Why is the USA pussy whipped by Israel?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I've always wanted to know why the USA molly-coddles Israel. Maybe this should be more appropriate in the Politics Forum. Why do Americans (less the Jewish component), kiss ass to Israel? Do we really know the evils of Israel? I think not. It's as if Israel wants the USA to die in its arms. Please enlighten me.

~ M*W
Jew have a lot of money the USA kisses ass of the dollar. They will do anything for that extra dollar to spend on imports.
I'm wondering what the hell you're talking about. We support them as allies against the barbarian hordes.
M*W: I've always wanted to know why the USA molly-coddles Israel. Maybe this should be more appropriate in the Politics Forum. Why do Americans (less the Jewish component), kiss ass to Israel? Do we really know the evils of Israel? I think not. It's as if Israel wants the USA to die in its arms. Please enlighten me.

~ M*W

Political and media control through special interest groups. Why else would a Presidential candidate of the most powerful country in the world need to "assure" Israel that he is on their side?
That's a bunch of nonsense. We don't support all of Israel's policies or politicians, but we support the state.
That's a bunch of nonsense. We don't support all of Israel's policies or politicians, but we support the state.

Which Israeli policy has the US government publicly opposed and instituted sanctions against?
I'm wondering what the hell you're talking about. We support them as allies against the barbarian hordes.
M*W: Yes, we do, but the Israeli Army is quite readily apt on its own.

Are you saying that we need to fend off the Muslims? I can understand that premise.
Israel is NOT an ally. Its a beneficiary.

Part of it has to do with the well educated well moneyed Jewish lobby in Washington.

And part of it has to do with the Christian right's support of Israel as it pertains to their 'end times' vision.

Watch this excellent documentary on wacko American Christians in Jerusalem:

Because the Jews control the U.S.A. Perhaps the Americans need to initiate a 'Final Solution'?
M*W: Do you really think so? I tend to believe your statement, but I cannot understand why American's need to initiate the "final solution."
M*W: Do you really think so?

Why do you think the Zionist agenda is so prevalent in America's political arena? The Jews have a SIGNIFICANT amount of clout. A disproportionate amount of clout, considering that they are only a tiny proportion of the demographic.They often occupy the highest positions, economically, in the media, and politically.

Europe had the same problem, which is why it got rid of them. Jews are the enemy from within.

I tend to believe your statement, but I cannot understand why American's need to initiate the "final solution."

Because Jews (in general, there are some good ones) are like parasites.