Materialism is based on the belief that everything that exists is related to matter or energy. This includes non-material features like fields, information, ideas, and even our minds. Materialism is a dogma in all sciences, and their general working base. It commits also scientists in medicine, psychotherapy and psychology to work along the same lines.
Research in fields like psychology is mostly based on evidence not on measurements, which makes proofs more difficult. A very interesting example is the so-called “Near Death Experience (NDE):
Around 1970, the physician Raymond Moody began an investigation by interviewing many people who had been reanimated, meaning that they were dead or near to death. Those who could recall something and were willing to talk about it, reported amazing experiences. They reported that although they had left their bodies, they could see what people were trying to do with them. They could understand what those people were saying, and even observed events taking place outside the room. Many other researchers, working along similar lines, also found the same results.
However, other researchers conducted interviews to disprove such phenomena, and of course, they were successful, too.
Psychological studies and experiments carried out by investigators with opposite theoretical orientation can lead to conflicting results. The supposedly objective scientific method is here still subject to the beliefs of the experimenter.
Neurophysiologists are still convinced that everything connected with NDE were hallucinations, caused by remaining brain activities during the time when the heart has stopped beating. Witnessed reports of observations outside the room will be ignored or doubted.
If there would be a real interest in science to prove the existence of a spiritual world it could be done easily by detailed NDE studies performed by a group of researchers with different orientation. Reanimations take place daily in any hospital worldwide. But it seems to me, that there is no interest in science, because they fear to lose the dogma of materialism. Also churches are not interested in such research, because they may lose their monopoly in “afterlife”.
I would be very interested to learn what could be between chance and purpose. If the world exists by chance we have not to think about purpose. But if the world exists by a given purpose, then it can be assumed that the total world scenarios are perfect as I did.