More than anything, the responses that I have received indicate a lack of competence, and a lack of desire for competence in the matter of child sexual abuse. I suspect that all three of the major respondents have no clue how to prevent child sexual abuse in any way more advanced than chest-beating, willful ignorance, and a crime and punishment model that is worse than useless. Some of the means that I suspect that the respondents will use might actually constitute child sexual abuse.
I would LOVE to see your evidence on THIS statement. Im assuming your talking about bells, 15ofthe19 and either myself or Pinocchio's Hoof
Now I dont know how much study the other members have gone into on child abuse. Personally i have recived lectures not only on the PREVILANCE of child abuse (and elder abuse to be honest) as well as sexual assult and domestic vilonce but ALSO how to deal with these situations and my legal requirments (even as a student) in dealing with a child who i suspect to have been abused. Now i am VERY MUCH aware that sexual abuse is actually the smallest percentage of abuse among both the elderly and children. In children the largest percentage of abuse is neglect, followed by emotional abuse and then physical abuse with sexual abuse comming last. When dealing with the elderly sexual abuse is again the smallest percentage and is mostly commited by established partners (and then family) rather than strangers. Again its finantial abuse, social abuse, emotional abuse, neglect and physical abuse that are alot more previlent than sexual abuse.
Does this mean that sexual abuse causes no damage?
No its one of the few causes of MPD which proves in and of its HIGHLY damaging. The others are things like witnessing GENOCIDE and WAR or being torched as young children which shows how much damage this form of abuse causes.
Yes depression and suicide are previlent amongst those who have been abused as children, adults and elderly people. How many adults in vilont situations are depressed, or suicidle? but this doesnt in anyway take away from the server damage that is caused by sexual abuse.
Now yes your right jedo christan-tradition DOES demonise sex, this is quite ovious when we look at laws relating to homosexuality, "indecency" laws, prostitution laws ect. Hell one has only to look at the fact that watching someones HEAD blown off has a lower rating than watching someone get a head JOB but this has NOTHING to do with child protection laws.
The reason sex with children is demonoised is because of the harm it does, and no other reason. I have herd stories of BABIES who have been vaginally raped, i have herd of 8 year olds who are PREGNANT not because they have been experimenting but because there step father or worse there OWN father has raped them.
Murder has the smallest rate of crime in Australia. Under your logic this should mean that it has the lowest penelty compared to speeding which is probably the HIGHEST rate of crime (could be minor shoplifting though). So under your logic we would have a fine for murder and life in prision for speeding. This is ridiculas of course because the REASON murder is so low is MAINLY because its concidered to be so horendious that most people wouldnt contemplate it of course. This is the same for sexual abuse amoungst children. However this being said what do we do with those who DO decide to go against this inbuilt prohabition. We either chose to treat them as mentally ill or as criminals (or both of course) and we follow certian procidures in relation to this.
Oh and as to the people who say that "so what if women rape men", I find your atitude sickening. I turn my partner down all the time,
I chose when i want to have sex as does my partner. If someone held a knife to my throat and raped me i wouldnt want them to get a DAY less than a man who did it to a women (or a man) would get. Oh and BTW, what if the raped guy was gay? Would HE automatically want to have sex with her? What if she had aids? hep? any other STD? (after all she and her husband were doing this i belive to get her pregnant)