Purpose of Life

Sorry no, this is the meaning of life for everyone, doesn't matter if they know it or not
You are welcome to your opinion about the meaning of life. But your opinion applies to you, and you only.
If you want your opinion to apply to others, start a religion.
"As the forum developed, our interests broadened to include Philosophy and Ethics, Religion, World Events and Politics and other topics. However, we retain in all areas of debate an ethos of respect for the scientific method, which demands critical analysis, clear thinking and evidence-based argument. "
Glad you've decided to start discussing.

if you are trying to convince me of anything you are spreading your knowledge, as is your purpose in life
I am also trying to watch a TV show right now.
I am also trying clip my nails.

To assert that "doing something" must be equated to "that something is one's purpose in life", is a non sequitur.
Reproduction is the main purpose of life. Continuation of the species and evolution trumps all. All else is momentary illusion.
Reproduction is the main purpose of life. Continuation of the species and evolution trumps all. All else is momentary illusion.
yes and who continues their species the best? the ones who improve the best.
doesnt matter if its improvement by evolution or technology
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Reproduction is the main purpose of life. Continuation of the species and evolution trumps all. All else is momentary illusion.
What do you say to those who - whether by accident or choice - do not reproduce? Are they trapped in an illusion?
What do you say to those who - whether by accident or choice - do not reproduce? Are they trapped in an illusion?

if you dont reproduce or share you knowledge to others you are dead both physically and in memory, so of course you have no purpose in life.
you still havent told me why you watch tv and clip your nails
if you dont reproduce or share you knowledge to others you are dead both physically and in memory, so of course you have no purpose in life.
This is not defending your assertion; it is simply restating it.

While one may contribute children or knowledge to society as a secondary effect of their chosen purpose, it does not mean those things define what their purpose is.
you see, if you live your whole life just for your self, you have no meaning in life.
your life has no meaning. you die alone and you leave nothing. i hope thats not too hard to understand
LIFE, ALL inclusive life does not have ANY purpose whatsoever

The soup of chemicals which came together to start the first reproductive cycle had no say in the matter. It was a happenence of Physics

No life form has ever had any option as to whether it comes into existence or not

Whether A LIFE has any purpose
For non sentinant life that will be determined by evolution
For some non sentinant life sentinant life may impose a purpose as well as choosing a purpose for itself

Purpose is an entirely human invention.

No thing had any purpose before a human decided it had one.
Things have purpose to persons when those persons decide they should.