
Here's some assertiveness, Mountainhare: Stop whining about my so-called whining. STFU. I have to tell my story my way so that the reader will understand what happened, what people did. It is part of the process of rational problem solving. Define the problem, then work towards a solution. If you don't want to contribute, and no, neither you nor Max have given me any good advice, do something else and stop whining.
Stop whining about my so-called whining
Nice attempt to put a spin on things.

Define the problem, then work towards a solution
Yes. You seem to enjoy defining the problem, but not working towards a solution.

So let's try again. What have you done, or are you doing, to stop this bullying? And have you actually tried any of the advice Baron and myself have given?
mountainhare said:

Nice attempt to put a spin on things.

Yes. You seem to enjoy defining the problem, but not working towards a solution.

Blow me.

So let's try again. What have you done, or are you doing, to stop this bullying? And have you actually tried any of the advice Baron and myself have given?

I take advice from neither one of you.
MetaKron said:
Blow me.

I take advice from neither one of you.
actually, mountainhare this thred is about SCHOOLS and bullying. about CHILDREn and bullyin and ideas to help them. not about adults and bullying . another thread exists for that
All social animals have bullies and the bullied.
Humans are only unique in that those bullied when young often survive and grow into adulthood.
This is an unnatural human imposed outcome, a defiance of nature.
Those who were consistently victims of bullying at school, were supposed to die.

You are so lucky that now you can grow into an adult and complain to us all about how much it sucked to be bullied. I'm sure it was terrible, but it could have been alot more terrible and you're ultimately extremely lucky and you should be gratefull.
Everyday millions of clumsy wolf pups, awkward hyena cubs, weak eagle chicks and uncharismatic chimp babies are being bullied to death by their siblings.
How can I possibly bring myself to feel sorry for you in light of that?

So as you see, some people are pro bully.