
I really haven't heard any cases where they have been shot indiscriminately. Though it undoubtedly happened before the issue was really called to anyone's attention who actually proposed reliable solutions.
Lots of weasel-words there. Let's parse the statement.
[I really] really?
[haven't heard] addresses only what you personally have paid attention to
any cases where they have been shot indiscriminately.]So, you've heard of cases where migrants have been shot, but it was done with discrimination, which is OK
[Though it undoubtedly happened] Well, you must have have heard something in order not to doubt that it happened.
[before the issue was [really] called to anyone's attention] It's okay for them to shoot people, so long as nobody's paying attention?
[who actually proposed reliable solutions] There can be no solution as reliable as the final solution!
The question was: which is the better extreme?
That they haven't been caught in the midst of a massacre yet doesn't exonerate the right-wing extremists.
(Oh, yes, I forgot: fakenewswitch-huntnocollusionwe'resofucked!)
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Lots of weasel-words there. Let's parse the statement.
[I really] really?
[haven't heard] addresses only what you personally have paid attention to
any cases where they have been shot indiscriminately.]So, you've heard of cases where migrants have been shot, but it was done with discrimination, which is OK
[Though it undoubtedly happened] Well, you must have have heard something in order not to doubt that it happened.
[before the issue was [really] called to anyone's attention] It's okay for them to shoot people, so long as nobody's paying attention?
[who actually proposed reliable solutions] There can be no solution as reliable as the final solution!
The question was: which is the better extreme?
That they haven't been caught in the midst of a massacre yet doesn't exonerate the right-wing extremists.
(Oh, yes, I forgot: fakenewswitch-huntnocollusionwe'resofucked!)
I haven't heard of any where they have been shot either.

Haven't heard of any massacres either caught or not.

All I've heard is people leaving water out have been jailed, which is stupid. And one felon who had weapons with a "militia" who was jailed, which is stupid on his part.
I haven't heard of any where they have been shot either.
Well, now you have.
That's just the legal ones; doesn't include the vigilante action of trumplicans.

It doesn't matter what you've heard about extremists carrying out their policy. The advocacy is enough to show their position. And that, btw, is what we were talking about. Some people would prefer not to wait until they bring out the heavy artillery.
I haven't heard of any where they have been shot either.

Haven't heard of any massacres either caught or not.

All I've heard is people leaving water out have been jailed, which is stupid. And one felon who had weapons with a "militia" who was jailed, which is stupid on his part.

Increasingly, these kinds of efforts have landed people in jail. In 2017, a summer that saw a brutal heat wave, several volunteers with the group No More Deaths were arrested on federal misdemeanor charges for placing water in a federally protected wilderness area. The stakes were raised significantly in 2018, when Border Patrol agents set up surveillance near one of the humanitarian bases and filed three felony charges against Scott Warren, a 36-year-old geography teacher who helped a pair of migrants from Central America who had arrived there hungry, dehydrated and with blistered feet.

Mr. Warren’s case resulted in a mistrial Tuesday, after jurors said for a second day that they were unable to reach a verdict. Judge Raner C. Collins of the Federal District Court in Tucson set a conference for July 2 to discuss how to proceed.

usa working class tax money being spent on entrapment of christian life saving charity inside american borders...

meanwhile usa charity vaccination medical staff get executed in foreign countrys and the government doesn't pay their familys compensation ... ?

irony that the republicans are all singing christian values as long as its from holding the end of a gun and pointing it at their neighbor.

strange type of culture

Haven't heard of any massacres either caught or not.
an Antonio police officers investigate the scene last July after 39 immigrants were found.
(CNN)The driver of a tractor-trailer found in Texas last summer packed with dozens of undocumented immigrants, 10 of whom died, was sentenced Friday to life without parole in a federal prison.

James Matthew Bradley Jr., 61, pleaded guilty in October to one count of conspiracy to transport aliens resulting in death and one count of transporting aliens resulting in death.
"Smuggling illegal aliens into this country disregards both our laws and their safety," Attorney General Jeff Sessions said. "This tragic case is yet another reminder that Congress must end the incentives that encourage illegal immigration and alien smuggling in the first place."
On the morning of July 23, authorities found the tractor-trailer parked at a Walmart in San Antonio after a store employee called police for a welfare check. The employee became concerned after a man from the trailer asked for water, authorities said.
Well, now you have.
That's just the legal ones; doesn't include the vigilante action of trumplicans.

It doesn't matter what you've heard about extremists carrying out their policy. The advocacy is enough to show their position. And that, btw, is what we were talking about. Some people would prefer not to wait until they bring out the heavy artillery.
Well lets see... Allow hundreds on innocents just looking for a better life to be killed and raped as a result of human trafficking or kill one greedy cartel human trafficking scumbag?

In my opinion the latter sends a message to the traffickers as well as those who are duped into paying to cross. The former allows more deaths to continue as a result of illegal activity.

I'm sorry if I don't see the the "light" in your argument, but it seems it is more full of holes than a dike standing next to a Damn on the isle of lesbos...
Well lets see... Allow hundreds on innocents just looking for a better life to be killed and raped as a result of human trafficking or kill one greedy cartel human trafficking scumbag?

bi-partisan brainwashing

given 2 options where people are forced to die at the hands of someone else for entertainment..
which do you choose as the lesser of 2 evils ... ?

is that a moral cultural model that can be equally rolled out among suburban young families ?

In my opinion the latter sends a message

do death tolls send clear messages ?

what is the belief system you are communicating with ?

"better to die trying to be rich & greedy than die slowly of old age and be poor"

is that an American culture model ideology ?

life is cheap ?
who shows life is cheap ?
what actions are they making that show life is cheap ?

children in cages = life is cheap

= the worse the treatment done to children by the usa the clearer the message to show death tolls increase the value of human life ...
I'm sorry if I don't see the the "light" in your argument, but it seems it is more full of holes than a dike standing next to a Damn on the isle of lesbos...

killed and raped

The one where you make sense.

you reduce it down to only 2 options
that is because your trying to sell something
you want them to buy one or the other
you dont care which as long as they dont choose a 3rd option that doesnt hand absolute power to someone else whom you can control.

"indoctrination" of corrupt power & control authority role models as a child ...
very American puritanical hypocrite christian normal ...

do we burn baby jesus at the stake or let all the black people have sex with white women ?
I read something earlier this week, that despite Trump's rally ''audience'' sneering and chanting ''send her back,'' his approval ratings have gone up? That's sad. But, Trump just seems more like a symptom of a sick country, at this point. I didn't vote for him, nor am I a Republican, but he has a lot of fans, it seems - maybe they are really just fans of what he represents, and not him at all. He's just their mouth piece.
Well lets see... Allow hundreds on innocents just looking for a better life to be killed and raped as a result of human trafficking or kill one greedy cartel human trafficking scumbag?
I see you've changed the subject - again. It's the people looking for a better life that are being put in cages, subjected to abuse, separated from their children who die from negect. And being shot at.
What's the scumbag got to do with it? Oh yes, I see: formulating scumbag policy.

I'm sorry if I don't see the the "light" in your argument,
I'm sorry too, but not surprised.
I see you've changed the subject - again. It's the people looking for a better life that are being put in cages, subjected to abuse, separated from their children who die from negect. And being shot at.
What's the scumbag got to do with it? Oh yes, I see: formulating scumbag policy.

I'm sorry too, but not surprised.
I don't see the point in conversing with you anymore. Your obviously so misinformed and opinionated you are just going to sit there and scream bloody murder no matter what alternatives are placed in front of your face.
that gives him better ratings

a lot of American culture is xenophobia couched in racism
such racism feeds both 3 sides
I'm tired of hearing this bullshyt racist notion drummed up from the civil war.

Its over. Its been over. Most people are prejudice at best.

What is the purpose of spreading a false narrative? It sure isn't progressive by any standards.

Like me walking into the Vatican and saying the Pope killed Jesus because he is sort of Roman!
Your obviously so misinformed and opinionated you are just going to sit there and scream bloody murder no matter what alternatives are placed in front of your face.
Only when your illiterate good 'ol boys are screaming it first.
Better alternatives have been placed in front of all our faces throughout history - but never by the "alt right" fascist bastard contingent. Their balloon-heads always claim to have a better alternative, but when they come to power, it's just more "lock somebody up" "send somebody away", "shoot somebody" or "bomb somebody back even farther in social evolution than we are ourselves" - which would be difficult, as they're mostly troglodytes.
Only when your illiterate good 'ol boys are screaming it first.
Better alternatives have been placed in front of all our faces throughout history - but never by the "alt right" fascist bastard contingent. Their balloon-heads always claim to have a better alternative, but when they come to power, it's just more "lock somebody up" "send somebody away", "shoot somebody" or "bomb somebody back even farther in social evolution than we are ourselves" - which would be difficult, as they're mostly troglodytes.
That sounds more like Biden's plan. If your just going to make specious clams and prepare straw man arguments your really going to have a hard time convincing anyone, much less me.
sexulations 2020

biden is the senior statesman that the centretrist republicans have always been dreaming about

damn you sexy bitch
dont take away my clients

stephen colbert & alec baldwin dressed in early 90s street walker drag acting like bitchy queens on a run-way
Damn you Sexy Bitch

how do you like your toast ? plain or burnt

fyi i quite admire Trannys
i think they bring quite a lot to the intellectual table of human culture and liberal freedom of individuality.
plane toast is about generic personality stereo types being defined as somehow compulsory for leadership and authority as a proxy model of conservatist indoctrination
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