Why is the USA pussy whipped by Israel?

Why do you think the Zionist agenda is so prevalent in America's political arena? The Jews have a SIGNIFICANT amount of clout. A disproportionate amount of clout, considering that they are only a tiny proportion of the demographic.They often occupy the highest positions, economically, in the media, and politically.

Europe had the same problem, which is why it got rid of them. Jews are the enemy from within.
Because Jews (in general, there are some good ones) are like parasites.

I think its clever of them to ensure that their minority status does not lead to their persecution. No St. Louis would be turned away today.
Yeah, you've got admire them for doing what they did in Palestine. It's always such a delight to see the Jews infiltrate a country, colloborate with its enemies, and then fuck it over to establish a Jewish controlled country.
Uh no, I was doing other stuff. Like I said,

I think its clever of them to ensure that their minority status does not lead to their persecution
I posted the above long after you'd made that post. The fact that there was a 5 minute delay speaks volumes, given that you usually shoot off 10 posts in under a minute.
Just because I criticise Israeli and US policies, does not mean I am blind to the reasons why they did it, or that I cannot appreciate their ability to manipulate people into not only accepting their practices as "normal" but also their ability to project an image which is a far cry from reality successfully for decades while maintaining their intact status quo. It is akin to the image the Saudis have maintained within their kingdom among their peoples. Information is indeed, power.
The US would support Israel, lobbyists or not. They provide intelligence in an area where we are deficient, their agents speak arabic and know the culture, they share research in weapons systems, and they are one of the few Democracies in the Middle East. Their struggle for independence is inspiring and not unlike our own.
You can't get independence from the natives you are occupying by military force. Thats silly.

And no, Israeli policy while complementing US foreign policy, goes against democratic principles that Americans believe they espouse. If faced with the reality of the occupation and without the overwhelming influence of the Israel Lobby, the Americans would not support Israel. The first poll for the creation of Israel was conducted by the Americans among the people of the Levant. And the creation of the state was rejected by the Americans as being against local self determination.
They have their interests and we have ours, some of the time they overlap. To blame it all on strong lobbyists is to ignore how much we have in common. Lobbyists have power, but not the power to make the US do what we don't really want to do.
I do not believe that Americans wanted George Bush to serve two terms, let alone one. It will be interesting to see who wins the next election. Perhaps the Israelis know something that the Americans don't know. You only need to get the man at the top, after that it really does not matter what the people want or don't want.
Jews in the USA and other western democracies have freedom of expression and get one vote just like any other citizen. Jews don't have magic powers or secret cabals plotting strategy. I grew up in a predominantly Jewish neighborhood in Montreal and there is as much disagreement among Jews on policies as there is any other identifiable group. The Israeli Knesset is much more fractured and raucous than the U.S. Congress.

Why is the Jewish lobby powerful? Because many Jews value their freedom and participate fully in the political process. They take democracy seriously. They are mostly backers of the state of Israel and wil vote accordingly...one man, one vote. No mystery. There are few single issues that trump all others in the voting patterns of western democracies. An anti-Israel politician could not win in NY City or that state. An anti-Israel presidential candidate is unlikely to win a nation wide election as he would be down a couple of percent before the vote began.

Should american Jews support Israel? Cuban Americans support anti-Castro candidates? Their choice as the USA is a democracy. Nothing conspiratorial or secret about it. they can vote and give financial support like every other American. There's also no shortage of people over the decades condemning Jews and others as being 'Unamerican'....everyone from blatant racists to every shade on both sides of the political spectrum. Fortunately Jewish politicians like Lieberman and non Jews who support Israel can't get elected to dog catcher without non-Jewish votes...it's a democracy and they need to be elected like anyone else. No one forces anyone to support Lieberman or the Clintons or other politicians...you don't get the votes and you're not elected.
And then there is the electoral college; right behind the superdelegates.

Not to mention the Diebold machines.
Why do Democrats want a second Holocaust?

Hey, it ain't Democrats that talk like that. Obama supports Israel in principle, and so do I.
Juan Cole wrote in 2004 that the Iraq war was started by AIPAC so that Israel could continue expanding into the West Bank without hindrance. All you have to do is look at Israeli expansion since the war to see how true that statement has been.

Pro-Likud intellectuals established networks linking Defense and the national security advisers of Vice President Dick Cheney, gaining enormous influence over policy by cherry-picking and distorting intelligence to make a case for war on Saddam Hussein. And their ulterior motive was to remove the most powerful Arab military from the scene, not because it was an active threat to Israel (it wasn't) but because it was a possible deterrent to Likud plans for aggressive expansion (at the least, they want half of the West Bank, permanently).

Next on the agenda?

Obama Promises Undivided Jerusalem as Israeli Capital


Obama: Iran a threat to Israel

Pussy whipped is a very milky term for this situation.
Because the Jews control the U.S.A. Perhaps the Americans need to initiate a 'Final Solution'?

Europe had the same problem, which is why it got rid of them. Jews are the enemy from within.

Because Jews (in general, there are some good ones) are like parasites.

For advocating the killing of Jewish people via a second holocaust, lepustimidus has been banned for 1 week.