Why is science uncool?

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Nope, they do it because they can. No one ever stands up to them. Once someone does they become shriveling fools. It really has only to do with their need to show off, that they can make others tremble with fear. Once a hammer to the head adjusts that problem they seem to just leave everyone alone.
I musta got lucky, cuz my high school science teacher loved answering questions. I get the concepts but have difficulty with the ####! He was there to help.

Science: cool/uncool? Don't care what others think 'bout it.

Me? Neither geek nor jock. Neither'd have me.
Nope, they do it because they can. No one ever stands up to them. Once someone does they become shriveling fools. It really has only to do with their need to show off, that they can make others tremble with fear. Once a hammer to the head adjusts that problem they seem to just leave everyone alone.

So what brought on the problem according to you ?
I cast a shadow.

Can you prove it":shrug::m::roflmao:
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The problems are many, low self esteem and not being able to talk to others about how they feel are two important problems I would say.

What brought on the low self-esteem ? Maybe they have low self-esteem because they cant do as well as others in school.
What brought on the low self-esteem ? Maybe they have low self-esteem because they cant do as well as others in school.

That's a tough call. One brings on the other I would think. If they can't talk about their problems to others then how will teachers or others be able to help them?
What brought on the low self-esteem ? Maybe they have low self-esteem because they cant do as well as others in school.

Ya gotta take the self esteem thing back further than school.
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Its seems we are both right then, its a little bit of both ;)

Well those people that can't talk to others develop this problem at an earlier stage of their lives and since they can't find answers to their own problem because they were never told how to by their parents or relatives that is where the point of origin begins to a certain degree.
Well those people that can't talk to others develop this problem at an earlier stage of their lives and since they can't find answers to their own problem because they were never told how to by their parents or relatives that is where the point of origin begins to a certain degree.

So they are really the victims then ?
No not really for they should seek help elesewhere if they cannot get the help they need from home. Once they understand they have this problem there are places to go to ask for help like a doctors or clinic or even on the web there are people here that are willing to help.
Why is science uncool? I don't get it. Science absolutely fascinates me. If someone shows interest in it, they are considered a nerd, geek, etc. Is it because science requires much thought and less socializing, therefor leading to less "fun time"?
Science requires reading. As a subsequent post pointed out, most scientists are not very good at oral explanations, so you have to read their books to learn about science. And Americans are not readers. Most books on the "best seller" lists don't sell 100,000 copies. Frankly, most Americans are barely literate: for a long time now, American universities have had to offer remedial English classes to entering freshmen. Even newspaper sales are falling, and this started before the internet was their competition. Most Americans settle for getting their news from TV: The News For People Who Can't Read.
I would think that because the sciences as a whole use mathematics or physics to understand them. Many individuals, including myself , don't have the wherewithal to figure out the high end math stuff so therefore don't get as interested in learning more than fundamentals about the sciences.
Math is the major part of physics, and it's almost the entire part of astronomy, but that's not true of the other sciences. You can get pretty far into chemistry with just arithmetic. And you can learn a lot about biology without even that.
I agree. My son has questions and when he asks the teacher, he's told "Its in your book. Re-read the chapter." My high school Chemistry teacher did basically the same thing. When he explained something it was like he was talking to other Chemistry teachers. It just seems like science teachers can't explain it.
Scientists were the original "geeks." (Well no, those were the guys in carnivals but we won't talk about them.) They were famous for not having good social skills, including good communication skills. The only really good science teachers I had at CalTech were the graduate teaching assistants. The professors were not very good communicators, and they were particularly bad at being able to answer a question a second time in a second way for people who didn't get it the first time. The English and history profs--the people who study people and language--were far better at their jobs than the science profs. I'm pretty unusual, not only fairly articulate but I can answer the same question over and over again in different ways until the questioner either gets it or gives up. And I'm not really a scientist. I bailed out of my courses and got a degree in accounting. Compared to scientists, accountants are cool dudes.

Actually, science was cool for about fifteen years after Sputnik went up in 1957. The Space Race was on and it was like a giant football game between America and those nasty Rooskies. The general understanding of scientific concepts was much higher than it was today. If you ran into somebody at a party and started talking about science, there was a good chance that they would listen and try to understand. Math majors got dates, athletes and cheerleaders treated us like heroes, and the pachucos left us alone. Those were the good old days.
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What do you mean ?

A person doesn't show up a school one day with healthy self-esteem, but maybe lacking in some aspect, get trashed by peers or teachers, and have that dissolved. They would go home to that environment where their self-esteem was nurtured in the first place.

More than likely the esteem thing goes back a generation or three.
Or you could point to a culture that pits us against each other.
Get the Sci out of your Fi

I would think that lots of kids would love science if it was presented properly in the early grammar school years. The nuns had science books and never used them. They couldn't teach math worth a sh!t.

Reading sci-fi at age 9 got me hooked. I would have 3 encyclopedia open while I read one SF book. Nobody told me that stars could explode.

In a way SF was better than science because the stories put the science and technology into a context. Science books often come across as disjointed fact here and disjointed fact there. I didn't get a science course until sophomore year in high school. Too many people try to convince you it's hard and some teachers make it a bore.


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