Atheism & Theism...A Common Denominator

So prsent the evidence so it can be examined. Otherwise its not really evidence, its just you claiming its evidence.

it's evidence to me, and i have no desire to try to reiterate it all to you. why would i?

you want me to put god under a microscope or in a test tube for you right?

that's ridiculous.

get your own evidence the same way i got mine.

i'm not making demands of you are i? i'm not relying on you.
i don't give a shit if you believe me or not. you are one of those out here that seems to think it's soooo damn important whether you believe me or not. i don't care. and me posting my experiences out here and my opinions is no more whoring than anyone else who does. it might make you feel good to think i'm the only one who's experienced god, but i am not, and i've never said i am.

you are so jaded and manipulative and biased it's sickening. it's insecurities.

Oh yes, your lies and deceit are all my fault. That's real nice of you, Lori. :rolleyes:
Oh yes, your lies and deceit are all my fault. That's real nice of you, Lori. :rolleyes:

i'm not lying. you just choose not to believe me. what i'm saying is that it is not my responsibility to establish a relationship between god and you. that's your responsibility, and you shun it on purpose. that's not my fault, and you substantiate your position all the time. it's obvious. you trying to lay blame on me for your lack of knowledge of god, that comes from god himself and to you directly, is nonsensical, and malicious.
i'm not lying. you just choose not to believe me. what i'm saying is that it is not my responsibility to establish a relationship between god and you. that's your responsibility, and you shun it on purpose. that's not my fault, and you substantiate your position all the time. it's obvious. you trying to lay blame on me for your lack of knowledge of god, that comes from god himself and to you directly, is nonsensical, and malicious.

Why is that theists lie all the time? Why do they blame everyone else for their incompetence?
Why is that theists lie all the time? Why do they blame everyone else for their incompetence?

i'm not lying and i have my relationship with god. where does that leave you?
it's evidence to me, and i have no desire to try to reiterate it all to you. why would i?

you want me to put god under a microscope or in a test tube for you right?

that's ridiculous.

get your own evidence the same way i got mine.

i'm not making demands of you are i? i'm not relying on you.

Evidence that is only valid to one person is not evidence in the scientific sense.
Evidence that is only valid to one person is not evidence in the scientific sense.

i don't care. who said anything about science? this is my life. i'm really not interested in reducing my life down to some science experiment. is that what you do with your relationships? is that how you perceive them? :confused:
That's fine for you but we are talking about broader issues. Do I really have to explain to you on this science forum why science was invented?
That's fine for you but we are talking about broader issues. Do I really have to explain to you on this science forum why science was invented?

no, i just don't see it's relevance in respect to a relationship.
You may find relevence and meaning in a work of fiction (Lord of the Rings for instance), and that's fine for you, but you would have trouble convincing me that the story represented real events. I think we are talking about what can be confirmed as a true model of reality.
no, i just don't see it's relevance in respect to a relationship.

Science can help demonstrate the difference between reality and delusion, or insanity. You don't see the relevance because you don't want to as it will topple your house of cards.
You may find relevence and meaning in a work of fiction (Lord of the Rings for instance), and that's fine for you, but you would have trouble convincing me that the story represented real events. I think we are talking about what can be confirmed as a true model of reality.

i'm not talking about reading a book. i'm talking about having a relationship.
Science can help demonstrate the difference between reality and delusion, or insanity. You don't see the relevance because you don't want to as it will topple your house of cards.

science is your religion.

my relationship with god isn't hurting you or anyone else. you don't want to believe i have it, don't. you don't want to have one yourself, don't. :shrug:
science is your religion.

my relationship with god isn't hurting you or anyone else. you don't want to believe i have it, don't. you don't want to have one yourself, don't. :shrug:

Yes, it does hurt people. You hurt yourself and others here by continuing to lie about it. And, it does appear that lying is something you have no problem with.
i'm not talking about reading a book. i'm talking about having a relationship.

What kind of evidence do you have that could satisfy a skeptic? According to you nothing. So your claims can be dismissed as a personal belief which cannot be confirmed in any other way.

I asked if you would relate the facts that cause you to believe, but you haven't yet.
Yes, it does hurt people. You hurt yourself and others here by continuing to lie about it. And, it does appear that lying is something you have no problem with.

i'm not lying. aw too bad. boo hoo.
What kind of evidence do you have that could satisfy a skeptic? According to you nothing. So your claims can be dismissed as a personal belief which cannot be confirmed in any other way.

I asked if you would relate the facts that cause you to believe, but you haven't yet.

it's not for anyone else. and what's involved in a relationship that's been going on for decades is a little involved to offer up in this forum, you know?