Sex offenders? Can we trust?

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MetaKron im still waiting for your responce to that post

Well, wait long enough for me to get out of bed and get some breakfast in me. It's Saturday here and I'm not in a hurry. I'm usually catching up on sleep this time on a Saturday. And you posted your "I'm waiting" five minutes after Tiassa's post, at a time when I was headed for bed.

Now, I have to ask the question: Is Tiassa going to disbelieve the testimony of people who say that they had a good time having sex when they were underage and believe the testimony of people who said that it was horrible and that they will never get over it? What about Bells? Was the lady in one of her examples under the impression that she was doing fine until someone got to her and "straightened her out"?

When one denies the possibility that sex might be good for someone of a particular age, that relieves one of the responsibility to prove the charges that they want to bring against someone who has "offended." That's arrogant. Even a pedophile has a certain innate right to refuse to deal with arrogant people. Any human will experience dissonance when being exposed to attempts by other humans to correct his behavior using arrogance, irrational and wrong statements, and violence, even when he is wrong. A person might just say "You can't prove me wrong." This is probably true. If you don't have evidence that a reasonable person can respect within a framework that a reasonable person can work with, you can't prove your point. The current system consistently trashes itself.

In my opinion it would be far more effective to have some kind of normalized path towards adult sexuality. No such path exists when every sexual contact with anyone who is under the age of 18 is said to be pathological, and at that, most sexual contacts between adults are said to be pathological, depending on who you ask. The anti-pedophiles attacked so-called normal sexuality early on, and this was after barely a pause in the attacks that were more an accepted part of life in the 1950s. All that they really did was switch excuses and use the children as pawns in this war against sexuality. Such a corrupt system creates sexual frustration that leads to rape. When a man can at least masturbate he won't be nearly as likely to diddle the housecat.

These days they've persuaded us to feel contempt for a man who feels sexual frustration, or is being driven crazy by the attacks against him for being a man, or who lets on that he even feels the pressure against him. And where is the credit for being even halfway normal? Where do we celebrate having a normal mind, a normal interest in sex, and so on? Ridicule, slapstick, and depictions of endless conflict don't cut it.
When one denies the possibility that sex might be good for someone of a particular age, that relieves one of the responsibility to prove the charges that they want to bring against someone who has "offended."

You have to remember that the biological make-up in human beings mean that there is a natural age when people are ready for sex, that age is defined by puberty and chemical changes/ hormones in the brain/body....

I do not know of any Animal that practices underage sex, a dog will not be interested in a bitch untill she has her first season (ready for sex).........

Sex with something that is not physicaly ready shouldn't occur It doesn't in the animal kingdom, You do not enter a child in the 100 metres before he can walk, the analogy is clear..
You have to remember that the biological make-up in human beings mean that there is a natural age when people are ready for sex, that age is defined by puberty and chemical changes/ hormones in the brain/body....

I do not know of any Animal that practices underage sex, a dog will not be interested in a bitch untill she has her first season (ready for sex).........

Sex with something that is not physicaly ready shouldn't occur It doesn't in the animal kingdom, You do not enter a child in the 100 metres before he can walk, the analogy is clear..

You are mixing up the terms "underage" and "prepubescent."
You are mixing up the terms "underage" and "prepubescent."

IF the age of consent is the age that (considering the lowest common denominator) is normaly the age that puberty hits and you become. young man/woman.......Underage means below this age, therefore before puberty..................?

do you know of any animals that practice underage/or sex before biologicaly ready......? no perhaps because it is not natural..? It is a lack if respect for the rights' of children to their childhood and innocence....and an advantage taken over something they do not understand..
PH the age of concent is NOT the age where most of the population go through pubity in most cases. For instance in SA its 18, in Victoria its 16 (unless you have care of the person like a teacher or step parent in which case its 18) the age a women in general starts menstrating (its easier to do this on a women than a guy because guys dont have a set boundry) is about 14 in most cases i belive

MetaKron your still avoiding the question so i will spell it our quite clearly

IF the age of consent is the age that (considering the lowest common denominator) is normaly the age that puberty hits and you become. young man/woman.......Underage means below this age, therefore before puberty..................?

do you know of any animals that practice underage/or sex before biologicaly ready......? no perhaps because it is not natural..? It is a lack if respect for the rights' of children to their childhood and innocence....and an advantage taken over something they do not understand..

You do understand the mechanisms by which large mammals like humans achieve puberty, don't you?

And who is taking advantage of whom? I was continually being taken advantage of by adults over things that I didn't understand. That's one of my own definitions of "school." And don't people have a right to their natural sexuality?
PH the age of concent is NOT the age where most of the population go through pubity in most cases. For instance in SA its 18, in Victoria its 16 (unless you have care of the person like a teacher or step parent in which case its 18) the age a women in general starts menstrating (its easier to do this on a women than a guy because guys dont have a set boundry) is about 14 in most cases i belive

MetaKron your still avoiding the question so i will spell it our quite clearly


I never said that involuntary sex is good. Now, what about involuntary sexual repression? What about sexual repression that makes it a crime to touch at all?
Yes, I know! I haven't posted in a while. If you must know I've been sick. So now I can come back and tell it like it is. Metakran when you picked that name you must have been smocking a big fatty! And I must say the same about everything I read since my last post. Having a headach I might not say properly what I mean but here it goes. MetaKran dude, think of it like this a child even if they say they are ready it does not mean that they truly are. It's like taking an over confident child who's in karote and they think that they're ready for tornimants. Just becuase that kid is headstrong does not mean that he/she is ready. In actuality the kid would go and get thier ass kicked. Now in terms of the conversation the mind would lose. Thier mind would lose! This means that in the back of thier mind they did something wrong. But in what you said (I don't remember where and don't care) that child is ready for life long consiquence than sure let the child of ten or so have sex with a twenty year old. No! there is nothing wrong with that! WHAT ARE YOU ON CRACK!? Think about it dude. Is a child truely ready for sex? NO! That's just stupid. I would love to see you rase your kids dude. "Oh! No It's o.k. baby girl I know you're only 13 but it's okay to have sex with your 45 year old gym teacher." Just think about what you truely are saying MetaKran does it make sense to say a child is good to have sex with a fat, greasy, bald guy as long as the kid knows that's what's going on! While we're here we might as well talk about insest (I'm not being literal!). Dude you really need to think of this.
." And don't people have a right to their natural sexuality?

I have no qualms with two 15 year olds copulating together as they are the same, even a 15 and a 17 year old....but that is a big difference compared to a 46 year old with a 15 year old it is a purely dominant gratification on the part of the elder person and would be taking advantage of any naivaty on the path of the younger.....

You can say that it is possible for the 15 yrold to be premiscuous (in holland sex age is 14) but 99.9% of the time he/she will be not
I have no qualms with two 15 year olds copulating together as they are the same, even a 15 and a 17 year old....but that is a big difference compared to a 46 year old with a 15 year old it is a purely dominant gratification on the part of the elder person and would be taking advantage of any naivaty on the path of the younger.....

You can say that it is possible for the 15 yrold to be premiscuous (in holland sex age is 14) but 99.9% of the time he/she will be not

I've never been that certain that even a 50 year old having sex with a 14 year old is bad, unless of course the 50 year old does something irresponsible like give the 14 year old a disease or gets her pregnant. That at least is a biologically normal expression of sexuality. Did I mention that I am not really comfortable with them doing it? But that's not what should determine the law.
I've never been that certain that even a 50 year old having sex with a 14 year old is bad, unless of course the 50 year old does something irresponsible like give the 14 year old a disease or gets her pregnant. That at least is a biologically normal expression of sexuality. Did I mention that I am not really comfortable with them doing it? But that's not what should determine the law.

I've never been that certain that even a 50 year old having sex with a 14 year old is bad, unless of course the 50 year old does something irresponsible like give the 14 year old a disease or gets her pregnant. That at least is a biologically normal expression of sexuality. Did I mention that I am not really comfortable with them doing it? But that's not what should determine the law.

If your not comfortable with them doing it, then perhaps if you look into why you do not feel comfortable with it. You will start to see why, laws are in place to control it.
If your not comfortable with them doing it, then perhaps if you look into why you do not feel comfortable with it. You will start to see why, laws are in place to control it.

Not necessarily. The reasons that I feel uncomfortable with it are not necessarily rational. Would you have me deny those people due process because I do not feel comfortable with something?
Not necessarily. The reasons that I feel uncomfortable with it are not necessarily rational. Would you have me deny those people due process because I do not feel comfortable with something?

If the reasons are not necessarily rational then they still might be rational.
there are all sorts of freedoms that society does not allow Murder(eye for eye), making bombs, driving your own tank to work, non-payment of tax, If you allow for one extreme ideal then don't you have to allow for them all?

I always thought the line was drawn at the age of puberty/14-16 when chiildren become young adults (some extremer religious edict may make it 18). If you say that this is not right then where would you draw the line how low until you said no "this is not right my feelings are rational" in the sense of what the law dictates
MetaKron i said unvolentary on purpose you know not INVOLENTARY. They have a different meanings. Involentry is against there will, UNvolentry means they are incapable of MAKING that decision (ie turning off a life surport machine is UNvolentry not involentry
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Rather a strange presumption about that question

Metakron said:

Now, I have to ask the question: Is Tiassa going to disbelieve the testimony of people who say that they had a good time having sex when they were underage and believe the testimony of people who said that it was horrible and that they will never get over it?

Why disbelieve one or the other?
MetaKron i said unvolentary on purpose you know not INVOLENTARY. They have a different meanings. Involentry is against there will, UNvolentry means they are incapable of MAKING that decision (ie turning off a life surport machine is UNvolentry not involentry

I work to avoid flaming people about spelling, but "unvoluntary" is not a common word and you didn't spell it correctly, so the assumption was that you misspelled "involuntary."
If the reasons are not necessarily rational then they still might be rational.
there are all sorts of freedoms that society does not allow Murder(eye for eye), making bombs, driving your own tank to work, non-payment of tax, If you allow for one extreme ideal then don't you have to allow for them all?

I always thought the line was drawn at the age of puberty/14-16 when chiildren become young adults (some extremer religious edict may make it 18). If you say that this is not right then where would you draw the line how low until you said no "this is not right my feelings are rational" in the sense of what the law dictates

At what point do I start asking the police to destroy someone else's life? In my world a person has to have actually done something. That's ironclad. I don't do things to people in case they did or would do something even if that is to my child. I have a phobia about that because people used to set me up to be falsely accused, I deliberately learned what I was taught about the old Soviet Union, and I've watched movies and documentaries about people who were falsely imprisoned. I also hate the kind of people who find excuses to destroy the lives of others by pretending that those others are immoral or destructive. They make my life miserable even when they don't send me to jail.

See that little saying under my profile? That's how I see the guardians of morality.
MetaKron i was just trying to clear up the missunderstanding. I knew it was my fault as soon as i read your post for using it rather than describing what i ment (its a hazed of associating with achademics rather than the general population:p, in our ethics classes that would have been clear)

My fault sorry:)
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