Nothing that dates back to Reagan is new to our culture. 1980 was forty years ago, Death Valley Days was long before that,It's actually new to our culture...
and Trump's reality show roots go back to at least 2004 - - which was fifteen years ago.
Trump is not new. Outside of his unusual vulgarity, he's a standard Reagan Republican politician.
Cute, but about forty years late. And why would they invent a special name for the standard Republican, 90+% of the Party? They should rather invent a special name for themselves, the feckless fringe.I've also heard this term used by Republicans who refused to vote for Trump...those Republicans call other Republicans ''Trumplicans.''
Trump didn't exactly sneak up on them, after all. They've had forty years since Reagan to look around, near thirty years since Rush Limbaugh became the Party's main intellectual leader and "Majority Maker", and only now do they suddenly notice that their Republican Party is full of Republicans?
We'll see a lot of that, just as we saw a lot of people disavowing their Republican allegiances after Katrina - they were "Tea Party", see, and W&Cheney weren't real Republicans anyway, and yadda yadda yadda.
You can't blame them for wanting to put some distance between their lifelong political behavior and the consequences of it.
But there's no reason to take them seriously - when it comes down to November 2020, the number who actually vote against Trump - or any other Republican running for office in their region - will be the same rounding error it was in 2016. Dogs return to their vomit.
Trump = Republican, Republican = Trump.