Why is science uncool?

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Registered Senior Member
Why is science uncool? I don't get it. Science absolutely fascinates me. If someone shows interest in it, they are considered a nerd, geek, etc. Is it because science requires much thought and less socializing, therefor leading to less "fun time"?
As a confirmed non-scientist I can only blame the teachers. Although Art teachers are the opposite extreme.

I hate to stereotype people but my Art teachers were airy fairy eccentrics and the Science teachers were stern and unhumorous. Both were limited in their own ways. Its odd isn't it..theres something about scientists that sticts rigidly to the rules..which is why someone as normal as Rchard Feynman sticks out. This is of course just my meagre experience.

Lots of rock bands were formed from Art College but the Science lab produced nought.

Er..so I stuck to whatever lay inbetween the two. Art teachers really takethe biscuit for unparallelled weirdness.
Why is science uncool? I don't get it. Science absolutely fascinates me. If someone shows interest in it, they are considered a nerd, geek, etc. Is it because science requires much thought and less socializing, therefor leading to less "fun time"?

I would think that because the sciences as a whole use mathematics or physics to understand them. Many individuals, including myself , don't have the wherewithal to figure out the high end math stuff so therefore don't get as interested in learning more than fundamentals about the sciences.
Its uncool to people because it actually takes a lot to understand it. And knowledge has never been seen as the "cool" thing. People would rather talk about cars or sports since it involves less thought and they usually have a better grasp on the subject.

It is not a subject that can be understood without trying, people usually don't give it a try when it comes to them because of the general negative view it already has. And the difficulty in understanding it makes people want to stay away from it. I know this because I have intelligent friends, who hate science with a passion, and actually think im some kind of a genius for understanding calculus and physics, its a dumb thing to consider me a genius, but coming from their perspective I understand why they would think that. When they encountered science in high school they simply looked at it as an obstacle.
Most people that pick on 'sciency' people are just dumbasses, maybe they are just envious.
Most people that pick on 'sciency' people are just dumbasses, maybe they are just envious.

No, they just don't understand the sciences that well, if given the opportunity I'm sure they would enjoy learning about the sciences if someone would take the time to really educate them about them.
No, they just don't understand the sciences that well, if given the opportunity I'm sure they would enjoy learning about the sciences if someone would take the time to really educate them about them.

No they dont want to learn anything about science, they cant be bothered by its geekiness.. thats why they are dumbasses.
No they dont want to learn anything about science, they cant be bothered by its geekiness.. thats why they are dumbasses.

Just because someone doesn't like something doesn't mean their dumb at all. Look at Albert Einstein, he was kicked out of college for not making good grades!
Just because someone doesn't like something doesn't mean their dumb at all. Look at Albert Einstein, he was kicked out of college for not making good grades!

Im not saying they are dumb, im saying that they are dumbasses for not wanting to learn ;)
Im not saying they are dumb, im saying that they are dumbasses for not wanting to learn ;)

Again I remind you that many people have problems learning today for many reasons like family problems, being poor, illnesses and so on. People want to learn but sometimes they need motivation in order to catch on about learning and that's where a great teacher comes into play. If they could find a teacher they like, they could ask that teacher for help when no one is around. It does work sometimes.
As a confirmed non-scientist I can only blame the teachers....

I agree.
My son has questions and when he asks the teacher, he's told "Its in your book. Re-read the chapter."
My high school Chemistry teacher did basically the same thing. When he explained something it was like he was talking to other Chemistry teachers.

It just seems like science teachers can't explain it.
Again I remind you that many people have problems learning today for many reasons like family problems, being poor, illnesses and so on. People want to learn but sometimes they need motivation in order to catch on about learning and that's where a great teacher comes into play. If they could find a teacher they like, they could ask that teacher for help when no one is around. It does work sometimes.

I agree. Im talking about the bullies that pester and beat-up A-grade students after school. Those type of personalities..
I had bad Physics teachers in school and great teachers for Biology Chemistry and English.

Just the idea of physics still makes me want to yawn. :)
I agree. Im talking about the bullies that pester and beat-up A-grade students after school. Those type of personalities..

Those people just are people with an attitude problem, not a learning problem. They need an attitude adjusting tool called a hammer to their heads! ;)
Those people just are people with an attitude problem, not a learning problem. They need an attitude adjusting tool called a hammer to their heads! ;)

Yep, but in my experience they have developed the attide problems towards the better students because of their envy of them.
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