Winglet, the Segway killer

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As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
By Toyota:


It is slower than a Segway but also smaller. No report on the price yet....
Do you steer it with you knees? Or do you just shift your weight or something?
I hate Segways and all who ride them. I just don't understand why people can't walk. Security uses them at the mall and it really lowers my respect for them. Its just a pet peeve of mine I suppose.
You shift just like with the Segway. Security people or people working in warehouses might have to walk 10+ miles a shift, justifying using Segway...
I am sorry but this technology will not become a replacement for a segway, majorly because Segway finds its use mostly on golf courts were big tires are much more welcomed, over a rugged grassy terrain, than the smaller ones.
You shift just like with the Segway. Security people or people working in warehouses might have to walk 10+ miles a shift, justifying using Segway...

At Gm factories they used to use bicycles. Then golf carts. I can see then using segways now. Seriously, there are miles of floorspace and when time is money....
I always think of this post when Sedgeway is mentioned: (even in passing)
Porfiry said:
A friend astutely pointed out that people riding the Segway look very much like the villains in the movie "Dark City" in they way that they float about in total absence of limb movement.

Consequently, if I ever see someone wearing a bowler hat and a trenchcoat while riding a Segway, I might turn and run in terror.

I'm still suprised the "Military" hasn't adapted them to lessen the load on soldiers during their marching. perhaps even as some sort of heavy gun platform merged with armour.

Still in honesty they really are a waste of money and energy. Get yourself a C5 at least it's near classic status in the UK making it easier on the budget for car tax.
Western militaries are already mechanized for travel. The marching is just to stay in shape/learn to work together/etc. for actual fighting.
That thing could probably tear a limb off if something went wrong with the system.
Do you steer it with you knees? Or do you just shift your weight or something?
I hate Segways and all who ride them. I just don't understand why people can't walk. Security uses them at the mall and it really lowers my respect for them. Its just a pet peeve of mine I suppose.

I don't get segueways either. Is it going to be adapted to people with large girth ?
I am sorry but this technology will not become a replacement for a segway, majorly because Segway finds its use mostly on golf courts were big tires are much more welcomed, over a rugged grassy terrain, than the smaller ones.

Although that is not a bad application, it is not true that Segway's major use is on golfcourses. It is by security in malls and such...
You shift just like with the Segway. Security people or people working in warehouses might have to walk 10+ miles a shift, justifying using Segway...

And if they can't walk a measly 10 miles a day, they are not fit enough to secure anything.
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