Women are superior to men because we can........

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A lot of this thread is intended as a joke, but if one were to strip away all the extraneous list-values (IE - anything that was just there at the expense of being funny, spiteful, or analogous) I wonder who would be judged as "the best gender"?

It would be interesting to establish, then come to an agreement on a list of standard values - and finally see how the two compare.

Yeah, I know - apples and oranges. I still think it would make an interesting discussion.
We are more intelligent
Men's brain are 10% larger than womens BUT we have more grey matter. A whopping 5.4% more than men!
http://www.gnxp.com/MT2/archives/003482.html said:
In general, men have approximately 6.5 times the amount of gray matter related to general intelligence than women, and women have nearly 10 times the amount of white matter related to intelligence than men. Gray matter represents information processing centers in the brain, and white matter represents the networking of – or connections between – these processing centers.

So I think you got it reversed, sister. Men have more gray and women have more white matter. Grey matter is what does the actual information processing, whereas white matter is what connects the different brain regions together. This likely makes women better at detecting subtle emotions and making quick simple calculations. The extra processing gray matter that men have likely make them better at fluid, deductive logical thinking, mathematics, thinking abstractly and formulating complex plans.

So no. Women are not smarter than men. In fact, if you wanted to go by IQ or other standardized tests, it can be argued as being the other way around. Men have higher IQs (by about 5 points), consistently outperform women in SATs, ACTs, ASVABs, etc. But women can still give birth. :)

We need a combination of masculine and feminine energy to rule the world sensibly. We see things differently, catch things the other misses, compensate for each other's weaknesses, discourage the other from being a complete idiot.
Well said.
yea women are right men shall stay at home and women can fight our wars.

What was that ? Say it again. :mad:

She should leave starting a thread with ridiculous reasons is only a flame thread baiting weak mysogynistic jerks drooling at the mouth and consequently making fun of women. Ironicly she is the same type of men who get cheap ego thrills from sexism and they deserve eachother.
She should leave starting a thread with ridiculous reasons is only a flame thread baiting weak mysogynistic jerks drooling at the mouth and consequently making fun of women. Ironicly she is the same type of men who get cheap ego thrills from sexism and they deserve eachother.
With the way women act/behave nowadays, can you blame men for becoming misogynistic assholes?
You must be a woman too. No man would make such a defensive statement. Lighten up.
1. women has a negative connotation, a connotation absent from the word augury; generally, augury bodes well for the future, an women bodes ill

2. a harbinger is an indication of the approach of something or someone; a messenger is a person who carries a communications or performs an errand; an wOmen is a sign of something about to happen

[I]"women have more connections in the brain,
 allowing them to think about several things at once"[/I]

I agree that women can think of several things at once, but so can men, the difference, is in the types of things each gender prefers to think about.

Example: A woman might think the hedge needs trimming, I'll go do my hair tomorrow, there's a crack in the ceiling needs mending, I love that handbag I saw yesterday, I bet my lazy husband is watching porn on his computer...all at the same time.

A man might think I've got to get a laptop eventually, should I get a Touareg or a Boxster car? I wonder if there's any good porn on the x channel? Mm...I fancy a big meaty sandwich, I wonder what xyz is like in bed? Oh yes that was a good bit of porn on the x channel...all at the same time.
We can fake it men can't
Statements like that just add fuel to the misogynistic fire.
We'd rather be ineffective than decieved. One day you women will wake up and realize that.
No, men can't/don't fake orgasms but they can fake whole relationships.
Everything you said is all wrong....

Men are smarter, and consistent studies show it....
Men are more mobile, don't have periods, etc...
Men are stronger, this is a biological fact.....

So basically, women aren't superior, and the world history sure shows it......

Everybody likes women, except women....they hate everyone and everything....
With the way women act/behave nowadays, can you blame men for becoming misogynistic assholes?
You must be a woman too. No man would make such a defensive statement. Lighten up.

So much for logic. Why don't you lighten up. Haha, blaming women. That was too unpredictable for sure.
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