Why is science uncool?

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I enjoyed comic books when very young, which opened my eyes to things unheard of. Today the cost of comic books are out of this world and the common kid cannot afford them. Most of them aren't that good anyway but they were great way to learn to read awhile ago.
Most people find science fascinating, but that's where it stops.

I may not be good at math, but I know a lot about physics on a meta-physical level.

I can tell you why something does something but I cant give you the numbers to proof it.:shrug:
Why is science uncool? I don't get it. Science absolutely fascinates me. If someone shows interest in it, they are considered a nerd, geek, etc. Is it because science requires much thought and less socializing, therefor leading to less "fun time"?

Science is very cool, I dont know where you getting your facts from.
Why is science uncool? I don't get it. Science absolutely fascinates me. If someone shows interest in it, they are considered a nerd, geek, etc. Is it because science requires much thought and less socializing, therefor leading to less "fun time"?
Thats just the way...shit is
Yeah, Look at Bill Gates, or Steve Jobs. I bet they get all the hot chicks.:D
Thats just the way...shit is

I think Science is more interesting now that I've rid myself of teachers. Being a dirt poor orphan child walking barefooted through thee cobbled streets of Salford my education wasn't the best...even the name St. Grecian St..is slightly redolent of Dotheboys Hall.

I loathed science and I loathed the teachers...hopefully things have changed. As I said..and I'm surprised this wasnt taken up...maybe a Richard Feynman could have enthused me and my fellow 95% of the captive audience (er until we escaped/played hookey).

I learnt at the University of Life..and I can think of no better place of study than that..even the graduates of Harvard, Yale and Oxbridge must be envious...I learnt at my Fathers printing shop, my Grandfathers butchers and my others Grandads Pub....I spent a childhood simply studying a variety of different people from all walks of life..from crooks and conmen to the salt of the earth workers and big business men.

Later I moved onto Study of Human Nature not from behind the Bar but actually INSIDE the Pub itself...as someone with the Moon exactly sitting on the Ascendant I was born to simply observe and reflect and absorb the images like a mirror.

I cant really think of any other reason why I became an astrologer...most of them seem odd to me and me odd to them. I'm not even relgious..in fact i was nearly expelled for not going into RI lessons..and simply refusing point blank to pass around a Bible and read from it...even now I see no reason to read the Bible and no reason to read the Selfish Gene. Or about Memes..and having read the concise explanation of them one is only too glad one didnt waste ones time.
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I must get out more!

I guess Bill Guess wrote a paper once. So long time ago bill gates had a brief stint at being a scientist.

That doesn't equal nerd to scientist.

That doesn't make Bill Gates a scientist.

He gave up science fairly quickly to become an entrepeneur.

These are fairly easy concepts.

1. You are a scientist if you do scientific research.

2. Nerds are a description of a socially inept individual who has a preference for doing nerd stuff.

None of the qualities under 2 automatically imply position no. 1.

Bill Gates doesn't qualify currently for any.
A person doesn't show up a school one day with healthy self-esteem, but maybe lacking in some aspect, get trashed by peers or teachers, and have that dissolved. They would go home to that environment where their self-esteem was nurtured in the first place.

More than likely the esteem thing goes back a generation or three.
Or you could point to a culture that pits us against each other.

Hmm maybe you are right, but i find it difficult to imagine how low self-esteem can go back generations.
Don't bullies pick on weaker people to show off to their fellow-bullies ? Don't they want to be perceived as cool by doing this so that they themselves will not be picked on ?
Well you shouldnt simply speak from personal experience, Enmos.


Well, what do you call them then ? Are they the pinnacle of intelligence to you ?
Anyway, I was using the word dumbass in an everyday way, just name-calling, so not to be taking literally. You didn't take the 'ass' part literally, so why take the 'dumb' part literally ?

I was never picked on by bullies if you are suggesting that. I based the posting on what i see happening around me and on things i've heard. I'm not presenting it as any scientific theory, just giving my thoughts on it.

"you shouldnt simply speak from personal experience", that is kinda laughable from someone that describes himself as anti-scientific.
Hmm maybe you are right, but i find it difficult to imagine how low self-esteem can go back generations.
Don't bullies pick on weaker people to show off to their fellow-bullies ? Don't they want to be perceived as cool by doing this so that they themselves will not be picked on ?

I'd think low self esteem starts when we are younger and doesn't happen through the generations. It can be helped in many ways BUT the person that has the problem must accept his problem and seek help. If he or she doesn't then they just decay away picking on more people to show how badass they are not realizing that they are the ones that are needing help.
Science is cool. There go back to sleep everyone.
I read that Hedy Lamar was a rocket scientist. Cool.
Possible, but Jet Black from the Stranglers wasn't and he was a Ph.D physicist.

Really..not bad for a drummer.

I'm not a fan of the Stranglers particularly but I read he was an expert on Chaucer...so a true renaissance man then.
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