The Inter Mind

A long answer is not a Monologue, it's just a long answer.
Does that long answer include more than person's contribution? No?

By the way, it's not an 'answer'; no questions have been asked.

This is the Alt Theories forum where you present your ideas. It would probably help if you reviewed the rules.
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Does that long answer include more than person's contribution? No?

By the way, it's not an 'answer'; no questions have been asked.

This is the Alt Theories forum where you present your ideas. It would probably help if you reviewed the rules.

Why does there have to be multiple people involved in my answers? These are my thoughts, and they have to be my answers.

The Inter Mind Model is an alternate Perspective on Consciousness that emphasizes a Connected configuration for the different Components of Consciousness. What rules have I violated? The Inter Mind is not a simplistic concept and does require some extra reading and thinking. Ok, if you don't want to read the website I can't force you.
Why does there have to be multiple people involved in my answers?
There doesn't. But that makes it a monologue. Review posts 179/180.

Again, this is a discussion forum. Discussions involve two or more people. Discussion fora aren't simply places to info-dump one's website.
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There doesn't. But that makes it a monologue. Review posts 179/180.

Again, this is a discussion forum. Discussions involve two or more people. Discussion fora aren't simply places to info-dump one's website.
Ok, so this is going to be word games again. Your reply is also a Monologue then. I am 99.9% always replying to somebody. It's 99.9% always a Dialog. I believe that in all these posts only one time was it was not a reply to somebody. But in that case I was adding some new thoughts to the Discussion for all to read.
I'm still waiting for the reveal about this new way of thinking about conscessness is going to be
The Collective Quantum Universal Cosmetic Mind where all knowledge is stored and us Minions tap into it

For cryin; out loud, you're the one playing word games.
You said " I would need to post large paragraphs from the website anyway"

Don't do that. Engage in a dialogue instead.
I of course have engaged in dialog. I'm just saying that some answers require more Explanation than others, and that it is more efficient to put links to relevant information than to cut and paste that information.
I'm still waiting for the reveal about this new way of thinking about conscessness is going to be
The Collective Quantum Universal Cosmetic Mind where all knowledge is stored and us Minions tap into it



Lets hope that the reveal is not necessary ; in the First Place . Because it should not exist .
I'm still waiting for the reveal about this new way of thinking about conscessness is going to be
The Collective Quantum Universal Cosmetic Mind where all knowledge is stored and us Minions tap into it


The Universe is Evolving all the time . Meaning that , its not just about knowledge but learning as well .
This is delightful.

Everyone but Steve and river knows that Michael made up some deliberate nonsensical word salad. And now the two of them are digressing into a nonsense loop.

I wouldst have this continue.
And then reading a thread in Quotes to remember I find this

AlexM. Vikoulov, The Origins of Us: Evolutionary Emergence and the Omega Point Cosmology

from the author of the quote I am taking to be title of his book. Any takers as to what Omega Point Cosmology is?

This is delightful.

Everyone but Steve and river knows that Michael made up some deliberate nonsensical word salad. And now the two of them are digressing into a nonsense loop.

I wouldst have this continue.
You are the only one who doesn't realize I'm just messing around with the dopey term.
And then reading a thread in Quotes to remember I find this

AlexM. Vikoulov, The Origins of Us: Evolutionary Emergence and the Omega Point Cosmology

from the author of the quote I am taking to be title of his book. Any takers as to what Omega Point Cosmology is?

I had to look this up. It seems that Frank Tipler has taken hold of Teilhard de Chardin's metaphysical idea of the "Omega Point" and extended it, with some rather bogus quantum mechanical arguments. Teilhard de Chardin, being a Jesuit, had this idea that the cosmos was teleological and tended towards development of higher and higher degrees of consciousness (the "noosphere"), culminating in the Omega Point, which he more or less identified with God. (I simplify.) Tipler has built up, from the notion most physicists now think is daft, that wave function collapse requires a conscious observer, a theory that there must be some ultimate conscious observer. Or something - I got a bit bored trying to disentangle it.
I had to look this up. It seems that Frank Tipler has taken hold of Teilhard de Chardin's metaphysical idea of the "Omega Point" and extended it, with some rather bogus quantum mechanical arguments. Teilhard de Chardin, being a Jesuit, had this idea that the cosmos was teleological and tended towards development of higher and higher degrees of consciousness (the "noosphere"), culminating in the Omega Point, which he more or less identified with God. (I simplify.) Tipler has built up, from the notion most physicists now think is daft, that wave function collapse requires a conscious observer, a theory that there must be some ultimate conscious observer. Or something - I got a bit bored trying to disentangle it.
There's a whole pseudoscientific literary sub-genre of what might be called "quantum mysticism". Early proponents include Tipler, Frijov (?) Capra (the Tao of Physics guy), Deepak Chopra ... basically anybody who thinks the "Omega point" is a theory of physics, or that it follows from the principles of quantum mechanics.

I read a little of Tipler's book, The Omega Point, years ago. I didn't get very far past the preface, in which Tipler makes a point of waving his penis credentials around, saying basically that we should all just take his word for it that the Omega Point is an inevitable outcome of quantum physics because he's studied physics like ... a lot! He accumulated a few followers for his "theory", whose names I can't recall off the top of my head.