PS3 or Wii?

PS3 or Wii?

  • PS3

    Votes: 17 35.4%
  • Wii

    Votes: 31 64.6%

  • Total voters
phlogistician said:
Surely it has to be the Wii. For two reasons;

One, you can actually go buy one soon.
Two, the hardware blurb refers to a 'nunchuck' controller. I bet you don't get nunchucks with any other platform!
this is the best argument i have heard so far.

nunchuku controller...heh.
VitalOne said:
The remote thing is ridiculous it seems like it will be difficult for some people to get a hang of it.
It's not Nintendo's fault that so many people out there are pretty much retarded! :rolleyes:

How hard is it, really? Ever played Bach in a piano? Now THAT is hard... :rolleyes:

Having said that, I wouldn't be surprised with Wii actually raises people's IQ. In contrast with PS3 or, worse, XBox... :rolleyes:
TruthSeeker said:
Having said that, I wouldn't be surprised with Wii actually raises people's IQ. In contrast with PS3 or, worse, XBox... :rolleyes:

Because they learn how to push the buttons on a remote control very fast?
The best place to play NES games is Console Classix. You have to create a username and password. Then you download and install the client. When you run the client, you signe on with your username and password, and play all the NES games you want for free.

They don't have every game, but they sure have a hell of alot:
Zelda 2
Ice Climber
Bionic Commando
Final Fantasy
A crap load of Megaman games
Marble Madness
Spy Vs Spy
Dragon Slayer
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Sony can go die in a hole. They are no longer innovators.

That said, unless Ninendo comes out with some truly amazing games, I shall stick with the PC.
Absane said:
Because they learn how to push the buttons on a remote control very fast?
No. When your hands are doing two completely different things, it enhances the way your brain functions, particularly motor skills and exchange of information between the two hemispheres (which is essential for proficiency in most subjects, particularly math and language)...
TruthSeeker said:
No. When your hands are doing two completely different things, it enhances the way your brain functions, particularly motor skills and exchange of information between the two hemispheres (which is essential for proficiency in most subjects, particularly math and language)...

You could say the exact same thing about first-person shooters on the PC. Yes, it enchances visual processing and such.. but it also dulls the others parts of the brain that aren't used.
Here is a demonstration of the physics that the PS3 will be using.
This one really caught my eye. A gas station being blown up. All done in real time. Incredibly realistic, and in fact, scary if games will actually be this real looking. I mean, back a while ago graphics made games real looking, but now it's all physics and environment interactivity.

The engine actually simulates the gas particles expanding to result in a realistic looking explosion. In real time. That is simply fucking insane.

And here is a demo for a game called Heavy Rain. Like the others, the demo is run in real time. It's a video of a game character -- kind of shows off the detail of the modeling and the ability to capture emotion in characters. It's almost impossible to believe the woman is made from polygons.

We sure have come a long way. I wonder what next.
Absane said:
You could say the exact same thing about first-person shooters on the PC. Yes, it enchances visual processing and such.. but it also dulls the others parts of the brain that aren't used.
You clearly completely miss the point... :D
francois said:
Here is a demonstration of the physics that the PS3 will be using.
This one really caught my eye. A gas station being blown up. All done in real time. Incredibly realistic, and in fact, scary if games will actually be this real looking. I mean, back a while ago graphics made games real looking, but now it's all physics and environment interactivity.

The engine actually simulates the gas particles expanding to result in a realistic looking explosion. In real time. That is simply fucking insane.

And here is a demo for a game called Heavy Rain. Like the others, the demo is run in real time. It's a video of a game character -- kind of shows off the detail of the modeling and the ability to capture emotion in characters. It's almost impossible to believe the woman is made from polygons.

We sure have come a long way. I wonder what next.
i wasnt overly impressed, if ibuy one it will be to put on ebay that same day
VitalOne said:
^Exactly, The Wii is really nothing special except for a special controller. The graphics are only slightly improved compared to GameCube. The controller isn't anything new lots of people have tried this type of thing in the past. The remote thing is ridiculous it seems like it will be difficult for some people to get a hang of it.
The graphics of the ps2, gamecube and xbox were good as it is, i don't care that much for even better graphics. Gameplay on the other hand will get a nice new dimension if nintendo (and 3rd parties) manages to really incorporate the sensor in their games. As for how difficult it is, in magazines here i read you quickly get the hang of it.
thedevilsreject said:
i wasnt overly impressed, if ibuy one it will be to put on ebay that same day
Well, you're hard to impress then!

I, on the other hand, think it's really amazing, because now for the first time ever, we're developing consumer available chips that are fast enough to render and simulate environments that work like they do in the real world. Physics, interactivity, lighting. The ability to run simulations and renderings comparable to the real world have big implications. We've all heard of virtual reality since the 80's, but after seeing what the Cell processor can do, it makes me think true VR is only a little way away. And by VR, I don't mean, cartoon-looking characters representing people. I'm talking about REAL looking people being simulated in a digital world. The implications of that are huge.
Killzone for PS3.
Cool news thing in Japanese about the Cell processor. Demonstates its ability to track movement and apply rendering accordingly in real time.
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Maybe Nintendo can make a big come back with Wii and actually return to being in the console wars

But we'll see when Wii and PS3 finally drop
Good 'ol nintendo. They were doomed to lose the the processing power wars when it was against two computing companies. Nice way to sort of become the independent fighter. I could care less about graphics, glad to see I'm not the only one.
Tyler N. said:
Good 'ol nintendo. They were doomed to lose the the processing power wars when it was against two computing companies. Nice way to sort of become the independent fighter. I could care less about graphics, glad to see I'm not the only one.
Well i still think nintendo will not become the big player again, they will however sell many consoles to people who want to see what happens with the gameplay.

They might become big though if the controller is really incorporated well into games (meaning ps4 and xbox720 will also get the same sort of controller thus nintendo has to think of yet another new feature). Really hope it works out for them as nintendo always made good quality games and i would'nt like to see nintendo going the sega way.