Why is the USA pussy whipped by Israel?

Because they let us.

I may have missed it in the mess of this thread, but I can't believe no one mentioned what I always thought was the blatantly obvious reason...

It has nothing to do with politics, ideologies, religion...
It's just location.

They are a friendly military base in the Middle East - that's where all that oil is, remember?

We support them, they let us fly our planes out of there.
The more powerful they are, the more powerful we are THERE.

This is why ANYTHING in the Middle East is important to us.

The only reasons the US military does anything are always pragmatic ones.
All the ideological, patriotic, political and religious bullshit are propaganda to get the public behind the spending and wars.
We put Sadam Hussein in power because we wanted a friendly regime in Iraq and we wanted a permanent military base there.
We went after Sadam Hussein because we wanted a friendly regime in Iraq and we wanted a permanent military base there.

What about the role that Zionists play in American think tanks? e.g. The Brookings Institution. It started off as a neutral think tank of American reformers that steadily moved right from the 60s. It became even more rightist with influence from organisations like the Heritage foundation and the American Enterprise Institute in the. In 2002, Haim Saban pledged 13 million dollars to start the Saban Institute for Middle East policy, a research institute at the Brookings institution. Saban can be understood by this statement:"I'm a one-issue guy and my issue is Israel". And he is tireless

Saban is the founder of Saban Entertainment and Fox Family Worldwide. More recently, he has made significant new gains. In 2003 he bought ProSiebenSat.1, Germany's largest privately-owned television network. [2] In 2006, he acquired Univision Communications, the largest Spanish-broadcasting television company in the US for the price of USD 12.3 billion.

If you look up other "American" think tanks, you'll find a similar pattern of influence. Don't you think this has an influence on US policy towards Israel?