

AFAIK Buddha advocated acceptance of pain and suffering as part of the dynamic "balance" (duality) of life.

Nothing can ever attain perfection. Perfection is death without reincarnation. A self defeating goal.
No one wants to die, but we do. That's a fact
Bingo!!!!Dying is part and parcel of living...*shrug* While I'll fight to the death [pardon the pun] to stay alive, I accept it will happen and hope its peaceful and calm...
. And our bodies are recycled into simpler forms of life, that's a fact. If you wish to call that reincarnation that's fine by me.
No, that's crap, and just more religious nonsense. Even in the Catholic church, on Ash Wednesday the old priest rubs some ashes on your forehead and says, "remember man that thou art dust, and unto dust thou shalt return" Of course they also presume that one has a soul that on the day you kick the bucket, flitters like a UFO to heaven, or perhaps down the gurgler to that other place!!! :p