But used a cartridge. Which make crap games.
Cartridges don't make crap games. Sure, it doesn't have as much memory as a CD, but the load times are ungodly faster. This is why the DS still uses catridges. You do realize those cartridges are RAM sticks, no? If playing directly from a disc, cartridges are best for consoles as you don't have to deal with long loading times. Why do you think consoles of today wind up having to preload the game onto hard drives? To make it faster.
5GB out of a base 20GB PS3 is going to suck and limit yourself to 4 games at a time with no other content. Play that blu-ray disc without it and it'll be hell trying to load up a game when it's already long enough with the preinstall. Thank the 2x speed of that "next-gen" drive. Microsoft and Sony should have made their hard drives even larger with all this preloading that they need to do. At least with the 360 you can easily use regular external PC hard drives.
Discs are obsolete and aren't important when it comes to gaming these days when hard drives are involved. Whether you use one blu-ray disc or three DVDs like Microsoft is doing for Blue Dragon on the 360 doesn't matter much when they get preinstalled onto the hard drive. Why do you think PC games still come with up to 5 CDs? Because you install em and don't need em again. That's why blu-ray is a waste for the PS3 and you guys had to wait a whole extra year for the console and it's still having tons of manufacturing problems with it. Large capacity discs are only good for read-only formats such as movies or music, but once things get ripped or loaded onto hard drives, the size of a disc is meaningless.
shipments of the DS were longer than the preorder lines for the PS3 and Wii? Check out the sales as of two weeks ago over there, which is similar to how it still is:
01 - Nintendo DS Lite - 128,621 (5,753,904)
02 - PlayStation 3 - 42,099 (123,738) - me
Note: Japan. Note: Limited supply of Playstation 3s. - James
Limited supply or not, please tell me why the lines for the new shipments of Nintendo DS Lites were longer than the preorder lines for the PS3 and Wii. Surely with the PS3 being harder to get with it's limited supply, they would have been longer as they were over here in the states.
Cell processor? Massively more powerful than the Wii? Lightyear jumps in computer technology?
You're buying into Sony's buzzword hype again. A regular dual-core processor is still more powerful than a cell, even more so when 4x4 by AMD comes out. The 360's mere three 3.6 (?) cores are on par with Sony's 7 (it's 8 but manufacturing problems burn one out) 3.2 cores. Just because Sony has 7 cores doesn't mean it's faster, it's a totally different architechture. Remember Intel vs AMD? Intel had high ghz and AMD had low ghz, but the architechture for AMD CPUs were a lot more efficient and powerful than Intels even tho it had lower ghz.
They invented their wiimote tilt technology that Sony hastily implemented after Nintendo shows everyone the wiimote at E3 when they had their silly silver boomerang controller. - me
A far better design, considering one is not reduced to swinging one's controller around like a retarded circus monkey. - James
Oh, now that's funny. I guess the majority of gamers, media, and other people are completely wrong and you're the only one with the most accurate opinion, eh?
And you're not reduced to madly waving the controller around, you can use small wrist flicks as well. The exaggerated movements are up to the player and they tend to naturally do it even when starting out with little wrist flicks. Also the type of movement depends on the type of game you're playing. The PS3 doesn't even have the ability to play most motion games so they're limited to just racing and flying games which the Wii is used the same way. You can either hold the remote sideways and tilt, or you can even use both an analog controller and remote and shift gears with one controller while steering with the other. Have you even played the basketball games and virtual tennis on the PS3 when it tries to use more movements than what it's capable of? Virtual tennis is horrible with the six-axis.
Nintendo are the ones coming up with all the new ideas whereas Microsoft and Sony either copy Nintendo or use existing PC technology. - me
Eyetoy? Headset? Playstation 2. - James
I've already mentioned the Eyetoy as being the only thing Sony has come up with. Wow, one thing when it copies everything else from others. Headset? Existing PC technology.
When have they failed? When were they failing? - me
They went from dominating to losing. SNES was the dominant system, as was the NES before it. Then they failed miserably against the Playstation and Playstation 2. Nintendo also lost almost its entire base to Sony and Microsoft. - James
Yet look at their profit. Stockholders own companies. Profit is all that matters to stockholders. It doesn't matter how many systems you sell if you wind up making little profit. Sony could sell 100 million PS3s and Nintendo could sell just 40 million, but with a loss of $200-250 per system for Sony, Nintendo pulls out far ahead in profits so they win and will stick around while even tho Sony sells the most, they can be bankrupted due to stockholder pull outs. Stockholders are pissed at Sony and even third-party game developers want to see them fail as they're bullying them big time which is why Sony is losing all their exclusive titles which are now going to the 360.
They make tons of money. They make profit right off the bat with their consoles. Business success is all about profit, not sales. People tend to think sales because companies usually make profit off their sales, but when Sony, for example, is losing $200-250 per console sold, sales don't mean jack squat. - me
Consoles sold = Games sold = Sony is rich. Sony made a great profit off both the Playstation 1 and 2. Nintendo had to sell their consoles for pennies in order to barely get 25 percent of the market. - James
Sony doesn't have that many first-party titles. And no, Sony didn't make great profit off the PSX and PS2. Sony started selling both at losses as well. Why do you think Sony's electronics division has had negative sells in the billions for the past 5 years? Surely with all those consoles being sold, it'd be their saving grace putting them ahead in positive gains. Again, regardless of how many consoles they sell, if they don't make profit, they lose millions and even more when stockholders pull out not seeing any money being made. You outta read the Wired article from two months ago or so as they had a very in depth article about their financial troubles.
Anyhow, Sony is taking a huge hit with their consoles because they're forcing people to have blu-ray players so that they can win the HD format war which both blu-ray and HD-DVD will fail. There's a reason why the PS3 games with a free blu-ray movie and not a free video game. The PS3 is all about getting blu-ray players out on the market in hopes of people using that format. Sony has already said their toughest competitor isn't Microsoft but rather HD-DVD. - me
A tremendously bold and awesome move on the part of Sony. I fully expect to be using Blu-Ray for the next 20 years. - James
Bold move? How about stupid? Every single proprietary format Sony has come up with has failed. Betamax failed, MMCD failed, MiniDisc failed, ATRAC failed, SDDS failed, SACD is failing, UMD failed, and now blu-ray is failing to HD-DVD at the moment. Remember Sony rootkits where when you played one of their CDs in a PC, it installed spyware and trojans? They got sued big time for that and had to recall all their BMG CDs.
You honestly believe to be using blu-ray for the next 20 years? Wow, you really love their hype. DVDs haven't even been mainstream popular for 10 years and have HD making it outdated yet you think blu-ray will last 20 years? Even if blu-ray wins it won't last that long as there already discs that haven't been released that hold tons more than blu-ray. Have fun spending $35-40 for a blu-ray movie. Sony has also said that the PS3 will last 10 years, lol, which is another silly comment when new consoles come out every 5 years or so, heh. Developers laughed at that ignorant and arrogant claim of theirs.
That's just "shipped", not sold. Sony quit releasing the sales figures for the PSP after getting it's butt handed to them by the DS so now the only info they release about the PSP is "shipped" info as well. - me
Do you expect most products on the shelves are going unsold? Absurd. The Playstation is a huge success - basically everyone who plays games has it. It's been Sony's greatest success in a long while. - James
Sony overproduced the PS2 and there's still stockpiles all over the place. I don't expect it, I know they have tons that have gone unsold. There's a reason why they're only mentioning how many have been shipped and not sold unlike everyone else. I know most people who play games owns a PS2, but not everyone plays games as the core group are still hardcore gamers. I know the PS2 was a success which is why I estimate around 75 million sold, which is still 15 million more than the original NES, but I still easily doubt the 100-111 million mark.
In five years, HD-DVD won't exist. The Playstation 3 will make sure of that, when millions upon millions are sold in the US. Just wait till Christmas when a million more Playstation 3's go flying off the shelves.
That's amusing, such high hopes you have for Sony. Millions more for Christmas? Do you realize they're still having tons of production problems, no? Of the 4 million they expected to have launched by the end of the year, they're only able meet 10% of those numbers. You won't see any steady releases for another 4 months, at the very least, assuming the PS3 isn't scrapped. The PS3 has no momentum and that's what is going to be the doom of it. Look how many games have recently just been delayed. Those aren't delayed but are actually scrapped. Those were the companies that Sony bullied into making a game that they never agreed on begging them to make a video for the game to release before any deals went through. Many third-party developers such as Ubisoft want to see them fail now.
Everyone is saying how much the PS3 is going to fail, developers, media, gamers, etc -- it's all about the Wii and 360 right now. - me
Actually, few sources, if any at all, claim the Wii will be a success. All signs point, in fact, to it being a failure. The Playstation 3, on the other hand, is expected to increase the Playstation market share. - James
Oh my god, where do you get your facts? Since we seem to been on opposite sides of the argument with conflicting so-called "facts", go show me all these reputable companies and media that show the Wii to be the failure while the PS3 a success. Tons of gaming magazines, gaming websites, Forbes, Time, Wired, NYTimes, you name it, all say how the PS3 is a failure and the Wii will dominate it. The 360 is the hi-def console that is going to win this round, not the PS3. C'mon, let's have a reputable source link war. I'd like to see how many non-Sony sources you have.
Due to the innovativeness, price, and being so much different, the Wii will slightly pull ahead of the 360 due to the hardcore gaming market deciding to buy both consoles while the 360 totally dominates the PS3. Nintendo will also at least double the profit of Microsoft due to making profit from their console from the get-go, having so many first-person titles, and also selling so many accessories such as wiimotes for the non-gamer multiplayer games. The wiimotes are sold out everywhere and are actually harder to find than the console itself, heh. - me
Your analysis is so far off base it is laughable. You need to truly get a grasp of the economics of electronic gaming. - James
Funny, I'm the only one, along with Ganymede over there, bringing any facts to the table while you spout your opinion. Look everywhere, the killer deal is the Wii60, people buying both a Wii and 360 for the price of a PS3. Even Sony fans want to pick up the Wii for the new innovative controller and will do so thanks to the price. Excluding Nintendo fans, if 1 million 360 fans buy both a 360 and Wii and 1 million PS3 fans buy both a PS3 and Wii, just the 360 and PS3 fans put the Wii ahead with 2 million sold while the other two only sold 1 million each. By Nintendo focusing on trying to be not the primary console to buy but the second one to pick up, it can easily put them ahead in sales without people realizing it.
I had another great laugh reading this. There's nothing old or existing about the PS3. Blu-Ray is a new 50GB CD Format. The graphics on PS3 are in HD-Quality (thats why there's a HDMI port). Does your PC have an Blu-Ray drive or an 8-Core processor?
The blu-ray format has little to do with gaming or helps it in any way. Blu-ray and HD-DVD are only imporant when it comes to read-only formats, not when you have to install from the disc onto a hard drive. Again, why do you think PC games still come on mulitple CDs rather than always one DVD? Because it doesn't need to as hard drives make discs obsolete. And no, my PC doesn't have a blu-ray drive, but I don't need one. I already can and already do watch hi-def formats on my PC. Blu-ray drives are only needed to read a disc, not play the format. I can install and even download blu-ray movies without the need for a drive.
As for the PS3 having HD-quality, the 360 has already had them jump on them for over a year. The PS3 boasts about being able to play 1080p resolution, but too bad hardly any of their games do so. List some games that do. And have you forgotten about the PS3 scaling problems where if you don't run a game at the highest quality it downscales it horribly? At least the 360 does it right which is just yet another reason why the 360 will be the HD console winner.
As for the 8 core processor, I already talked about that earlier. 8 cores is a number and doesn't refer to power. My PC is still more powerful than it. Even with an 8 core processor, it doesn't mean much when it has a crappy video card. The video card on the PS3 would have been awesome but Sony decided to use less RAM which wound up becoming a huge bottleneck. The 360 has the more powerful video card AND twice as much RAM. While the PS3 can do 1080p resolution, the graphics on the 360 are still better and are able to have loads more textures than the PS3.
Oh yeah, and technically ALL consoles are computers.
I'm not referring to technicallities, but rather flat out what they are. The PS3 has Linux for christ's sake, heh. The 360 and PS3 literally ARE computers, not just because they have chips, motherboards, and all that, but what they flat out are trying to be and admit to being. Why do you think they're no longer labelled as consoles but rather multimedia hubs? Last gen, the Xbox was closest to one, but these two latest consoles literally are PCs and they've even marketed as being so. When a console has to freakin' have 60GB hard drives instead of playing off a disc, you know what's up.
In the future, everything will be in HD, all TVs, Radios, etc...
Wrong, in the future, everything will be DIGITAL, not HD. While HD is digital, it doesn't mean digital is HD. The legistation that went through wanting to do all the upgrading from analog signals to digital has nothing to do with hi-def.
- N