
Yes, Duendy, all humans, kids and adults, should be nice people. If we had an injection for that, would you suggest that we forcibly inject all people? ...make them all nice guys? ...where all of them would love all others, and no one would be a bully?

Baron Max
Baron Max said:
Yes, Duendy, all humans, kids and adults, should be nice people. If we had an injection for that, would you suggest that we forcibly inject all people? ...make them all nice guys? ...where all of them would love all others, and no one would be a bully?

Baron Max
gey offa thistrip yer on, trying to put words in my mouth. suggesting i am a sentimenta;ist who wants a Disney world or thinks it is...bla bla....bolloks

i know as much as you, more so, abput the fukin evil in this world

but yourway asy ou've expressed in these threads is to say to the children, they must arm up and learn to be killers cause 'only the strong will survive---dog eat dog' an all that stupid social darwinist propaganda.....believe it if U wanna, and i know you love to do. but my concery in this instance is gettin the children AWAY from your myth, justification of bullyin, and the buliies.....when they are grown up, ten can choose to work at Mcbmaxes. that then will e entirley their decision as adults
duendy said:
...but my concery in this instance is gettin the children AWAY from your myth, justification of bullyin, and the buliies.....when they are grown up, ten can choose to work at Mcbmaxes. that then will e entirley their decision as adults

But will they be able to handle the bullies at McBmax's? and if not, will you take them away from that, too? and just keep protecting them until they die of old age?

Children must learn about the ways of the world ...even the bad parts. If they don't, then how do you expect them to be responsible, informed adults?

Baron Max
duendy said:
i dont mean to be rude now...but i must say, please read ALL of thread so as we dont have to epeat ourseves. you ask what other ways?.

My apologies, I admit I havn't read the entire thread due to my own lazyness, but I have read a lot of it. But I didn't actually mean that as a question where I wanted answers. It was more of a "ok, we've discussed this, but just reminding, this is the topic" kinda thing.

so i repeat.....THE most important thing is the child. the child who is suffering. ypu only see tip of the iceberg when a child's in distress. inside the kid is dying, and its blighting his whole childhood. tis cannot go on

there has to be 'refuges' where children can go. to get the hell out of an institution which is like open prison, and where staff cover their tracks for good PR

there have happened'cyberschol' in the U.S and 'Notschols' here in UK. these places are spcifically designed for the 'margialized' to be able to learn and grow in non-hostile envirohments. recently a school opened in UK where all the kids are ex-bullied children. and i ead they all are getting on good there

What you suggest is no easier for a parent to arrange then to just move the kid to the next school over. And agian...if the parents don't care, that solves nothing for the child, as the parents will do nothing to help.

stuff like that. MORE please. this empowers kids. they know thewy have somewhere to go

i likened tis situation to the battered wife syndrome. yearsback a woman married to bullying husband had to put up wt his shit. she had NOwhere to go. police didn't even take it seriously--calling the violence toward the woman--a 'domestic' they were trapped

Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought police did check into domestic violence.

Ok, I think the big problem is parents. On every side. Bad parents can create bullies, and they can create weak kids that will be bullied. Good parents can create just as bad kids on either side: loving parents can create sheltered kids likely to be bullied, Loving parents can also create kids that are full of themselves and are likely to bully. For the bullied child it is better to have loving parents. They can help the kid along, provide them with sanctuary, and at least try and do something. It is the uncared for bullied children that need help, and suggestions of other schools won't help, becuase their parents are probably to busy to bother with the hassle. So what I really meen is, what can be realistically done for those kids.

I have to admit, but for the most part, I agree with Baron Max. I had no one to help me through when I was bullied. I didn't even have a sanctuary where I could go to be alone. For about four years I struggled utterly alone. And then it just clicked...a sort of slow mo click, but it did. And I started to change. Looking back, I hate to think of those days, but I would never ask for them not to have happened, because I am a much stronger, better person now, above the petty "game of social life". I can now handle any bullying should it come.
duendy said:
mePPPi knowyu dont mean to be rude and have asked courteously, but my answer stays same. my system is VERY much more limited tha yours. TILL then i manage to get a real live computtee, tose of you who struggl wid my offereings will have to continue to do so. srry. not ALL my posts are TOTALLy un-undertandable i hope

I apologize agian for not reading the entire thread, because it seems you have already answered this question.
Baron Max said:
But will they be able to handle the bullies at McBmax's? and if not, will you take them away from that, too? and just keep protecting them until they die of old age?

Children must learn about the ways of the world ...even the bad parts. If they don't, then how do you expect them to be responsible, informed adults?

Baron Max
and 'leanrin about the bad parts' meansthat adults should just stand back and allow a child be bullied to despair and maybe suicide does it?
in your book-god forbid, maybe, but i do not want to encurage that shit at all. THATis whats already going on

bmax. have you senile dementia? it'sjust that debating wid u i fruitless. yo dont listen. one has tokeep goin over old ground. i am beginning to think maybe its best i justignore you and not let yu take up space. dontmean put u on an ignore oist thingy. just not alow you to loop discussion in endless recapitulations of what's already been address. we will see. maybe its good in that a point can be addressed more than is err happnin

looook. look how you choos shit. like it is FINE to allow children to be brutalized so as to 'learn tem about the bad in the world'...yet i dont see you recommending tey be educated in the truth. you know about the corrupt system you love. how convenient fo yo and the brutal world you love, believe in, and promote

wonder what you will do bmax when yu wake up to YOURself
crazyfreespirit said:
My apologies, I admit I havn't read the entire thread due to my own lazyness, but I have read a lot of it. But I didn't actually mean that as a question where I wanted answers. It was more of a "ok, we've discussed this, but just reminding, this is the topic" kinda thing.

What you suggest is no easier for a parent to arrange then to just move the kid to the next school over. And agian...if the parents don't care, that solves nothing for the child, as the parents will do nothing to help.

Maybe I'm wrong, but I thought police did check into domestic violence.

Ok, I think the big problem is parents. On every side. Bad parents can create bullies, and they can create weak kids that will be bullied. Good parents can create just as bad kids on either side: loving parents can create sheltered kids likely to be bullied, Loving parents can also create kids that are full of themselves and are likely to bully. For the bullied child it is better to have loving parents. They can help the kid along, provide them with sanctuary, and at least try and do something. It is the uncared for bullied children that need help, and suggestions of other schools won't help, becuase their parents are probably to busy to bother with the hassle. So what I really meen is, what can be realistically done for those kids.

I have to admit, but for the most part, I agree with Baron Max. I had no one to help me through when I was bullied. I didn't even have a sanctuary where I could go to be alone. For about four years I struggled utterly alone. And then it just clicked...a sort of slow mo click, but it did. And I started to change. Looking back, I hate to think of those days, but I would never ask for them not to have happened, because I am a much stronger, better person now, above the petty "game of social life". I can now handle any bullying should it come.

go tell it to the kid who commits suicide due to bullying. your experience is your own. don't impose it onto ALL children. everyone is differnt

dont think you have gained any essntial insight due to yourpast experience of bullying. i mean--agreeing with bmax is a strong clue!!!!

don't like where you claim parents bring up 'wak' kids that bully. actually the weaker ones ARE the bullies. weaker psychologically.......were theNative Americans 'weak' would you say when they got genoidally bullied?....that's where all you and bmax's p-hilosophicl crap leads isn't it?.....who can fuck who, right. that is the world. and you and bmax want to fit us into tis godmaned world right? so see no harm in indoctrinating insitutions, no better than open prisons doing kids heads in. well , so believe it, but i and others never ewver will,and look for help for its victims. so many kids are bullied right. yet you an bmax just stand back and have faith rhey too will become hard-faced like you'll

i have told you about PLACESchildren may go. sanctuaries from your mad fukin world. why should it be hard to promote tis? yu sayparents may not want the to go? well, isn't there a law now for paret not to beat up ther child?? o there also must be children's rights NOY to have to attend a fuking building and social setting where thy get physically and emotinally hammered. THAT i have to keep pointing this out to so-caled mature, responsible, adults here, i find repugnant......but i will continue to if needs be

you know dude, sometimes people who are reformed smokers, drinkers, etc etc are THE most reactionary so and sos. precisely because they feel they have plumbed the deptha their interpretation can become very ingrained and faacistic. try rathe to understand we are all unique. JUST because YOU feel it was great being bullied doesn't mean others will. yes???
Despite disagreeing with you duendy on some other issues I have to say on this issue of bullying I totally agree with what your saying.
Seems like others are making excuses for it, just because it involves children.
If the same unfair, inappropriate, damaging (mentally and sometimes physically), and sometimes illegal behaviour was happening to adults, society would treat the problem totally differently.

Thats not to say bullying doesnt take place in other forms in the work place, even sometimes violent bullying, and that heirachy pecking order bullshit, but still, its children, it shouldn't be such a hard problem to solve, even if it is "natural" behaviour.

Everyone on this board would say loudly, that if their child was being bullied, they would not tolerate it for a week.
Huwy said:
Everyone on this board would say loudly, that if their child was being bullied, they would not tolerate it for a week.

Even I agree with that statement. However, as I've asked on several occasions ...what exactly can we do to stop bullying? A bully can make his play when no one of authority is close by, without ever being caught at it. And if the authorities believe one child over the denials of another, what does that teach the children?

As I've said before, and stand by it now, is that without 24/7 bodyguards, a child can be bullied. We all talk about how bad bullying is, yet no has presented any workable solutions to it .....other than the dreamworld bullshit about how all parents should teach their children the proper....... and all of that psycho-babble bullshit.

Bodyguards on a 24/7 duty is the only valid method of eliminating bullying.

Baron Max
Huwy said:
Despite disagreeing with you duendy on some other issues I have to say on this issue of bullying I totally agree with what your saying.
Seems like others are making excuses for it, just because it involves children.
If the same unfair, inappropriate, damaging (mentally and sometimes physically), and sometimes illegal behaviour was happening to adults, society would treat the problem totally differently.

Thats not to say bullying doesnt take place in other forms in the work place, even sometimes violent bullying, and that heirachy pecking order bullshit, but still, its children, it shouldn't be such a hard problem to solve, even if it is "natural" behaviour.

Everyone on this board would say loudly, that if their child was being bullied, they would not tolerate it for a week.

Isn't that the painful truth? Some people make excuses for it because it involves children. Why would these people think that anyone's children should be treated this way?

Bullying happens largely because people use pain to correct the behavior of others. They start with using it to correct the behavior of children. They either don't know or don't care about the fact that doing this hurts people for trying to be good or do good, even when it's not done selectively to favor one group over another. A child needs to be shown the way many times, and it is a sarcasm to "show them the way" by walloping them. I can tell you from personal experience that such use of pain creates confusion and not clarity. It would be bad enough if the perpetrators gave a child clear directions after beating the child up. They also tend to leave the child lost after doing that. They often contrive situations that end in beating a child without helping the child learn anything about how to live a good and responsible life. A lot of people have it firmly in mind that a child somehow gains something worthwhile from such discipline. All that the child gains is pain and humiliation that leads to rage and destructive tendencies.
Totally right MetaKron, andyou are one where experience has given you valuable insights

there is a language we need to explore and learn when communicating with other species and our own

you have all heard of 'Horse Whispering' haven't you. This is a VASt skill where we dont impose OUR language on the horse, but rather understand their languae and intelligently comminicate with them, withot having to harm them....samw wit dogs, etc etc etc

how as MUC we need to understand OUR language and our children's. at themoment we are treatin themlike fukin pieces in a machine. it is utterly obscene, yeah, really!
I love everything you just said.

I'm sorry. I speak from my expirience and those I know and have spoken to who have gone through the same thing. That is all I can speak from. I don't think all kids should be left alone, but what I did agree with Baron was that, yes, bullying can help a kid grow. Or not. It can of course go either way. I understand you disagreeing, that is of course the whole piont of a disscussion. But please don't say I haven't learned anything becuase you don't like what I may say.
crazyfreespirit said:
I have to admit, but for the most part, I agree with Baron Max. I had no one to help me through when I was bullied. I didn't even have a sanctuary where I could go to be alone. For about four years I struggled utterly alone. And then it just clicked...a sort of slow mo click, but it did. And I started to change. Looking back, I hate to think of those days, but I would never ask for them not to have happened, because I am a much stronger, better person now, above the petty "game of social life". I can now handle any bullying should it come.

I have very little left with which to handle any bullying. I would ask for the bullying not to have occurred because I am not stronger for it, I am weaker.

One mistake that I have made, when faced with workplace bullying, is not to pound the bastard with everything I had. Even though I would get in trouble and go to jail, the system still works in a way that if I do not actually violently deal with bullies they will see it as a sign of weakness, take advantage of me, take away my life, my job, and what I love, and make me wish that I was dead. They've got these things that they do that eventually end up in the destruction of a lot of this world. What they have is not strength. It's a disease. When they attack people who have not harmed them, when they gang up on them, when they conspire to take away his life, they are behaving as criminals. There are even numerous people on this forum who intentionally try to hurt people badly for the offense of mentioning that these things are done to people. Anyone who says that I "whine like a bitch" is a sicko, one of the worst kinds of human trash. Whoever says stuff like that is being a bully, is trying to deceive people about bullying, is deliberately hurting someone because that someone has been hurt and he sees someone who he can hurt.

What kind of humanoids cannot let a man simply live his life? I have said it before, that my own mother has been deeply involved in this. She's had her own "bash Metakron" program going since before most of the world knew that I existed. Rather than being supportive of me in school after a token effort at resistance against the system, she decided that my failures just confirmed her suspicions that I was some kind of retard, that something was wrong with me. This gave her license to tear me down whenever she got a chance. What kind of person takes advantage of such license? This kind of thing is a lot worse than Andrea Yates because a bad mother can make you experience a painful death more than once each and every day. And then she did what she could to force me to accept domination over my life by people who I do not to this day consider to be in any way acceptable as human. Their actions have been horribly destructive to me and others. They were deliberately criminal in their actions, deliberately horrible well past anything that would be acceptable as strengthening, and they were unworthy of life because they took it and deliberately used it to savagely inflict pain against anyone and anything they could.

I mean, she tells me that she fought for me when I went to school and had problems. This seems to have caused her a lot of stress that she had no problem with bringing home and taking out on me. Yes, it's noble that she tried to get them to treat me like a human. The trouble is, when she lost, she became the worst one of them, their own agent in my home. She had already been like that when I was much younger, actually beating me with her fists when she was in a fit of rage, first setting me up so she could excuse hitting me, then continuing to hit me for screaming and screaming at me to shut up or she would keep hitting me. Of course it's impossible for a 2 year old child to stop screaming and crying when the pain and fear are upon them. That kind of thing can go on for more than an hour at a time, until the child is too exhausted to scream, and the parent doing this can feed on life force for that time. It's far more effective for extracting life from a child than is forcible sodomy. There are even accepted ways to convince the child that this was the right thing to do to him. This goes right along with the fact that for this dysfunctional mother, real nurturing and support are crimes. She's not supposed to be there for me, I'm supposed to be there for her.

The abuse created a fearful side to my personality that can easily take me over. What does anyone think is going to happen? Using intense pain different people have installed a set of responses in me. By systematic abuse they have attempted to make me approve of this "great" society and the way it does things. They have even taunted me for my helplessness, as you see people doing here, and at the same time they take advantage of it they curse at me and spit on me for it. And these "people" will happily lie, cheat, steal, torture and kill animals, and use every bit of righteousness and decency as ways to get a hold on people to tear their hearts out. Good, decent, intelligent people are at a huge disadvantage and it's even worse if we let them have anything. One conclusion that seems almost inevitable is that not enough humans have been killed. Then we decide that someone needs to be killed, and we don't know who, and we can't go around killing people in our own community so we get together and target others who are outsiders in some way or the other. It's either kill the outsiders or ourselves. We also separate our healing abilities from ourselves by assigning them to an unreachable God and a Savior who got away from this damned planet but whose ineffectual memories haunt us.

We have got ourselves ass-backwards to reality. The smaller a threat is the worse its potential as a threat. We don't even see the things that are killing millions of people a year. Instead we pick at nits that are of no consequence and blow them up giant-size, and act as if they are the next things that are going to kill us all. The kind of mind that sees a threat in one death per 100 million population and cannot see a threat in the much greater number of deaths by cardiopulmonary disease is the kind of mind that sees a small child as a threat big enough to beat him until he feels himself dying, over and over again for years and years. The real threat to this kind of mind is not the possibility of death. It welcomes death and wants to see a lot of it, all kinds of deaths, human and animals. It is life that is the biggest threat. Even when the person who is sick this way realizes that it is wrong to treat living things this badly, he or she always has to have this "control", even keeping the power to kill if need be to maintain "control." What was the reason for all of the mistreatment of black people after the end of slavery? It is no coincidence that this continued until the third generation after all slavery was abolished. It is to prevent just reprisals against the perpetrators.

They know that if they give up control while someone lives who has a reason to do the same things to them, they are dogmeat. That is, they don't want done to them what they did unto others. Once again, they will lie, cheat, steal, murder, and damage the fabric of reality to keep justice from coming for them. They would blow up the sun if they could to avoid this. This once again puts truly decent living beings at a huge tactical disadvantage. Some refuse to believe that they will use the suicide/geocide/omnicide option because it is so much harder to keep your sanity when you realize that someone might wipe everything away at a whim, destroying in seconds what it took a lifetime for you to build. Some try to prevent us from discussing it because we might do something about it. It's funny to watch because at the same time they deny it, they say or do something to let you know that you are absolutely right. They will destroy themselves and take you with them if you do not give them what they want, and if you won't be their bitch.
crazyfreespirit said:
I love everything you just said.

I'm sorry. I speak from my expirience and those I know and have spoken to who have gone through the same thing. That is all I can speak from. I don't think all kids should be left alone, but what I did agree with Baron was that, yes, bullying can help a kid grow. Or not. It can of course go either way. I understand you disagreeing, that is of course the whole piont of a disscussion. But please don't say I haven't learned anything becuase you don't like what I may say.

The amount of bullying that it takes to help someone grow is far less than what I and a lot of people have experienced. When you die daily, your mind lives a mayfly existence. You don't carry over what you learned from the days before when enough people conspire to remove every triumph from you, to disparage it and violently punish you for having learned anything or done anything for yourself.
mountainhare said:

The simple answer is to hit back when the teachers aren't watching. Have you tried that?

And even if the teachers catch you, so what? Don't believe that shit about a 'school record', it's a load of crock.

I can honestly tell you that while Baron Max sometimes spouts bullshit, he does so less often than many members of this forum. And this is one case where he is NOT spouting bullshit. You whine and bitch like a little child. There is nothing wrong with talking about your problems, but you push it to the max, buddy.

If you expended less of your energy whining, and put it into something constructive, like standing up to the bullies, you might be better off. Or even motivating the authorities to get off their asses and do something about it.

Exactly. There is nothing wrong with talking about my problems. That means that there is no such thing as "pushing it", to the max or otherwise. I am doing this on a public forum, in a thread started by someone who wanted to hear what I had to say, and you are the one horning in and making sick excuses to bash me for actually doing this. You are very suspect, mister. Have you stopped setting kittens on fire for kicks?
crazyfreespirit said:
I love everything you just said.

I'm sorry. I speak from my expirience and those I know and have spoken to who have gone through the same thing. That is all I can speak from. I don't think all kids should be left alone, but what I did agree with Baron was that, yes, bullying can help a kid grow. Or not. It can of course go either way. I understand you disagreeing, that is of course the whole piont of a disscussion. But please don't say I haven't learned anything becuase you don't like what I may say.

my main pointis that your experience is your own. as far as i have learned many peple feel blighted by bullying, even if it went on when young. ANDeven some BULLIES feel shame even if tey had bullied when young. s it effects both parties

It is n obscenity to me to justify and glorify bullying as some positive rite of passage. IF so we should put down those who weren't bullied asbeing somehow lacking.........Which is absurd

i dont care therefore what anyone says. if a child is in distress, andone really caring wants to get it OUT of that distress. NOone LOVES pain. even S&M people AGREE about thepain FOR pleasure!
Baron Max said:
Bodyguards on a 24/7 duty is the only valid method of eliminating bullying.

Baron Max

Baloney. Schools are full of cameras these days. Police spy on anyone they please.

If someone is accussed of bullying, have the police follow them with a camera. They follow muslims and peace activists with cameras, why not suspected bullies? Same reasoning for invading privacy can be given.

Once you have video evidence of bullying, remove the child from the school. End of problem.
Happeh said:
Baloney. Schools are full of cameras these days. Police spy on anyone they please. If someone is accussed of bullying, have the police follow them with a camera. ... End of problem.

That's what I said .....24/7 guarding's the only way to protect the kid.

Baron Max
MetaKron said:
The amount of bullying that it takes to help someone grow is far less than what I and a lot of people have experienced. When you die daily, your mind lives a mayfly existence. You don't carry over what you learned from the days before when enough people conspire to remove every triumph from you, to disparage it and violently punish you for having learned anything or done anything for yourself.

Before I can answer to any posts of yours, my question is, exactly how much bullying did you go through? I don't know if I mean that in time, amount of people or whatever, but then I could better answer. I'm sorry for asking, I know it probably isn't pleasant to talk about.
Exactly. There is nothing wrong with talking about my problems. That means that there is no such thing as "pushing it", to the max or otherwise. I am doing this on a public forum, in a thread started by someone who wanted to hear what I had to say, and you are the one horning in and making sick excuses to bash me for actually doing this. You are very suspect, mister. Have you stopped setting kittens on fire for kicks?
You fail to understand. I definitely sympathize with you, and support your right to talk about it. I'm merely pointing that 'whining about it' is subtlely different from 'talking about it'.

You seem rather bitter (I can't blame you), but instead of venting this bitterness against those who are causing you such pain, you choose to continually stress that 'bullies are assholes' on a public forum. At the end of the day, you are still in the same shit.

Baron Max and myself have given you good advice... fight back, be assertive, don't make yourself an easy target. The mentality of the bullied is just as much responsible as the mentality of the bully. I'm not saying that you deserve to be bullied, any more than someone who forgets to lock their car door deserves to be car jacked. However, changing your attitude WILL help you in the long run.

From what I've read, your mother has ingrained in you an attitude of submissiveness and hopelessness. The 'I can't do anything to change my situation, because I'm too small' mentality is how evil and bullies are able to get away with what they do. The moment you tell yourself 'I do not deserve this. I deserve respect, and I will make others recognize that I deserve respect'.

You can't change those around you without first changing yourself. You can't expect respect from others if you do not respect yourself, and do not carry yourself with dignity. In a perfect world, everyone would treat each other with respect merely because they are fellow human beings. Sadly, this isn't the real world.