On Homeopathy

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Originally posted by Hahnemannian
I agree, and I have been putting up with it from the beginning from them.
You started ON THE FIRST PAGE calling everyone quacks and liars.

It's funny how doctors, who seem to be in a big consirpacy according to you, also take their own medicine and prescriptions even though, according to you, they are liars who know that their stuff doesn't work.

I'd also be interested in knowning the oldest person living who mainly used homeopathy. There are hundreds of people over 100 who are almost fully functional thanks to modern medicine.
Here's BToxic with his big mouth sticking his foot in it again, for about the hundredth time here:

And the fact that homeopathy is more simply disproven by its failure to adhere to proven laws of physics and chemistry.

That's right, you small brain!

They should not have effects because they're subAvogadrean but do anyway, so they do NOT adhere to proven laws of physics and chemistry, they adhere to UNKNOWN laws of physics and chemistry, you small brain!

That is exactly what Tim and I are looking into, and you'd want to help if you really had any interest in science and alleviating unnecessary human suffering.

But you constantly prove exactly otherwise, don't you?

You like supporting admitted quackery in allopathy, don't you?

You like supporting a system that admits to virtually nothing but incurable diseases that's therefore therapeutically incompetent and thus quackery, don't you?

You like supporting the unnecessary and premature deaths that come from that quackery, don't you?

You justify this carnage, don't you?

And you think that you and your kind should not be exiled if there was any justice in this society, don't you?
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Originally posted by Persol
You started ON THE FIRST PAGE calling everyone quacks and liars.

Yeah, but you admit to being quacks and prove yourselves liars.

What you say about homeopathy has constantly been demonstrated to be total lies.

What you say about me are also lies, but I can defend myself.

The fact that you are permitted to make such outrageous statements about homeopathy and engage in sophistries at every turn while totally ignoring all of my explanations and failing to fulfill your responsibilities as scientists established in 1810 when Hahnemann published the ORGANON and thus told you how to test and verify his findings infuriates me.
I haven't made ANY deragatory statement about homeopathy except that I don't see any proof of it, and believe it doesn't work at all.

Please show how to verify these findings.
Originally posted by Hahnemannian
I have done so on my side, but you have not at all on yours.
You continue to say you want people dead.... doesn't exactly seem like you have 'done so on [your] side'.
Persol says:

It's funny how doctors, who seem to be in a big consirpacy according to you, also take their own medicine and prescriptions even though, according to you, they are liars who know that their stuff doesn't work.

I haven't once said they're smart, have I?
Persol says:

It's funny how doctors, who seem to be in a big consirpacy according to you, also take their own medicine and prescriptions even though, according to you, they are liars who know that their stuff doesn't work.

I haven't once said they're smart, have I?

The word is cartel or monopoly; they are just stupid, not conspiratorial.

The pharmaceutical companies, on the other hand, are.
Now hahnemannian, i find it interesting that you first say that not all diseases are the same, which is kind of right, but then merely then say you arent worthy of it and proceed to adduce a list of Hahnemans followers around the world. Great. So what?
Is there any kind of institute that would be willing to put its money where its mouth is and actually help with such trials? Or do we need to approach specific practitioners?

On the otehr hand, such statements as:
"They should not have effects because they're subAvogadrean but do anyway, so they do NOT adhere to proven laws of physics and chemistry, they adhere to UNKNOWN laws of physics and chemistry, you stupid, ignorant fool!"

are going a little too far. where, except in homoeopathy, are such effects also noted?

Anyways, i refer you to what Persol posted, which basically means, your likely to get kicked off soon.
Not sure if these posts have caught the mod's eye, but the report function is always there for that. I invite people to use it.
[So someone has headache they come to you? I doubt that they come to you EVERY time they feel sick.

Again you show TOTAL ignorance of homeopathy, and I mean ZERO.

Yes, they do, and I will tell you why.

When we set in motion curative processes, they proceed according to four Laws of Cure:

Symptoms disappear in the reverse order of occurance (Time);
Symptoms move from within outward (Space);
Symptoms move from more important to less important organs (Energy); and
Symptoms move from above downward (Matter).

I cannot know exactly what needs to be done and when something does NOT need to be done -- since knowing when to wait on prescribing is one of the manifestations of a master prescriber -- unless I know EVERYTHING that happens of a health and disease nature while they are under my treatment, which transpires for years in most cases since we walk them back through previous illnesses via correct prescribing.

All patients of Hahnemannian and HPH physicians know this.

The fact that you do not just AGAIN confirms that the ONLY form of so-called homeopathy you and your buddies here and everywhere else who're opposed to homeopathy know about is low-potency PSEUDO-homeopathy.

That is called allopathic homeopathy because it is NOT homeopathy.

They tell me EVERY time they feel sick, yes!

Now be quite since you have done nothing but demonstrate absolutely NO knowledge of homeopathy whatsoever, not one iota of it!

Be quiet!
Yes, they do, and I will tell you why.
So when do they fit in the time to visit all those allopathic doctors?

The fact that you do not just AGAIN confirms that the ONLY form of so-called homeopathy you and your buddies here and everywhere else who're opposed to homeopathy know about is low-potency PSEUDO-homeopathy.

You seem confused. we are against treatments without proof or reason.

How exactly were those 4 Laws of Cure created?
Gutherie asks:

[Is there any kind of institute that would be willing to put its money where its mouth is and actually help with such trials? Or do we need to approach specific practitioners?


The G.H.G. Jahr Institut [sic], but you'll have to ask individual prescribers in it.

Those are some of them.

I'll gladly post an article that explains what those guys are about and why they're important if you like.

Am going to do so below.

If you want to test homeopathy, you have to remove as much as possible any variable of skill by allowing only master prescribers represent homeopathy.

I know who they are, and I will eventually be one.

At the moment, I am just a Hahnemannian.

It is a matter of experience more than anything else once one realizes that there are HPHs and LPHs and then endevours to avoid making mistakes of HPHs and LPHs.

America is hardly the place for a homeopath to attain experience, for everything is stacked against us.

The German Hahnemannians, however, have established themselves firmly.

Contact only people I tell you to or whom those on my list tell you to and you'll get what you want.
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At this forum


you write about all this Aether stuff

It's part of the Brotherhoods' Cosmology, so there are and have been lots of people who've spoken and written on it.

I think Richard Kieninger was the most lucid and succinct authority, though.

But Kieninger was a crook who was actually ejected from the Stelle community of which he was part. Why do you ask us to take all that you say as absolute truth when you have chosen to believe stories from someone like him?

I don't understand why you keep criticizing other people for not reading your homeopathy sources as if that would make them scientists. It isn't really science to belive stories from books and it's especially not science to take at face value what a fraudster says.

I just don't get what you think science is about.

Originally posted by Hahnemannian
Greetings All!

I haven't kept up here and find I've been beligerent.
Apologies to all for that.........
...However, given my beligerant demeanor prior to this, it is ignored.

one more time.
*thread appears useful and would be a shame if closed
Originally posted by Francine
But Kieninger was a crook who was actually ejected from the Stelle community of which he was part. Why do you ask us to take all that you say as absolute truth when you have chosen to believe stories from someone like him?

I don't understand why you keep criticizing other people for not reading your homeopathy sources as if that would make them scientists. It isn't really science to belive stories from books and it's especially not science to take at face value what a fraudster says.

I just don't get what you think science is about.


Francine, how was Richard Kieninger a crook when he was just a victim of low-potency pseudo-homeopathy over about 20 years?

And are you going to tell me that you have read his literature?

I'm sure you haven't, so how can you have any opinion on what he had to say?


As for reading the ORGANON, I will explain it still once again.

The findings of a scientist are reported for other scientists to test and verify.

Hahnemann's findings were reported throughout his lifetime in everything he wrote, but the ORGANON OF MEDICINE was the full set of scientific instructions for testing homeopathy.

That is exactly what "organon" means.

What is the problem that we should ask so-called scientists to finally act like it and test homeopathy in the way directed to?

This is 213 years that they have failed to test homeopathy!

When is this going to finally end and they finally test homeopathy?



What stories are in this book:



What are you talking about?
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