... Anyone has any ideas of a massive ice age during this time?
My book,
Dark Visitor Tells of a new one coming in the Northern Hemisphere only. I wrote it as the real prediction* of an Astronomer, in part to teach some physics, to those who would never knowing open a physics book; but was motivated by fact that many of the best and brightest students were choosing college programs leading to "big buck" careers, not in the "hard sciences and math." Wanted them to check to see if the prediction is even possible, perhaps become more interest in that area, as US had already lost technology leadership to Asia, and in generation more would be a scientific backwater of lawyers and stock brokers.
It could be true that a small black hole (or about 5 other objects not reflecting light, discussed in one chapter) was approaching the solar system. (The rich**, Southern Hemisphere astronomer had been carefully measuring perturbations of Pluto, trying to find equally large Ort Cloud object for more than a decade, and just recently noticed a very small, but steadily growing one - the approach of the small "Dark Visitor" (reflects no light - not visible directly in any telescope). His first projected trajectory has it pass thru solar system 12 AU from Earth with mass of 2.2 times larger than the sun. So even at closest approach point its force is only 2.2/144 = 1.5% as large and due to its speed it is just gradational impulse, which gives Earth a slightly more elliptical orbit.
Solving this "three body" problem requires a finite time-step calculation (computer code given in an appendix) New orbit results are: 378 day year, e = 0.0836, not current 0.0171 so Northern Hemisphere is 1.108 AU from sun in summer and 0.973 AU from sun in winter. - Sounds nice, warmer winters and cooler summers, but is a disaster. The heavy snow falls come only in mild winter weather, but that is then all winter long. Making it much worse too is that is when the mainly oceanic Southern Hemisphere is evaporating much more water only 0.973 AU from the sun. The two chapters on climate (before & after DV) show that DC gets more than 20 feet of snow, perhaps 30 the first mild winter "post DV" and in the cooler summer, it does not all melt. So next year the albedo is lower and problem grows steadily worse. In about a decade, ocean levels have fallen as ice accumulates on land so ALL the world's ports are useless. In a couple of decades the ice sheet is starting to cover Florida in this new orbit's PERMANENT "half global" ice age.
We dwellers in the Southern Hemisphere, have torrential rains all hotter summer long that wash the coastal cities into the sea, but no ice. Some survive and grow rice, etc. It is fiction,*** but all could be true. My favorite among the alternatives to a small black hole is the magnetic monopole "crystal." Theory is not certain of their mass but probable 1000 proton masses is correct "ball park." Their mutual attraction falls off with separation only as the inverse square, and is "millions" of times times stronger than the gravity that assembled the stars. This is explains why none have ever been found - all are now in magnetic monopole "crystals" wandering around the universe. I.e. have very dense structure like:
SNSNSNSNSNSNSN but are round not cubes as illustrated here.
* It is quite plausible that he, and only he alone, knows the DV is coming as (1) Pluto's orbit plane is quite out of the ecliptic and where Pluto is now in its orbit makes if very hard to observe from the Northern Hemisphere, and (2) no one is "wasting observation time" on Pluto except him with his own observatory high in the Andes mountains. He got his Ph. D. in astronomy, in a some what related orbit perturbation study and knew he was in a nearly unique position to find new Ort Cloud objects. My writing style was inspired by H.G. Wells' "war of the worlds" broadcast by radio that scared thousands into crazy acts, like shooting water tanks, etc. I wanted those money-driven bright students to at least check if it was possible there would soon be no law firms or brokerage house north of the equator.
** He sold the large cattle ranch he inherited when his father died - Used funds to build a world class observatory almost any university would like to own.
*** I can admit that now as US is now doomed to be an economic back water of ill educated people, with many unemployed who expected to be rich lawyers or stock brokers, etc. but a few large agri-businesses will be selling grains, etc. to Asia as the fertile mid west will still exist (if book is fiction). If any one asks, I'll explain why (the DV is too close) to be detected by "gravitational lensing" of remote star and will not "swallow" enough very dilute "solar wind" to compressive heat it and make it radiate before falling inside the event horizon. - The approach of a "Dark Visitor" could be true, undetectable until last year or so and coming now. Pleasant dreams.