Is Sciforums really worth 38K?
According to this website, it is:
According to this website, it is:
i wonder why yahoo is rated higher than google, that seems rather strange. Especially as isnt ebay part of google?
thank god this is based in Canada.
Wow. 38 K.. nice plazma.
But, we have bigger price today, according to the websiteoutlook: $39033.1
It is really hard to price websites. I actually had a thread on Sciforums' worth. It could be anywhere between a wide range....
In short it worths as much as someone is willing to pay for it. Mind you Sciforum is just a platform and content is provided by the POSTERS. The only extra value is the history/old posts. Otherwise instead of buying it, just starting a new is much cheaper...
This is actually a truth.In short it worths as much as someone is willing to pay for it.
We don't want to bother members with slow loads.I can't understand why the adverts totally disappear once you are a member, which means that the people who use the site most don't see any.
Is that something that google specifies in order to give the site high profile?
I can't understand why the adverts totally disappear once you are a member, which means that the people who use the site most don't see any.
i wonder why yahoo is rated higher than google, that seems rather strange. Especially as isnt ebay part of google?
It performs rating based on the website's hit-rate alone, nothing to do with the companies behind them. I don't think the hit-rate is accurate either.