Purpose of Life

I tried to find the Purpose of Life on this website...

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In my last post I mentioned the book of William Buhlman "Adventures in the Afterlife". But such spiritual topic would not convince materialists.
Therefore lets discuss the phenomena of the jung Russian "Michael Raduga". He is a pure materialist like most of you, but he gives courses in LA for learning OBE, s. http://obe4u.com/
Of course he does not believe in real spiritual OBE and calls the achieved state "The Phase". As a convinced materialist he wants to prove by this, that real OBE does not exist. However in my opinion, he is teaching the real OBE, but because of their materialistic bias he and his students are not able to use this state properly, e.g. by flying to the moon.
A musing;

Humans are actually able to make self-fulfilling prophecies.
A self-fulfilling prophecy is the sociopsychological phenomenon of someone "predicting" or expecting something, and this "prediction" or expectation coming true simply because the person believes it will[1] and the person's resulting behaviors aligning to fulfill the belief. This suggests that people's beliefs influence their actions.
The principle behind this phenomenon is that people create consequences regarding people or events, based on previous knowledge of the subject. A self-fulfilling prophecy is applicable to either negative or positive outcomes. It can be concluded that establishing a label towards someone or something significantly impacts their perception and influences them to establish self-fulfilling prophecy.[2]
Interpersonal communication plays a significant role in establishing these phenomena as well as impacting the labeling process. Intrapersonal communication can have both positive and negative effects, dependent on the nature of the self-fulfilling prophecy that a person has on a self-fulfilling prophecy, this will impact their outcome when dealing with self-fulfilling prophecies.[2]
American sociologist W. I. Thomas was the first to discover this phenomenon. In 1928 he developed the Thomas theorem (also known as the Thomas dictum), stating that,
~~~~~ "If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences" ~~~~~

All you need is sufficient numbers of "empathic" responses and presto, reality has been created.
A musing;

Humans are actually able to make self-fulfilling prophecies. American sociologist W. I. Thomas was the first to discover this phenomenon. In 1928 he developed the Thomas theorem (also known as the Thomas dictum), stating that,
~~~~~ "If men define situations as real, they are real in their consequences" ~~~~~

All you need is sufficient numbers of "empathic" responses and presto, reality has been created.

To your last statement ;

What of the numbers that are not empathic responses ?
Hello again,

I am now 85 and still alive. My last post made you speechless for over two years - why?

I thought this was a quite good topic for discussion?! Perhaps you have now some ideas?

Kind regards



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Quite frankly... many of us are rather scared by what would seem to be the almost obvious possible implications of some now rather well known ideas in Theoretical Physics...... Any sort of idea of a "Purpose of Life" is ... kind of scary to many of us????
What about infecting a fellow human with a diabolical concept that could somewhat obsess them over time?

i experienced 2 instances of that same potential today
1 fueled by youthful ignorance congealing as a click
the other as extremely deeply seated paranoia on a few different levels(bit messed up but thats life, felt sad for the guy in the end when i realized he was trying to scare himself straight, wants to be the scary monster, that kinda thing never ends well, hopefully he will change as time goes on)