Proof there is a God

Yeah, that's been happening a lot with recent bannings.

What seems to happen is if you start a topic, in religion, it always gets bogged down into nonsense, by an atheist lynch mob. In topics of religion, discussions are not allowed to go beyond first grade Sunday school level. This ties the hands of those familiar with the subject, making religion can seem irrelevant to the uninformed, while making the mob can look smarter than it is, on this subject. This systematic trolling, supported by the staff, gets frustrating, until some do onto others, as the mob have been doing onto them. Those who hate religion and know nothing about it by choice, never get banned for trolling religion.

I suggested upping the discussion of religion to at last high school level, but all I heard was crickets. What this would do is make the atheist looks much more like trolls than they do at first grade religion. The staff can then ban atheists, to alternate theory, if their idea is not mainstream religion.
What seems to happen is if you start a topic, in religion, it always gets bogged down into nonsense, by an atheist lynch mob.
No, it gets bogged down in nonsense because the theists can't present any rational case.
Witness the pure drivel coming from BOTH Brent and his sock/ friend - nothing coherent, no actual argument. Just assertions (most of which are completely and self-evidently wrong) and some ridiculous made up (and entirely meaningless) "equation" - one which the originator can't even explain.

The staff can then ban atheists, to alternate theory, if their idea is not mainstream religion.
Which particular religion do you propose to use as the "mainstream"?
What seems to happen is if you start a topic, in religion, it always gets bogged down into nonsense, by an atheist lynch mob. In topics of religion, discussions are not allowed to go beyond first grade Sunday school level. This ties the hands of those familiar with the subject, making religion can seem irrelevant to the uninformed, while making the mob can look smarter than it is, on this subject. This systematic trolling, supported by the staff, gets frustrating, until some do onto others, as the mob have been doing onto them. Those who hate religion and know nothing about it by choice, never get banned for trolling religion.

I suggested upping the discussion of religion to at last high school level, but all I heard was crickets. What this would do is make the atheist looks much more like trolls than they do at first grade religion. The staff can then ban atheists, to alternate theory, if their idea is not mainstream religion.
Holy hell, the atheists were trying to have an adult discussion, did you read what the theists in this thread wrote? Brent was attacked for being lazy and not presenting any valid arguments (god is real because... math? friends?). Seriously guy, pick your battles, you are way off on this one. It started with nonsense and ended with more nonsense.
What seems to happen is if you start a topic, in religion, it always gets bogged down into nonsense, by an atheist lynch mob. In topics of religion, discussions are not allowed to go beyond first grade Sunday school level. This ties the hands of those familiar with the subject, making religion can seem irrelevant to the uninformed, while making the mob can look smarter than it is, on this subject. This systematic trolling, supported by the staff, gets frustrating, until some do onto others, as the mob have been doing onto them. Those who hate religion and know nothing about it by choice, never get banned for trolling religion.

I suggested upping the discussion of religion to at last high school level, but all I heard was crickets. What this would do is make the atheist looks much more like trolls than they do at first grade religion. The staff can then ban atheists, to alternate theory, if their idea is not mainstream religion.
Care to explain what that little rant has to do with banned members not getting the "banned" banner under their Usernames?
The reason that he didn't have a "Banned" sticker under his user name is that, by a quirk of the forum software, banning somebody doesn't automatically put that person into the "Banned" user group - despite the fact that they are no longer able to post. I've manually adjusted his group to reflect the ban.

In the end if we Humans are wiped out ; any god is as well.

In the end if we Humans are wiped out ; any god is as well.
IF "god" actually exists - as an independent entity (i.e. as claimed) - then what makes you think his/ her/ its existence is dependent on humans?
IF "god" actually exists - as an independent entity (i.e. as claimed) - then what makes you think his/ her/ its existence is dependent on humans?


Inotherwords this god has just another power over another being.

If we are gone , eliminated ; then so is god. To Us. And to this god.
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Inotherwords this god has just another power over another being.
If we are gone , eliminated ; then so is god. To Us. And to this god.
Illogical crap.
Just because this entity no longer has power - due to the non-existence of "subordinates" - doesn't stop its existence.
Illogical crap.
Just because this entity no longer has power - due to the non-existence of "subordinates" - doesn't stop its existence.


But but it does end our existence. Human existence.

And this is exactly what godist don't think about.