Children, children please.
My weary old "bone" aches, have pity on me.
We've congregated here to make real connections, not to satirize, insinuate or be sarcastic.
Anyone interested in a 'member' of this Forum [Not my tiny one please since I’m the host of this childish spectacle] need only post his/her alias or ‘pm’ me so I can arrange things.
No evasion tactics. Play whatever hell music you want.
Back on topic.
That's okay there, I'm only 5'5 and I have a really small penis too.
5'5" huh? Finally a tiny bit of information to fantasize over gentelmen.
But we need more if this is going to work.
Hair color?
Body shape?
Xev please,
Fenris and a myriad of other males are fucking salivating right now, be kind. Give us something.
Pick a knight for the night.
Tell us who makes your 'little female penis' larger.
Finally someone on topic.
So who exactly are these two super humans that you're trying to get together?
More than two my dear
Have you not noticed that this
Forum is populated by near perfect godlike entities?
Destructive gods, they are, since all they do is deconstruct and try to annihilate personalities. Character assassins laying waste to every idea and ideal and replacing it with….nothing.
Nihilism gone amuck and the diseased western mind levelling everything into oblivion, defaming all, degrading everything and in their place emptiness and a sense of disillusionment and dissatisfaction; a reaction against a screwed up superficial world of lies and deceit.
If the world is fucked up then let us isolate ourselves from it; if the world is empty and shallow, then let us rub its face in it; if the world is pathetic and meaningless, then let us add to it and wallow in our misery.
If you are to destroy and deconstruct then let it be for the sake of constructing something better afterwards.
To stop at obliteration is pathetic.
I know, because I've guilty of it myself.
But I digress.
Bells, I am the host not a participant.
It’s up to you to post your opinions on who deserves who and who has the potential of getting together.
My ‘in the know’ position makes me biased in this case.
But as usual there are more females than males so it is up to the men to make a case for themselves and hope they get a sympathetic ear.
This time out in the open, so we can all help, and not behind 'pm' closed doors.
Now I know there are interested 'memebers' out there. I nkow who they are.
I’m wondering if the secret ‘pm’s’ are not flying as we speak.
Besides I’ve already mentioned some love-triangles, both past and present.
What inspired me was a recent open disclosure on another thread which exposed
15ofnothing as a flirtatious back-room gigolo, feigning indifference and lusting after young
thungs. It reminded me of that old
Forum story with [
I thought I would lend a hand.
You've listed who you think is lusting after who, but who do you think will follow through with these apparently lustful thoughts?
All of them.
Most of them already have, dear
That's what's fascinating about it.
And nice edit on the post there.... soooo who's the little pixi Wanderer?
It's a little, wonderful, angel that has inspired most of my latest essays.
Again Wanderer, you introduce a new perspective that I will look into and from where I will look out again. But this is what I've come up with thus far.
The dream was life-like in that my body was an intermediate, conveying a language, sensations, harbouring a presence, reciprocating desire, expressing possession. And so, in Apollo's proximity, I was near-perfect in that Apollo's affection would demand no less. I broke away from an imagined painted vista through Apollo's breath because I experienced an expansion of self.
Human beings are pale representations of godlike entities.
The best of them replicate the deities spirit, if not the entirety and the perfection. They reflect perfection or the ideal.
The worse of them resemble animals and only hint at spirit.
But it is the motivation that makes human being great and noble not their attainment of perfection. To aspire to be, to strive to become; that is what designates value.
Whether one falls short or stumbles and fails is beside the point.
It’s of little matter how high one reaches; what matters is how hard he struggled to get there and where he aspired to climb to.
The fight is with the self. This is power. Not the control of others or the influence over others as was suggested by a little chimp in another thread.
Actually I’ve been meaning to write something on the Olympic spirit [very current], which I think perfectly symbolizes mans striving against suffering and his overcoming of limitations.
The ode to Apollo is the ode of the Olympics. How appropriate.
Now, had Apollo not used a third party person as an initiating vehicle, as a source, that same third party person would have remained buried somewhere in the background of 'reality'.
Yes, and this third person becomes noble, not because he is perfect or omnipotent or omniscient but because he is not. It is his inspiration and goal that makes him worthy, it’s his ideals that characterize him and make him beautiful, it's his motives that make him 'superior'.
But you're right. I am already learning to recognize and appreciate what the gods have touched yet vacated. However, it is from the background of 'reality', from a computer screen. It's no longer as exciting. Or real. Or aspiring.
Oh well. C'est la vie.
I’ve never been interested in keyboard universes and computer/TV/movie screen realities.
I see these medium as vehicles of opportunity.
That is why I try to turn internet relationships, whether antagonistic or friendly, into reality.
What’s the point of corresponding with someone endlessly when there will be no real life conclusion or consequence? A river of words and nothing else besides.
Most use ideas and philosophy as a pacifier. They never apply anything. They just talk and talk and talk.
Where there is hate, let there be conflict; where there is love, let there be contact.
The rest is bullshit, used by adolescent minds, to escape their mental prisons but never pay the price or take the risks involved.