UFOs (UAPs): Explanations?

Given the insatiable cravings for more and more UFO infotainment here at SF, here's another morsel to be ravenously devoured:
Let's have more cock-and-bull 'critical analysis' from the usual bunch who logically will have to argue collective lying and/or collective insanity from career professionals as eyewitnesses.
Of course what 'we' are really doing is separating the sheep from the goats. Before moving in for the final cull. Unbelievers will pay very dearly!
Those people were there when that photo was taken. You weren't. Who are you to deny their eyewitness accounts and the compelling photo that proves the existence of unicorns? ;)

LOL! What eyewitness accounts? That they were on a movie set being filmed while reciting lines?
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LOL! What eyewitness accounts? That they were on a movie set being filmed while reciting lines?
They were on a movie set and they saw a unicorn. Amazing! Quick. Put out a press release!

How do you know that isn't a real unicorn in the photo? You don't. You weren't there. You'd have to believe the eyewitnesses if they said it was a real unicorn, if you are to follow your usual practice in such matters. If you didn't, that would be an obvious double standard.

Your assumption that it wasn't a real unicorn is, according to you, not an assumption you're entitled to make, unless you were there and in a position to personally check. Otherwise, you have to take the witnesses at their word. That's what you keep telling us all, isn't it?

Witnesses can't ever make mistakes. That's what you have taught us, isn't it?
Why Scientists Don't Freak Out About UFO Videos

One of the scientists remarks that there are a lot of unexplained "natural" phenomena and that these sightings certainly should be further investigated, and that it is commendable that people are "intrigued" by some of these sightings. The video is only 6 minutes long and worth watching.
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Let me again say as I have said in the past, I would most dearly love for Alien life of any sort to be confirmed and validated before I kick the bucket. Nothing I could ever wish for would please me more. But while I'm fairly sure that this fart arse little blue orb is not the only place that supports life and that it does exist elsewhere, as yet we really do not have the required conclusive evidence to support any such Alien life, sadly.
Let me again say as I have said in the past, I would most dearly love for Alien life of any sort to be confirmed and validated before I kick the bucket. Nothing I could ever wish for would please me more. But while I'm fairly sure that this fart arse little blue orb is not the only place that supports life and that it does exist elsewhere, as yet we really do not have the required conclusive evidence to support any such Alien life, sadly.
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