Respectful moderation

All moderation... an mods discussin moderation issues... shoud be done respectfully

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Like most autistic people, they form obsessions. I have some of the worse kind. Thanks for being understanding! Being semantic pragmatic, I also have a pathological need to talk.
Sorry... This isn't a hospital. I have my own health issues... This is only a science forum on the internet... It's nothing more... As to your "pathological" need to talk, you can only do that here?... Seriously, I frequent several forums, even moderate a couple... This is the only place you have?... That's scary brother.
Bells wondered why I evaded my ban, hopefully more insight into my actual condition will perhaps answer this for her. Then she can stop her hate lies. And I will leave.
Yes I know, and I am wondering now why I gave a fuck.

As I recall, you never did... You only care about yourself... You're a self centered, needy child. You have no time for others... You constantly prove this. Grow up already, the world doesn't revolve around you... Or any of us for that matter.
Again, read the post you respond to. I also said, "make for more trolling", which is the most typical result of feeding a troll (and letting them know they have succeeded at getting under your skin). No mod should be responding to a sockpuppet in the first place, as they have the resources to ban them and see that their posts are deleted. Making snide comments about anyone's mental health, troll or not, is likely to, at least, illicit defensiveness (i.e. "reasons" to keep at it).

But since this is the second time in a row that you have, perhaps intentionally, missed critical parts of my posts, and you have no problem with moderators being snide, you should seek help, as you seem to be doing some trolling yourself. Nothing inflammatory there, huh?

Well, bait away my dear! This troll is not going to bite;)
Look, people, trolls only return because someone will feed them. Ignore them and they get bored enough to go find a new audience.
Bells wondered why I evaded my ban, hopefully more insight into my actual condition will perhaps answer this for her. Then she can stop her hate lies. And I will leave.

Does this disorder of yours cause the outbursts that get you banned?
Look, people, trolls only return because someone will feed them. Ignore them and they get bored enough to go find a new audience.

You have to make sure the person in question only has a sole intention to troll. Everyone trolls, but what degree?
I actually did, you pathetic liar. I said I was sorry to hear that.

Yes, you did say you were sorry to hear that... Then you went into your sad need to be acknowledged... Again, you only care about your self, and feel everyone should cater to you... I for one, feel no obligation.
Yes, you did say you were sorry to hear that...

No I NEVER said that at all. I said it wasn't right for you to weigh up the misfortunes of men because there is always someone worse off than yourself. You where using cancer in an argument.
No I NEVER said that at all. I said it wasn't right for you to weigh up the misfortunes of men because there is always someone worse off than yourself. You where using cancer in an argument.

I also went on to sympathize, saying I understand how difficult it can be since I have had family members who have had cancer.

You're a lying little sour git who needs to get off his high horse.
Now how do we know that you are not just using this Disorder to explain away bad behavior? Are you currently in treatment? Do you get banned eventually from every site you participate in?

I can promise you I am not making it up... and there is no treatment for it. And yes, I have been banned from quite a few sites for similar things. Though I function well in others, go figure.
I think I mentioned it here a long time ago, and some of the moderators opened their eyes to it. I guess it was forgotten over the years.
I also went on to sympathize, saying I understand how difficult it can be since I have had family members who have had cancer.

You're a lying little sour git who needs to get off his high horse.

This will be my last post to you in any of your sure to come socks... You are a whining, self obsessed, sulking twit... You care about no one, just yourself... You insult others, then feel butt hurt when they return the favor... You claim you have problems... So, we owe you?... Get a life kid, I will no longer respond to your need to be heard. Fuck off.
This will be my last post to you in any of your sure to come socks... You are a whining, self obsessed, sulking twit... You care about no one, just yourself... You insult others, then feel butt hurt when they return the favor... You claim you have problems... So, we owe you?... Get a life kid, I will no longer respond to your need to be heard. Fuck off.

It's clear you don't know me then... I'm actually very nice to a lot of people in the forums and often can hold debates without anyone needing to argue. But when they do argue, they troll and when they troll, they bait...

...and I am one of the most baited people on the forums.
So if trolls will not heed any advice, why the hell does it matter if you feed them or not? They are not listening anyway! Look there was nothing said that was inflammatory imo anyway, so why all the freakin nitpicking. The real issue is Clueluss is stirring up a bunch of nothing for some reason. hmmmm

Quinn, I think Syne was telling us how to deal with himself, to be honest... after all, he doesn't heed advice, and he simply does what he desires no matter what