Scary movie was crap. Bruiser was shite. Charlie's angels WILL be bollocks even though I haven't seen it yet, Red Planet yawn, American Psycho was almost bad, Advice from a caterpillar???? what was that about, I mean how many ppl can relate to shit like this?
Let's face it, most of Hollywoods offerings over the past few years is just mindless turdsalata made for people with shit for brains by people without any brains at all.
The best films I 've seen recently have been low budget British movies, that can tell a story, make you laugh and cry and think. Try East is East, There's only one Jimmy Grimble, Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels, all brilliant, there's more but I can't remember movie names (I had to use this month's TV magazine to remind me), check out films which are channel4 or BBC co-productions for true quality!