Why is the USA pussy whipped by Israel?

It should be noted that I think Israel spies on American soil should be hanged, regardless of Israel's status as a beneficiary/ally.
Israel is a rock that is drowning the US.
Why should the US constantly stick its neck out for a bunch of dumb, zealous, intolerant, religious fuck-sticks?
One cannot comprehend the American insistence on supporting a state based on ethnocracy other than to some kind of fanatical compulsion.

So then why are you such good friends with Saudi Arabia and all those other oil states? You think they allow Jews, Christians and Buddhists to become citizens, even if they were born on Saudi soil?
So then why are you such good friends with Saudi Arabia and all those other oil states? You think they allow Jews, Christians and Buddhists to become citizens, even if they were born on Saudi soil?

yeah thats another fanatical compulsion the Americans have.
Man, it's like I just waded into a total cesspool of vitriol. You guys act as if the arab states were quiet, peaceful little lambs until one day those long-fanged jewish capitalists showed up with their American lackeys in tow. You've been watching too many self-righteous Irish journalists running around with Hamas- they think it's ok for Palestinians to deliberately target children with bombs because that's what they themselves used to do, and of course Israel is no different than their big bad limey occupiers who to this day brutally retain Northern Ireland. How many of you bolsheviks happen to live in the UK? If so, you're not being exposed to the full story; the yobs are running amok with their tabloids and leading you astray.
Yeah, a Palestinian blowing himself up is comparable to an Israeli sniper shooting children in the head.
I see no reason to assure any occupiers of their safety, thats like saying the Allies should have reassured Hitler when he was in France. Complete nonsense.

If the arabs hadn't attacked in 1967, Israel wouldn't be occupying those territories. What assurances are you going to give to Israel that if they leave these territories, they won't be attacked all over again?

What we need is for right thinking people to recognise, as they did for France, that occupation by an Aryan Jewish group who believes in a Jewish State with right of return for Jews only while murdering natives who are not Jewish and are essentially defenceless, is oppressive and undemocratic and take action accordingly.

How many Palestinian civilians are killed in areas that aren't being used as battle zones by Palestinian militants? Seems like that's almost never how it happens.

One does not negotiate with oppressors, one is not concerned with how safe Mugabe feels while he is killing people just as one is not concerned with people who consider such actions as defensive:

And you ignore all the shootings and violence from the other side? You're not prepared to guarantee Israel's security even if it would give the Palestinians what they need for a state? Even though Israel has already been attacked by massive armies 3 times, on top of countless smaller arab provocations? How reasonable and civil of you.

This is not defense, this is genocide. And while you may feel the need to "reassure" such people of their safety, I don't.

The muslim Palestinian population is growing practically twice as fast as the jewish population, all wars, famine and killings aside. Doesn't sound like a very successful or dedicated effort if genocide's the goal here.
Yeah, a Palestinian blowing himself up is comparable to an Israeli sniper shooting children in the head.

Of course they're comparable! You're saying one's better than the other? Israeli children have no value, even if they're just out shopping instead of picking up unused rockets?
If you think that the Palestinian terror groups are somehow just and moral in their cause, and that they're taking every measure to keep Palestinian civilians away from the fighting, think again:


Nice of the UN medics in the second vid to clean up like that and collect that injured dude's weapons before the IDF could get 'em, I'm sure he and his family are grateful for the vital humanitarian assistance.
It's in James Petras's book, The Power of Israel in the US. Petras expands on JJ Goldberg's statistics for the same issue in the 1990s.
Thats very misleading.
Your quote states that the money is coming from PACS groups. The top ten contributing PACS are not specific to Israeli interests.

1. EMILY's List $22,767,521
2. Service Employees International Union $12,899,352
3. American Federation of Teachers $12,789,296
4. American Medical Association $11,901,542
5. National Rifle Association $11,173,358
6. Teamsters Union $11,128,729
7. International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers $10,819,724
8. National Education Association $10,521,538
9. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees $9,882,022
10. Laborers' International Union of North America $9,523,837
Of course they're comparable! You're saying one's better than the other? Israeli children have no value, even if they're just out shopping instead of picking up unused rockets?

A man blowing HIMSELF up is not comparable to a sniper shooting children in the head.
If you think that the Palestinian terror groups are somehow just and moral in their cause, and that they're taking every measure to keep Palestinian civilians away from the fighting, think again:

The Palestinian "terror" groups are secondary to a vicious military occupation.
If the arabs hadn't attacked in 1967, Israel wouldn't be occupying those territories. What assurances are you going to give to Israel that if they leave these territories, they won't be attacked all over again?

If the Israelis had not demanded a state on Arab land, the Arabs would not have attacked.

How many Palestinian civilians are killed in areas that aren't being used as battle zones by Palestinian militants? Seems like that's almost never how it happens.

Yeah, there is social, economic, political unstiability since 60 years. People are forced to make hard choices, even collaborate with the occupation for survival, there is bound to be internal friction and violence. Its not unusual, it happened to Indians, Americans, Germans, French, anyone who has ever faced occupation knows that this happens.

And you ignore all the shootings and violence from the other side? You're not prepared to guarantee Israel's security even if it would give the Palestinians what they need for a state? Even though Israel has already been attacked by massive armies 3 times, on top of countless smaller arab provocations? How reasonable and civil of you.

Like I said, I never cared about Hitlers insecurities or Mugabe's or Idi Amins either. I do not see any point in safeguarding the interests of oppressors

The muslim Palestinian population is growing practically twice as fast as the jewish population, all wars, famine and killings aside. Doesn't sound like a very successful or dedicated effort if genocide's the goal here.

Ah yes, counting very closely, are we? The demographic threat posed by natives in a land inhabited by 2000 year old right holders appears to prey very much on their mind. Still killing people because their grandfather did not move out when the Romans said "go" seems to be an extreme response.
A man blowing HIMSELF up is not comparable to a sniper shooting children in the head.

Do you think it makes any difference to the victims?

If the Israelis had not demanded a state on Arab land, the Arabs would not have attacked.

In 1967 Israel was already an internationally recognized country occupying noone, there was no need to attack. And as for demanding a state on Arab land, that wasn't how it went down either. The jews purchased a great deal of land from the Turks and the Arabs who owned it, even when these owners hadn't been around for decades. UN law actually says a nation's sovereignty over a piece of land can be challenged if they're not using the land. That's why we Canadians have to send a few boats and skidoo teams travelling around the north every few years, to prove that we're "using it". But the land the jews had in 1947 was land they had actually purchased and rehabilitated.

The UN offered the 1947 partition plan, the jews accepted and the arabs rejected it. Then the UN tried more offers, and more, each time the jews accepted and the arabs rejected, until their final offer was a tiny, scattered jewish state on the lands purchased by jews. Again, the jews accepted and the arabs rejected. Then the arab armies attacked. That's why the UN had no trouble recognizing the 1948 borders, because Israel played by the rules and won a war that had been forced upon them.

If arabs sell land to people who they know intend to rehabilitate and live on that land, it's not arab land anymore, especially when the country as a whole doesn't even have a democratic authority to forbid such sales. The only unfair thing with the whole deal was that the British deliberately limited jewish immigration to the lands they had purchased, even at the height of the holocaust, while arabs from Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and beyond immigrated into the country wholesale, making up a great deal of the displaced Palestinian population we know of today.

“How many Palestinian civilians are killed in areas that aren't being used as battle zones by Palestinian militants? Seems like that's almost never how it happens.”

Yeah, there is social, economic, political unstiability since 60 years. People are forced to make hard choices, even collaborate with the occupation for survival, there is bound to be internal friction and violence. Its not unusual, it happened to Indians, Americans, Germans, French, anyone who has ever faced occupation knows that this happens.

Wait, so you're admitting that the Palestinian terror groups are deliberately fighting in civilian areas, so that Palestinian civilians can be killed and serve as propaganda against Israel? Use of human shields is considered a serious war crime, and much of the world is starting to see through these shenanigans. So what purpose does it serve? If they know they're too weak to fight Israel, and that fighting from civilian areas is just going to add to the suffering, why do it? Why not play the truly innocent victim and stop resorting to such nonsense, since it seems they rely on the international community for survival anyhow.

Like I said, I never cared about Hitlers insecurities or Mugabe's or Idi Amins either. I do not see any point in safeguarding the interests of oppressors

And you fail to give any evidence that Israel is at all comparable to any of those people. Israel gets attacked, then Israel occupies the attacker. It's a recurring theme. Who attacked Hitler before he took on Poland?

However, if you want to compare the Palestinian extremists' cause to Hitler's, you might have a much easier time. Witness:


The man on the left is Hajj Amin Al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, spiritual leader of the Palestinian population in the 1940's. Yasser Arafat was his nephew, that's how Arafat got his own start in politics. Now as for the man on the right sharing a pleasant conversation with him... that's... HITLER! Hitler was a strong and important ally for the arabs who wanted to get rid of the jewish territories, and for all the arabs who risked their lives to save jews, many more of them dedicated themselves to Hitler's cause.

Here's a picture of the Grand Mufti with an SS division of Bosnian muslim troops he personally helped to raise on Hitler's behalf.


There are literally dozens of these pictures widely available on the internet. It's well documented, this isn't some kind of hoax.

Ah yes, counting very closely, are we? The demographic threat posed by natives in a land inhabited by 2000 year old right holders appears to prey very much on their mind. Still killing people because their grandfather did not move out when the Romans said "go" seems to be an extreme response.

You mean like the 1million+ voting, governing, tax paying arab citizens living in Israel today? Israel doesn't keep count- how could they? I can see it now...

"Knock knock"
"What do you want?"
"Hi, I'm from Israel, I'm here to conduct a census on how many people we're occupying so we know how many we have left to wipe out"

It's the UN that keeps count, and they need to because the Palestinian situation is a humanitarian crisis. The question is, who's doing the most to perpetuate this crisis? Are the Palestinians doing everything they possibly can to alleviate their own suffering? Clearly, by your own admissions, they are not. As for 2000 year old land claims, that's for the extremists jews to worry about. A pretty large chunk of Israelis don't even believe in God anymore. The Bible was never a concern for the UN in recognizing Israel. What was a concern was that a people who had just survived some of the worst ethnic cleansing in history had accepted the bare reasonable minimum they could be offered for an independent state on land they themselves had purchased, and they were still attacked.

You guys have cited what? 1, 2, 3, 4, 10 books challenging the mainstream view of history? You think that's the whole story and there's nothing more to it? You'd make great additions to the staff at the National Enquirer. Go write about UFOs or something and leave history to people who understand the value of proper research.
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Do you think it makes any difference to the victims?

It should. After all every single Israeli who comes and stays on Palestinian land is complicit in their oppression.

In 1967 Israel was already an internationally recognized country occupying noone, there was no need to attack. And as for demanding a state on Arab land, that wasn't how it went down either. The jews purchased a great deal of land from the Turks and the Arabs who owned it, even when these owners hadn't been around for decades. UN law actually says a nation's sovereignty over a piece of land can be challenged if they're not using the land. That's why we Canadians have to send a few boats and skidoo teams travelling around the north every few years, to prove that we're "using it". But the land the jews had in 1947 was land they had actually purchased and rehabilitated.

Sorry, that myth has already been demolished. Look it up. The Israelis stole the land.

The UN offered the 1947 partition plan, the jews accepted and the arabs rejected it. Then the UN tried more offers, and more, each time the jews accepted and the arabs rejected, until their final offer was a tiny, scattered jewish state on the lands purchased by jews. Again, the jews accepted and the arabs rejected. Then the arab armies attacked. That's why the UN had no trouble recognizing the 1948 borders, because Israel played by the rules and won a war that had been forced upon them.

The UN has no jurisdiction to offer anyones land to immigrants.

If arabs sell land to people who they know intend to rehabilitate and live on that land, it's not arab land anymore, especially when the country as a whole doesn't even have a democratic authority to forbid such sales. The only unfair thing with the whole deal was that the British deliberately limited jewish immigration to the lands they had purchased, even at the height of the holocaust, while arabs from Syria, Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon and beyond immigrated into the country wholesale, making up a great deal of the displaced Palestinian population we know of today.

More myths. See Ethinic Cleansing of Palestine by Ilan Pappe. The Palestinians were murdered and driven away by Jewish terrorists. Again, no Arab immigrated from Europe

Wait, so you're admitting that the Palestinian terror groups are deliberately fighting in civilian areas, so that Palestinian civilians can be killed and serve as propaganda against Israel? Use of human shields is considered a serious war crime, and much of the world is starting to see through these shenanigans. So what purpose does it serve? If they know they're too weak to fight Israel, and that fighting from civilian areas is just going to add to the suffering, why do it? Why not play the truly innocent victim and stop resorting to such nonsense, since it seems they rely on the international community for survival anyhow.

Again, Palestinians fighting among themselves is a result of the occupation. It happens in every country when there is foreign invasion and occupation. It happened in the American revolution, with the French resistance, in the Warsaw ghetto, during the Indian freedom movement. The main protagonist is still the occupier.

And you fail to give any evidence that Israel is at all comparable to any of those people. Israel gets attacked, then Israel occupies the attacker. It's a recurring theme. Who attacked Hitler before he took on Poland?

Again, Israelis are the occupiers. If Hitler enters France, the Vichy may kiss him, but the resistance will fight. That does not make the murder of French people by Hitler justified.

However, if you want to compare the Palestinian extremists' cause to Hitler's, you might have a much easier time. Witness:

So were the Americans, the Zionists and everyone else on earth. Still does not change the fact that the Israelis are the occupiers.
You mean like the 1million+ voting, governing, tax paying arab citizens living in Israel today? Israel doesn't keep count- how could they? I can see it now...

Still does not change the fact that the Israelis are the occupiers; that they give a "right of return" to Jews only, when those Jews have not been near Israel for 2000 years. That it keeps the native population imprisoned. This is a racist state.

It's the UN that keeps count, and they need to because the Palestinian situation is a humanitarian crisis. The question is, who's doing the most to perpetuate this crisis? Are the Palestinians doing everything they possibly can to alleviate their own suffering? Clearly, by your own admissions, they are not. As for 2000 year old land claims, that's for the extremists jews to worry about. A pretty large chunk of Israelis don't even believe in God anymore. The Bible was never a concern for the UN in recognizing Israel. What was a concern was that a people who had just survived some of the worst ethnic cleansing in history had accepted the bare reasonable minimum they could be offered for an independent state, and they were still attacked.

I'm sorry, the Israelis are the occupiers, they had no right to the state, to the land or to occupy and oppress the people who lived in Palestine. Just because some white colonial group got together and "gave" it to them (like the Portuguese king once "gave" Mumbai to teh English} means nothing. Perpetuating an injustice for 60 years does not make it any more right.
Why should anyone listen to the crackpot historians you cite? Israel purchased land from the arabs, they got attacked, Israel conquered more land in response to the attacks and that's how it stands today. I'm finished with your kill whitey nonsense- if you're going to just ignore history, there's nothing to debate with you.

I'm sorry, I couldn't hear what you said at the end there, your mouth was too full of dung for me to make it out.