On Homeopathy

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1) You will note that some of those studies had assistance from homeopath practicioners
2) Since you claim we are too stupid to perform the tests, why don't you suggest one. Hell, one of those tests was amost exactly like the 'how do you feel today' test I presented.

I am not going to look at piles of ridiculous sophistry

But you want us to look for answers in the ORGANON?

from stupid allopathic Minds...

And modern practicioners are stupid because they don't take your word?

I am god. If you don't believe me you must be one of those stupid homeopath minds.
Originally posted by Hahnemannian
Given what you said here, you, sir, definitely need to be executed!

Ah, more death threats from the self-proclaimed "physician". Your endless rantings and ravings do nothing but confirm for all to see the dangers of the 100% disgraced and discredited system of homeopathy.

Please get help.
Originally posted by Hahnemannian

You idiots have been so deluded that you tested low-potency pseudo-homeopathy, allopathic homeopathy, NOT homeopathy!

More absurd excuses for the abject failure of homeopathy of any sort to show efficacy against any symptom or disease. Yes, science has tested and proven complete fraud every form of homeopathy except... homeopathy.

Do you have any clue as to how ridiculous you appear?
Persol said:

There are other people who practice homeopathy besides you... and, if you convinced people, some would study to become homeopaths themselves... so your point of not needing patients is mute and selfish.
That's why I'm answering your questions, isn't it?

Why aren't you understanding them when I am repeating myself about basic issues is a question you should ask yourselves.

Some of you don't give a damn about understanding it because you have a preconception based upon TOTALLY FALSE UNDERSTANDINGS of homeopathy because you've been looking at allopathic homeopathy only.

Gee, goolly, guess I've said that before a few dozen time too, though, haven't I?

What didn't you understand about it this time?


That assumes I care, but you all have forced me to give up on all of you since something is clearly wrong with you brains to not be able to comprehend simple little statements.
Originally posted by BTox
More absurd excuses for the abject failure of homeopathy of any sort to show efficacy against any symptom or disease. Yes, science has tested and proven complete fraud every form of homeopathy except... homeopathy.

Do you have any clue as to how ridiculous you appear?

Aren't you dead yet?

Surely the little demons back in Hell are calling you to come home with empassioned voices, so why don't you listen to them?
Originally posted by BTox
Ah, more death threats from the self-proclaimed "physician". Your endless rantings and ravings do nothing but confirm for all to see the dangers of the 100% disgraced and discredited system of homeopathy.

Please get help.
You represent a death machine you are defending while attacking the means of cure installed in the very fabric of space by God!

So go meet your Maker and get religion, little brain.
BToxic says:
We do not need to do anything. Homeopathy, like all forms of health fraud, is kept from public acceptance by the same principle that guides all markets - it simply does not work. If it did, you would not be here ranting about it nor would we be here discrediting it, for it would be the health system of the world. Why this simple fact eludes you is unfathomable. The only plausible explanation for this mystery is your insanity. [/B]
Here's another untruthful statement from abject ignorance of medical history.

Harris Coulter more than established why homeopathy is in the position it is today, and your ignorance of his DIVIDED LEGACY, Vols. III & IV, is just as ridiculous of you to nonetheless hold any opinion whatsoever as is your total ignorance of Thomas McKeown's THE ROLE OF MEDICINE in denouncing vaccinations and exposing the allopathic lies about them.

Little brains get killed by allopathic physicians, because they believe all of their lies.

Let us hope and pray they kill you good and dead soon to shut you up and teach you a really good lesson you will hopefully never again be able to use by being unable to ever again incarnate, since evil people like you belong back in Hell forever this time.

Be sure to be embalmed, fouled up brain, for we want you to stay there forever this time by sustaining your organism's etheric pattern, mr. Fascist.

Mr. Fascist, please go meet Mr. Allopath, the killer, really soon and let them do a really good job on you.

They've perfected it and you really need it, really, really bad.

And remember that your buddies in Hell are really lonesome for you, so why not blow your brains out and expidite it?
BToxic says:
[Yes, it removes money from the wallets of suckers instantly. That is the ONLY way it "works".
I see you're finally figuring out allopathy's motive for mass murder: every hospital death produces $1 million today, and the allopathic industry in American generates fully $1 trillion annually, fully 10-13% of the GNC of Usa.

Pretty big industry, isn't it?

Guess you're secretly on their payroll, and that's why you're so vehemently opposed to an alternative therapy that really cures and for pennies, right?

Tell the truth, mr. Fascist, you're really just a paid adjitator, right?

You're part of the skum of the Earth, I know, but that's the part you precipitate from, right?
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Originally posted by BTox
Thick as a brick. We are trying to help you, we've been doing so for hundreds of posts. Science has advanced long past the antiquated and 100% disproven fraud of homeopathy. That is your answer: IT DOES NOT WORK.

Now do you have any other questions we can help you with?
I already know allopathy does not work, and so do you.

I do not care that it does not work except wanting to execute those mass murderers and see them all embalmed.

I want to know HOW homeopathic pharmacology works.

Your brain's not big enough to help, that's it, isn't it?

You had a lobotomy from one of your favorite allopaths as a child, right?

I knew it!

Such a simple answer, and so obvious.

Why didn't you just say you have a hole in your head the size of a cantelope?

I now understand why you cannot think.
Originally posted by WellCookedFetus

I have never heard of any physical theory on that you have a reference?
Yeah, PICK-YOUR-NOSE NEWS and VOMIT PRESS, your two favorite reads.

Now please go get drunk now and vomit on yourself so that you can pass out in familiar comfort like always.
Originally posted by Hahnemannian
Yeah, PICK-YOUR-NOSE NEWS and VOMIT PRESS, your two favorite reads.

Now please go get drunk now and vomit on yourself so that you can pass out in familiar comfort like always.
So you just made up the tacyhon stuff?
Originally posted by BTox
Ah, more death threats from the self-proclaimed "physician". Your endless rantings and ravings do nothing but confirm for all to see the dangers of the 100% disgraced and discredited system of homeopathy.

Please get help.
I didn't threaten you, you assinine idiot!

I said you need to be executed, to which needs to be added for the best good of all concerned, including you.

It's called social justice, dummy.

You are guilty of complicity in mass murder.

Hence, off with your head!

It's just a matter of time, and they will hopefully ask me to make it roll.

I wouldn't charge anything for the pleasure of sending you and your kind back to Hell, but I would insist that you undergo several years of agonal torture by men of war with such passions so that you fully experience what you've made others suffer by allopaths.

And I think I'd insist that louch speakers blare "quack-quack" at your 24 hours of the day.
Originally posted by BTox
Ah, more death threats from the self-proclaimed "physician". Your endless rantings and ravings do nothing but confirm for all to see the dangers of the 100% disgraced and discredited system of homeopathy.

Please get help.
I didn't threaten you, you assinine idiot!

I said you need to be executed, to which needs to be added for the best good of all concerned, including you.

It's called social justice, dummy.

You are guilty of complicity in mass murder.

Hence, off with your head!
Originally posted by BTox
Then please cure yourself of your delusions and hallucinations, you death-wishing, schizophrenic fool!

Only conventional medical treatment and a competent psychiatrist will get you on the path to wellness. Seek help now, for the love of God!
Now there's a good idea: go have an allopathic psychiatrist destroy your brain before their duddies destroy your body.

Good idea, Mr. Fascist.

You're already engaged in that, you say, and for a few decades too?

Oh, now I understand why you're so ignorant.

Oh, well, no loss.
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