Atheism & Theism...A Common Denominator

Not quite the same thing as saying "In my mind I couldn't possibly think about something I never experienced or come across through daily life."

Should have put an 'if' in after something but no matter.

I'm sure the most recently discovered jungle tribe talks about nuclear physics all the time. In fact they are always inventing stuff they never heard of like 65 metric ton Tiger tanks.
If there was all kinds of evidence then there would be no theists or atheists.

Are you sure? Man has been given the evidence that food keeps humans from dying. God has provided for man in such a way that man could eliminate starvation, yet man values other pursuits. If man demonstrates understanding of being his 'brothers keeper', maybe He will allow for further revelation of Himself. Or maybe not.

The first “think” link has a Price: $31.50 to read the article. Nope. Get something that doesn’t cost anything corroborating your opinion. That was such a disappointment, I didn’t go any farther with your “think” links. Lay it out for me.

It wasn’t Gutenberg making the very first printing press as you had avowed. Lay out your hypothesis allowing examination.

Also include the “spring out of nowhere“ 100% new for us to view.
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The first “think” link has a Price: $31.50 to read the article.
So what?
I didn't pay to read the entire article either - the abstract alone should have given you enough.
Designers, during a conceptual design process, do not just synthesize solutions that satisfy initially given requirements, but also invent design issues or requirements that capture important aspects of the given problem

That was such a disappointment, I didn’t go any farther with your “think” links.
Says quite a bit about you doesn't it?

Lay it out for me.
Nah, I'm done with you.
You don't take in what I've said, you don't think, you're stuck in your own groove.
I'm not sure if that's laziness or wilful blindness.

It wasn’t Gutenberg making the very first printing press as you had avowed.
I named Guttenberg as he's the one usually listed... It was an illustration: who did it is irrelevant.

Lay out your hypothesis allowing examination.
Nope: I'm a designer - it's actual knowledge.
So what?
I didn't pay to read the entire article either - the abstract alone should have given you enough.

Says quite a bit about you doesn't it?

Nah, I'm done with you.
You don't take in what I've said, you don't think, you're stuck in your own groove.
I'm not sure if that's laziness or wilful blindness.

I named Guttenberg as he's the one usually listed... It was an illustration: who did it is irrelevant.

Nope: I'm a designer - it's actual knowledge.

You use computers to design tools, is that it?

How about the “spring out of nowhere“ 100% new for us to view, designer.
You use computers to design tools, is that it?
So you have no idea of the design process either?

How about the “spring out of nowhere“ 100% new for us to view, designer.
Incapable of reading my previous posts?
Too lazy to look for your own counter examples because you're so wedded to your own view?
Also, I chose printing press. Refer to my previous post #350 in which printing presses evolved and didn’t “spring out of nowhere“. My comment was take a round piece of wood and carve a letter on the end, coat the end with dye, then stamp leather. Presto, a non-developed, non-refined, crude printing press. Evidence is wooden blocks in China began the printing press process before 220 by stamping cloth, and from Egypt in the 4th century. Thereby, answering your question “Who'd seen or heard a printing press before Guttenberg started?” Johannes Gensfleisch zur Laden zum Gutenberg (c. 1398 – 3 February, 1468) was a German goldsmith and printer who is credited with being the first European to use movable type printing c. 1439 and the global inventor of the mechanical printing press. You presented this presto Gutenberg printing press as though it was the very first one, ever. In post #333 you state “Who'd seen or heard a printing press before Guttenberg started?”

Cheap Trick. Yes invention but it didn‘t “springing out of nowhere.” Thinking skills did it along with tool making skills and having a need cause the printing press to get its start. Common sense logically progressing inventing/making tools using whatever is available but not ‘out of nowhere.” Writing is a precursor to printing. A thought developed in the mind of person back before 220 in china who was mind-numbingly writing the same text again and again. Or was tediously drawing the same/alike picture again and again. That individual using his/her thinking skills must have thought there has to be an easier way. Wooden blocks was the choice and it happened in China before 220. It wasn’t Gutenberg making the first printing press as you had avowed.
A little over 530 million years ago everything lived in the sea. The fossil record is proof enough. Man evolved and was not created. Fish is the word.

But who says God didn't use evolution as his method of creating Man? I eman there are some religious nuts who say the bible in literal in Genesis, meanwhile I believe it was passed dwon to us in a format we could understand. Besides look at the order he created the animals.....the same order as they appear by evolution.
111.…..I think I was fair. I chose the printing press for your example of something “springing out of nowhere.” And it is technology. China is where the printing press began. China had the first movable block printing press too. It stands to reason……1

I chose the internet for my example of (as you put it) “springing out of nowhere.” And it is technology.

222.…...Refer to my previous post #342 and #347, wherein, the internet evolved in due course. It all started when Sputnik, the first man-made satellite, made it possible Soviet Union could launch a missile at North America. Eisenhower created the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) in direct response to Sputnik's launch. ARPA's purpose was to give the United States a technological edge over other countries. One important part of ARPA's mission was computer science. In the 1950s, computers were enormous devices that filled entire rooms. The rest is history.….222

Presto doesn’t happen and the internet didn’t “spring out of nowhere.”

Think about it while you’re throwing snow it’s easy to cut and paste a few facts you know. You’re a joke with the cheap tricks game you play. And the reason for the cheap tricks Jack in the box , think.

333.……How about the “spring out of nowhere” 100% new for us to view?…….333

In a discussion like this one I give a person three strikes. You have used up two.
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But who says God didn't use evolution as his method of creating Man? I eman there are some religious nuts who say the bible in literal in Genesis, meanwhile I believe it was passed dwon to us in a format we could understand. Besides look at the order he created the animals.....the same order as they appear by evolution.

There could be a problem with birds arriving before land animals. But really, you don't think people ever sat around and pondered this stuff before the Bible was written? It was the most logical order of things for the people who wrote it. Their brains were the same as ours so in hindsight they did a pretty good job.

I'd like to see a group of schoolkids given the choices and see what order they'd put it in. I'll bet they put the sun before light. Before creation did God fumble around in the dark? Honestly man, give your fellow man some credit instead of maligning them all the time.
But who says God didn't use evolution as his method of creating Man? I eman there are some religious nuts who say the bible in literal in Genesis, meanwhile I believe it was passed dwon to us in a format we could understand. Besides look at the order he created the animals.....the same order as they appear by evolution.

Hey Scott, for me it boils down to the evidence. For your question to have any credibility you have to lay it on me. Fact is where I stand. Science marshals the facts while religion is off is the land of Connerly. You know puff the magic dragon. Spiritual reawaking those type of things and it all has to be taken by faith. Jesus!
Are you sure? Man has been given the evidence that food keeps humans from dying.

I don't know whether to :) or :bawl: with that one.

I don't know how old you are but for your own sake stop and take a good look at what you just said and why you said it. Has logic, reason & common sense left their end of the teeter-totter?

It's like you're saying God created man last because it takes Him six days to prepare dinner for us, starting with building a nice place to eat and then bringing on the feast. Somewhere out in deep space there's an illuminated sandwich board that says Welcome to God's Diner.
I don't know whether to :) or :bawl: with that one.

I don't know how old you are but for your own sake stop and take a good look at what you just said and why you said it. Has logic, reason & common sense left their end of the teeter-totter?

It's like you're saying God created man last because it takes Him six days to prepare dinner for us, starting with building a nice place to eat and then bringing on the feast. Somewhere out in deep space there's an illuminated sandwich board that says Welcome to God's Diner.

this made me laugh, but i think you missed the point. i interpreted what he said to mean that there's plenty of food around and people are still starving, because man's intent is not to feed people, but to make money doing it. it's kind of the same thing with evidence of god. there's plenty around to be had but lots of people have intentions that conflict with the desire to recognize it.
it's kind of the same thing with evidence of god. there's plenty around to be had but lots of people have intentions that conflict with the desire to recognize it.

That has to be one of the lamest, bullshit, cop out excuses ever, Lori. If something is evidence of god, no intentions of anyone is ever going to change that. Everyone would recognize it.

Only an attention whore who thinks they're special would make such a ridiculous claim.
That has to be one of the lamest, bullshit, cop out excuses ever, Lori. If something is evidence of god, no intentions of anyone is ever going to change that. Everyone would recognize it.

Only an attention whore who thinks they're special would make such a ridiculous claim.

thanks Q, this quote is a perfect example of what i'm talking about.