Winglet, the Segway killer

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And if they can't walk a measly 10 miles a day, they are not fit enough to secure anything.

Just for your sake, let's make it 30 miles....or what if the security guard handicapped?

I take you don't see any legitim usage for Segway???
A guard has to be able to guard. If they can't walk a measly 10 miles a day, they are not fit enough to secure anything.
A guard needs to do more than sit in a booth or walk a patrol. If an alarm goes off or he hears someone scream, he needs to get there faster than running speed, especially if its a long distance. This could do that. And airport security guards use trucks. This could be a gas saver.
A guard has to be able to guard. If they can't walk a measly 10 miles a day, they are not fit enough to secure anything.

Whatever happened to the 30 miles? I increased the distance!!

So I take you are against handicapped people taking positions as security guard or night watchmen. A person who limps can be an excellent guard but limited in mobility and a Segway could help him/her. Also might watchmen are not there just for deffending the place but notifying the authorities.

Anyway, this is offtopic and silly. Segway has it legitime usage, deal with it...
Yeah let's go chasing robbers at 12.5 mph.
Lets just hope they are incapable of running faster than a 10 year old, or using stairs.
For Avatar and Steve I would like to offer a job here as a librarian, putting back books where they belong. Since you guys are in good shape, going up and down on the 10 foot ladder isn't motorized and will give you a nice workout. :)

For Avatar and Steve I would like to offer a job here as a librarian, putting back books where they belong. Since you guys are in good shape, going up and down on the 10 foot ladder isn't motorized and will give you a nice workout. :)


I'm sure that place has more than one librarian.
I'll do it.
I just want a telescopic Segway to help me out.
Hey Jimmy, would you mind putting back this alien aircraft to Row 57th Column 78th? But you can't use the Segway, because we are charging it!

By Toyota:


It is slower than a Segway but also smaller. No report on the price yet....
Good grief, it is almost like the design objective of the red one was to make whoever rides it look like a flaming homosexual.

Are you serious ? It "Broke down somewhere". ?

Wow, such competence.
It was actually the fault of the Tornado aircrew not having their IFF transponder turned on. Oops.
A little thread drift, never hurt anyone

So some of my particulars were incorrect.

The incident you cited, is by no means the only one. And if you think Patriot is ammusing, how about.
Due to the number of UK personnel killed by U.S. forces, in Britain the term 'friendly fire' is used in a semi-ironic way to imply U.S. Military incompetence. It is a frequent source of satirical humour.

The British Army traditionally refer to it has 'Blue on Blue', while the US call it 'Friendly Fire', (and they'll tell you Americans have no sense of irony:bugeye:).
Just for your sake, let's make it 30 miles....or what if the security guard handicapped?

I take you don't see any legitim usage for Segway???

I didn't say there is no legitimate use for teh Segway.
I actually think it's kind of cool.

The point I was making is that no, a handicapped person who can not walk should not be considered for a security job unless that job is a desk job.
There are some things that some people just can not do - that's not discrimination, it's reality.
Well, the job of a night watchman is not actually withholding an attack, but to notify the authorities/police.

So a 400 pounds guy can be a night security man in a mall, but I wouldn't expect him to walk 10 miles per shift...Same thing with a limping watchman. Actually, you can not discriminate people based on fatness or disability...
Actually, you can not discriminate people based on fatness or disability...
I'm not talking about what is legal, I'm talking about what is right.
I personally think anti-discrimination laws are too far reaching.
As I said, the simple fact of the matter is that there are some things that some people can not do. Those people should not be getting jobs that require those actions.
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