Atheism & Theism...A Common Denominator

Yes, it does hurt people. You hurt yourself and others here by continuing to lie about it. And, it does appear that lying is something you have no problem with.

How exactly are you "hurt" by her beliefs? Besides being vicious to her for believing in something that is beyond you, that is?
Lori, do you want us to know that it's true what you're saying ?

sure, that would be great. but i want you to know it because you've experienced it yourself, not because i convince you of it.
sure, that would be great. but i want you to know it because you've experienced it yourself, not because i convince you of it.

Well, I cannot influence that anymore than I already do (according to you).
So what now ?

My point, though, was that you have no means to convince any of us. You have no evidence.
Well, I cannot influence that anymore than I already do (according to you).
So what now ?

My point, though, was that you have no means to convince any of us. You have no evidence.

yeah, so that's appropriate right?

it'll work out for you enmos, you'll see.
it's not for anyone else. and what's involved in a relationship that's been going on for decades is a little involved to offer up in this forum, you know?

I agree with you totally. But you have to realize that this isn't good enough in a public debate.

For instance, I say I'm an alien. I can't give you any evidence other than I feel that I'm an alien, and all my personal experiences confirm it, but I cannot relate any of them to you. Should I expect you to believe it? Certainly a few people would, but no one who demands rigorous evidence could be expected to believe me.
How exactly are you "hurt" by her beliefs? Besides being vicious to her for believing in something that is beyond you, that is?

You've provided endless bold faced lies yourself, Sam. I know you don't care about that, so it's understandable why you would defend other theists who also lie and then accuse the receivers of those lies as being vicious.

You theists really are pieces of work.
You've provided endless bold faced lies yourself, Sam. I know you don't care about that, so it's understandable why you would defend other theists who also lie and then accuse the receivers of those lies as being vicious.

You theists really are pieces of work.

Lets take the well known scientific approach.

Prove that she lied.
Then, you are insane. There are no other alternatives.

Of course there are other alternatives, just none that your mind is open to.

There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Lets take the well known scientific approach.

Prove that she lied.

So, you want me to prove to a liar (you) that someone else (Lori) is lying?

Of course there are other alternatives, just none that your mind is open to.

Well, yes, technically there are other alternatives. For example, there is your god delusion (Allah) that can be compared to Lori's god delusion (Jesus)

Well done, Sam. :bravo:
Well, yes, technically there are other alternatives. For example, there is your god delusion (Allah) that can be compared to Lori's delusion (Jesus)

Well done, Sam. :bravo:

See? You found one.

You can find even more alternatives if you put your mind to it. :)
I agree with you totally. But you have to realize that this isn't good enough in a public debate.

For instance, I say I'm an alien. I can't give you any evidence other than I feel that I'm an alien, and all my personal experiences confirm it, but I cannot relate any of them to you. Should I expect you to believe it? Certainly a few people would, but no one who demands rigorous evidence could be expected to believe me.

i'm not debating. i'm just discussing.

maybe that's the problem!

i have no desire to debate about my experiences. i find it kind of offensive when people think that my life and experiences and perceptions of them are even up for debate. i find that arrogant.
It is easy to blame people using lack of belief as an excuse. When it is obvious her God is not supporting her efforts.

Maybe he is. After all, (Q) met the God he believed in since he rejects the one Lori believes in. After all, just because we assume there is an objective reality common to all does not necessarily make it anything more than a useful assumption/
See? You found one.

You can find even more alternatives if you put your mind to it. :)

Yes, leprechauns, unicorns, pink elephants, invisible purple dragons, etc.

But wait, they're all delusions, hence under a single category of mental disorders.

Sorry, we just ran out of alternatives.
Yes, leprechauns, unicorns, pink elephants, invisible purple dragons, etc.

But wait, they're all delusions, hence under a single category of mental disorders.

Sorry, we just ran out of alternatives.

One mans dogma is another mans innovation, you seem very close minded in exploring anything outside your bubble. Are you afraid or something?