Why is it selfish to not want children?

I don't really care what ppl think. I had a friend who worked for the Children's Aid Society and in the end it is the children who suffer.

If you are going to be a parent you better be prepared to make some sacrifices. I think ppl that are too obsessed with having a big career that takes up most of their lives, should think twice about having kids.

I am a firm believer that when you have babies the mother/father should stay home for a few years. They give you a year maternity leave now and some women don't even take that! I think it is disgusting to hand your new born over to a day care when you have the opportunity to stay home and get PAID! You don't get your full pay, but in some case your employer does top you up to 100% pay.

You have to pay for day care so why the hell would you go back to work and leave your baby with strangers? If you are that eager to get back to work don't have kids..IMO.

Some ppl just don't want to put their Careers on hold. Well I think you should just concentrate on your career if it is that important and bypass having kids.

Kids deserve parents to spend time with them, not thrown at a daycare all day. I know ppl that drop kids off at 7 am and pick them up at 6pm. By the time they get home they eat and are off to bed at 8-8:30 pm.

You can stay home with the kids during the baby/toddler years and still make money, be creative. That way you can personally raise them through crucial years of learning and nobody will take care and love them as much as you.

When I had my first, I stayed home and took in a few other kids (daycare) I made a decent living and I got to spend the time with my own child.

When they start kindergarten you can get back to work. I think the sacrifice for 4 yrs is well worth it. I never had a lot of the problems my friends did with their kids who were in daycare. Let's face it, some daycare providers are just there for the paycheck and they could really give a shit about your kid, it's just a job to them.

I often wondered why some of these women went to work because by the time they paid me, they weren't left with all that much money. You have to factor in the daycare costs, transportation costs, work clothes, etc.

You know what some mom's told me? They can't stand being at home it would drive them nuts. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh Why the hell have kids then?
To have someone else raise them? :shrug:

Anyway I can go on and on ..........I already got into all this in another thread a while back.
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With all due respect staying at home is something of the past . Women and men need to study, work and be free and independent .

With all due respect, if men and women are out, who is going to take care of the kids?
You just either don't have any, or you pass the responsibility of raising your kid to a person who doesn't give a damn about how he turns out, as long has he stays quiet and lets them watch their soap operas.
Then we get all these amazing people we have out and about these days.
I don't think it's selfish. There are a lot of ppl out there that should have never had children. Some ppl just aren't parent material and it's a good thing if they realize before they reproduce.

Too bad you didn't realize in time.
I don't really care what ppl think. I had a friend who worked for the Children's Aid Society and in the end it is the children who suffer.

If you are going to be a parent you better be prepared to make some sacrifices. I think ppl that are too obsessed with having a big career that takes up most of their lives, should think twice about having kids.

I am a firm believer that when you have babies the mother/father should stay home for a few years. They give you a year maternity leave now and some women don't even take that! I think it is disgusting to hand your new born over to a day care when you have the opportunity to stay home and get PAID! You don't get your full pay, but in some case your employer does top you up to 100% pay.

You have to pay for day care so why the hell would you go back to work and leave your baby with strangers? If you are that eager to get back to work don't have kids..IMO.

Some ppl just don't want to put their Careers on hold. Well I think you should just concentrate on your career if it is that important and bypass having kids.

Kids deserve parents to spend time with them, not thrown at a daycare all day. I know ppl that drop kids off at 7 am and pick them up at 6pm. By the time they get home they eat and are off to bed at 8-8:30 pm.

You can stay home with the kids during the baby/toddler years and still make money, be creative. That way you can personally raise them through crucial years of learning and nobody will take care and love them as much as you.

When I had my first I stayed home and took in a few other kids (daycare) I made a decent pay and I got to spend the time with my own child.

When they start kindergarten you can get back to work. I think the sacrifice for a 4 yrs is well worth it. I never had a lot of the problems my friends did with their kids who were in daycare. Let's face it, some daycare providers are just there for the paycheck and they could really give a shit about your kid, it's just a job to them.

I often wondered why some of these women went to work because by the time they paid me, they weren't left with all that much money. You have to factor in the daycare costs, transportation costs, work clothes, etc.

You know what some mom's told me? They can't stand being at home it would drive them nuts. Uhhhhhhhhhhhhh Why the hell have kids then?
To have someone else raise them? :shrug:

Anyway I can go on and on ..........I already got into all this in another thread a while back.

Some idiots have kids when they're like 25 AFTER finishin collage (THEY, are my enemies). (typically buddist or god worshipping psychologists- the worst crooks... grr)
Parents usually view their children as extensions of themselves...so in that sense it is selfish.

A truly un-selfish act would be to raise some one else's child.
The "undesirable" part is subjective. I, myself wouldn't consider a person who lost a leg in a car accident undesirable or unfit, as long as they have someone to help them when the chores, to drive them around, etc.

That's why it's scary.
Originally Posted by Varda
The "undesirable" part is subjective. I, myself wouldn't consider a person who lost a leg in a car accident undesirable or unfit, as long as they have someone to help them when the chores, to drive them around, etc.

That's why it's scary.

Its not nearly as scary as long as you'r the 1 in charge of desidin whos unfit... an a person wit 1 leg mite be considered undesirable if they require assistence from a "fit' person to help them wit chores an drivin... ect.!!!

Som of the "unfit" are alredy bein weeded out thru the aborton of geneticaly defective fetuses.!!!

I thank it shud be made easier for terminal or older people to choose death if they ant happy livin ther life.!!!
From my personal experience in life I can say that children's behaviour is like a lottery whereas you can never predict the outcome . Same siblings in the same home with the same parents and sometimes they turn to be very different from one another . It has more to do with their own thinking and brain .
From my personal experience in life I can say that children's behaviour is like a lottery whereas you can never predict the outcome . Same siblings in the same home with the same parents and sometimes they turn to be very different from one another . It has more to do with their own thinking and brain .

True...but parent's need to nip things in the bud when they are toddlers. If you let them get away with it and let them rule the roost you are going to have a hell of a time changing that behavior later on when they get older.

Both my son's have very different personalities but when it comes down to behavior they both know what will be tolerated in this house and what won't.
Objeccivelyyccorreecct?? WWWhheen aaal abouut thhe woorrlldd iiss ppeeeopllee iinn bbdaadd hheeallttthhhhh wwhhoo oonnee ddaay ddeseerrvve tto have children if that's wwhaaat tthhheeyywwanntt?????
WWhhooaaaree yyoou tttllllkkinngaaabouut NNoorrssefiirree??? SSUuurreelllyy nnnottyyyoourrrseellllff rrigghhtttt???


Sorry, I know it's cruel to laugh at a mentally ill person, but I couldn't help it...
who would tell you its selfish to not want children? That's just stupidity on their part. :bugeye:

I know...

But apparently people only ever choose to not have children for one reason only, and that's because they're too lazy to raise them or too selfish to spend money on them.
Parents usually view their children as extensions of themselves...so in that sense it is selfish.

A truly un-selfish act would be to raise some one else's child.
Are you on earth ?.
Everyone works for himself or herself .
:shrug: .
Parents usually view their children as extensions of themselves...so in that sense it is selfish.

A truly un-selfish act would be to raise some one else's child.

One can raise an adopted child and treat it as an extension of oneself. Really I don't think you can accuse all parents as treating children as only an extension of themselves. There are parents who allow for their children to be independent individuals in the world and accept them as such.
Because then my progeny have to pay for your debilitated, crippled old ass.

This is why we can't have nice things.

It is the other way around. Having 4-8 kids is selfish and destroying the planet...
One can raise an adopted child and treat it as an extension of oneself. Really I don't think you can accuse all parents as treating children as only an extension of themselves. There are parents who allow for their children to be independent individuals in the world and accept them as such.

I really don't understand why having children is so often accused of being selfish.
Out of all possible interests, hobbies, careers, occupations, etc, raising a child is probably one of the most consuming and selfless ones, AND it is an investment for the future of earth.

So, seriously people, you guys talking about the overpopulated earth shut up and make some quality babies already.