You say you would believe something as true, with no evidence.
And you think you are typical?
I don’t get it. Why would anyone believe something with no evidence.
For that matter, why would someone have an opinion with no evidence?
I have had occasions to think about decision making. That is what we are talking about, isn’t it? We are talking about making a decision such as: “I have a belief this is true.”, and you would make such a decision with no evidence.
I would say I have very little respect for your decision making.
Well, you have not shown that beliefs can be formulated without evidence. If it is possible, I do not think it is common place.
Even if you could, evidence supports falseness as handily as it supports truthfulness. Knowledge may be true, it may be false. Evidence has sent men to their death in a legal court of law, and some of those death causing decisions were based on false conclusions. Yes you can get others to agree with you, whether you are correct or not.
This is a thing that is true because we say it is true. Every rational person knows it is true, and only an irrational person would disagree with your claim.
When there is no disagreement, no justification is necessary. There is no need to justify your claim to any sane person. If justification is necessary for knowledge, this is not knowledge.
What you say is a truism. Knowledge must be supported by the evidence.
The problems is, who gets to decide what is acceptable evidence?
Among Christians, there is much evidence Jesus was the only son of God, and the savior of the world.
Do you claim among Christians there is not an abundance of evidence for these things?
Is there knowledge about global warming?
There is conflicting information about the causes and effects of global warming, especially in regard to mankind’s role, and all of the beliefs are supported by evidence, so is all of the information knowledge, that cannot be wrong?
In many cases there are two sides, each with evidence, and you would have us believe . . . .what?
Are we to think any time there is disagreement between two groups, neither one has knowledge (true information), or do they both have knowledge?