Respectful moderation

All moderation... an mods discussin moderation issues... shoud be done respectfully

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Now how do we know that you are not just using this Disorder to explain away bad behavior? Are you currently in treatment? Do you get banned eventually from every site you participate in?

Just for the record Quinnsong... There are a few of us here, that have various forms of Autism... I being one of them... I could name some others, but, I'll leave it up to them, to say what they will here. As to Reiku... He just has issues. and on one hand, I kinda feel for him, the other hand wants to bitch slap him... Like I said before, he's like herpes... Just no cure.
Do you know what I have? Semantic Pragmatic Disorder. Take a read into it. Not something I can ''just get help with.''

In case anyone was wondering - the symptoms of Pragmatic Language Impairment:

Individuals with PLI have particular trouble understanding the meaning of what others are saying, and they are challenged in using language appropriately to get their needs met and interact with others. Children with the disorder often exhibit:
delayed language development
aphasic speech (such as word search pauses, jargoning, word order errors, word category errors, verb tense errors)
Stuttering or cluttering speech
Repeating words or phrases
difficulty with pronouns or pronoun reversal
difficulty understanding questions
difficulty understanding choices and making decisions.
difficulty following conversations or stories. Conversations are "off-topic" or "one-sided".
difficulty extracting the key points from a conversation or story; they tend to get lost in the details
difficulty with verb tenses
difficulty explaining or describing an event
tendency to be concrete or prefer facts to stories
difficulty understanding satire or jokes
difficulty understanding contextual cues
difficulty in reading comprehension
difficulty with reading body language
difficulty in making and maintaining friendships and relationships because of delayed language development.
difficulty in distinguishing offensive remarks
difficulty with organizational skills

Just a PSA.
Let's get back to the point of the thread. I think I know the problem: there are too many mods for the number of posters, and the result is they don't have enough modding to do, and so they go trawling through each and every post looking for things they can mod. In corporate-speak, they are 'micro-modding'.

The number of mods should be reduced to three, and they should be restricted to responding to complaints, and nothing else: reactive only, no proactive modding allowed. They should also be prohibited from modding in any thread in which they have posted, on the basis that if they do that they acting as normal (that's a bad word for the people here, but still) posters and not mods. Complaints have to be dealt with promptly and fairly, and in a transparent fashion so everyone understands the reasons.

That would take care of the entire problem imho. There, I've solved it.
Let's get back to the point of the thread. I think I know the problem: there are too many mods for the number of posters, and the result is they don't have enough modding to do, and so they go trawling through each and every post looking for things they can mod. In corporate-speak, they are 'micro-modding'.

The number of mods should be reduced to three, and they should be restricted to responding to complaints, and nothing else: reactive only, no proactive modding allowed. They should also be prohibited from modding in any thread in which they have posted, on the basis that if they do that they acting as normal (that's a bad word for the people here, but still) posters and not mods. Complaints have to be dealt with promptly and fairly, and in a transparent fashion so everyone understands the reasons.

That would take care of the entire problem imho. There, I've solved it.

I would like to say, for the record, I don't do this. I DO tend to peek in on more active/potentially inflammatory topics and, when I see things starting to get heated try to guide things back to a more acceptable level; that is why I tend to not give out many infractions or even warnings except in cases where things have gone too far. In general, that approach seems to work well, but, well, there are always exceptions :)
I would like to say, for the record, I don't do this. I DO tend to peek in on more active/potentially inflammatory topics and, when I see things starting to get heated try to guide things back to a more acceptable level; that is why I tend to not give out many infractions or even warnings except in cases where things have gone too far. In general, that approach seems to work well, but, well, there are always exceptions :)

To be fair, you're one of the better ones, and should definitely be retained.
Just for the record Quinnsong... There are a few of us here, that have various forms of Autism... I being one of them... I could name some others, but, I'll leave it up to them, to say what they will here. As to Reiku... He just has issues. and on one hand, I kinda feel for him, the other hand wants to bitch slap him... Like I said before, he's like herpes... Just no cure.


Yea I know of a couple on here with Autism and they add to this site. I will even go so far and say that these sites are a blessing for those with Autism in most cases.
Reiku for moderator!

I just stroked out there for a moment... you were joking, right? Lol...

To be fair, you're one of the better ones, and should definitely be retained.

I appreciate the vote of confidence Sorcerer. I would like to ask though; what would you deem to be my biggest flaw(s) as a moderator? I know I tend to get... excitable... but I would appreciate an objective opinion on it :)
I just stroked out there for a moment... you were joking, right? Lol...

I appreciate the vote of confidence Sorcerer. I would like to ask though; what would you deem to be my biggest flaw(s) as a moderator? I know I tend to get... excitable... but I would appreciate an objective opinion on it :)

Your absolute and total failure to perma-ban someone in particular, who shall remain nameless, but who is also a mod. Shame on you!
And bunnies hate humans... I don't blame them though... They taste so good.
And bunnies hate humans... I don't blame them though... They taste so good.

Ahhh... woud you eat this little bunny...
